"Oh Naruto-kun are you up yet?" asked Layla. She had woken up extra early to make her family something extra special for breakfast, but did not want to wake them up in a way that got them all agitated.

When she entered the room she saw a blanket pulled over Naruto, but was oddly disfigured to her. She just shrugged her shoulders, and went over to Naruto's bed, and grabbed the blanket. Once she did this she pulled the blanket off of Naruto, and was about shout good morning, until something unspeakable in her opinion became known.

Naruto was in bed alright, and like always he was in his underwear, but that was not what shocked his mother. Oh no the thing that shocked his mother was a half-naked Virgo cuddled up into his side, in nothing but hand cuffs, in some black see through panties and brawl. Layla did the only thing a mother in her situation could do at seeing something so shocking so fast. She screamed loud enough to fracture glass.

"WHAT IS GOING ON? ARE WE UNDER ATTACK?" shouted Naruto as he tried to jump out of bed. A surprisingly strong grip was able to hold him down, although he did not give it his full force. Looking down he saw something that made both of his nostrils start to bleed heavily. There sitting beside him in bed was Virgo in nothing but some hand cuffs, in a matching set of black see through panties, and brawl. Naruto then looked over to where the sound came from, and paled. Standing there like the ghost of Christmas future was his mother with a demonic look in her eye.

"Mom it is not what it looks like." Began Naruto, but it was too late. His mother was already beating him up for 'sleeping' with a woman at his age. That was when Virgo woke up.

"Master are you ok?" asked Virgo.

"Virgo why were you in my bed?" asked Naruto, as he tried to escape the choke hold his mother had placed him in.

"Well you did not tell me where you wanted me to sleep, so I decided to be close to you master in case you needed anything." Spoke Virgo. Layla finally stopped choking her son after hearing the explanation.

"Oh well if that was all that happened then it is ok." Spoke Layla like she had not just tried to kill her own son.

"What do you mean 'ok'? You nearly killed me." Shouted Naruto, but Layla just acted like she did not hear anything.

"Man that woman will be the death of me some day." Spoke Naruto, as he looked over at Virgo, and blushed heavily. "Would you please put some close on." Asked Naruto, as he tried to look away from Virgo's near perfect body.

"Of course master." Spoke Virgo, as a quick light appeared and enveloped her. After that her maid outfit was back, and Naruto began to wonder if it was any better, but just shook his head, and went to get something to eat.

"Alright let's get the day started." Spoke Naruto as he got dressed. After getting dressed he and Virgo went into the kitchen and started to eat the breakfast Layla cooked for them.

"So what do you think you will be going today?" asked Layla, as she eyed Virgo who did not seem bothered at all.

"I don't know, probably going to try and find a mission that looks interesting, or go treasure hunting." Spoke Naruto, as he shoveled his mom's delicious eggs into his mouth. Virgo picked up a napkin and started to wipe his face for him.

"Thanks Virgo." Spoke Naruto, as he continued to eat.

"You are welcome master." Spoke Virgo as she continued to eat.

"Your so luck Naruto-nii, I wish I had a spirit that was as great as Virgo-chan." Spoke Lucy with a cute pout.

"Hahaha maybe I will find another spirit on my travels, and let you sign the contract." Spoke Naruto, as he ruffled Lucy's hair.

"Hahaha thank you Naruto-nii." Spoke Lucy as she continued to eat.

Once everyone was done eating they put their dishes into the washing machine, and when on with their day. Naruto and Virgo went towards the guild to take another request, while Layla and Lucy went to training Lucy on how to become a better celestial mage.

As Naruto walked through the streets he got an unusual assortment of starts. From the guys it was a look of jealousy, pride, but mainly jealousy. From the girls he got looks of curiosity, anger, confusion, and a few others. He wondered why he was getting these looks, until he remembered Virgo was walking with him.

'Ahh man this sucks. Now everyone is going to think I am some kind of player.' thought Naruto. After walking for a few minutes, Naruto came to the entrance of the Fairytail guild. Naruto pushed open the door, and was surprised when Natsu just appeared out of nowhere with his fist on fire.

"Haha I got you now. 'Fist of the Fire Dragon Slayer'." Shouted Natsu, but before he could make contact with Naruto, a fist smashed into his gut, and blasted him across the guild, right into Grey who was looking for his clothes.

"Hey who hit me?" shouted Natsu as he stood up. That's when he saw Virgo staring at him with an intense glare, which Natsu seemed to shrink away from. She looked like she was going to press her attack, but then a hand rested on her shoulder, and she realized it was her master Naruto.

"Do not get too worked up about it. This is how Fairytail is, and Natsu is just a little more rambunctious than most others." Spoke Naruto, as he began to walk towards Cana.

"But master he could have hurt you." Spoke Virgo in a 'I should kill him' voice.

"He could have I guess, but I am strong enough to take care of myself, so you can relax hear Virgo-chan." Spoke Naruto. Virgo nodded her head, with a small tint of pink on her cheeks thanks to the 'chan' suffix.

"Hey Naruto my boy, how have you been? I can see you are enjoying your new celestial spirit." Spoke Markarv.

"Yes she is wonderful, and I have been doing well. I think I will be taking a request to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into." Spoke Naruto, as he continued his walk to the request board. On his way there Mirajane popped up, and began to talk to him.

"Hey Naruto what gives? You took Cana, someone you barely knew, on a mission, but you haven't taken me, your best friend, on even one." demanded Mirajane. She was pouting which was kind of cute, but also looked slightly hurt as well. Naruto did not want to tell her he preferred doing missions alone or now with his celestial partner Virgo.

"Woah calm down Mirajane. I did not invite Cana on my last mission; she kind of invited herself, so it was not intentional that I did not bring you with me." Spoke Naruto, as he backed into a wall as Mirajane glared daggers at him.

"Is that true?" spoke Mirajane in a deadly voice.

"Yes it is, I promise." Spoke Naruto, trying not to die, or have Mirajane and Virgo fighting as it looked like she was about to attack Mirajane.

"Well that's great, because now you are going to be taking me on a mission with you." Spoke Mirajane, with a satisfied smirk on her face.

"WHAT?" shouted Naruto, only to be silenced by a death glare from Mirajane.

"Is that a problem?" asked Mirajane, but it sounded more like a threat.

"No it is fine." Spoke Naruto, as he waved his hands back and forth in a placating manner.

"Good now let us find a job suiting to mages as powerful as we are." Spoke Mirajane.

"Hmm ah ha this one looks promising. Help! There is a swarm of GIANT COCKROACHES attacking Acalypha Town. People are screaming in fear, and many have run away from the city. The knights can't deal with the situation any longer… Please, somebody help us! Some of the cockroaches are poisonous. A swarm of poisonous cockroach destroyed a whole squadron of knights. This job can't be taken for only one person. Requester: Jean Pierre (entomologist). Reward: 600,000 Jewels. Sounds like easy money." Spoke Mirajane as she went to rip the paper off of the wall.

"Wait a minute. How are we going to exterminate a massive swarm of poisonous cockroaches, in a no doubt populated area, without leveling the town?" asked Naruto.

"Well I guess we can do something else." Spoke Mirajane, as she continued to look around.

"Ok I am sure this one will be good. Lupinus citizens are in great danger. A giant worm with diamond scales started to attack the area near the town, the attacks happen mainly in the forest nearby. The worm comes out of the ground and swallows everything in its way. The diamond scales make him almost invulnerable. The numbers of victims are increasing, as hunters after the diamond try unsuccessfully catch the creature. Please, defeat this creature and save the city! Requester: Krista Marija (entomologist). Reward: 750,000 Jewels." Read out Mirajane.

"Sounds like a mission. We should…." That was all Naruto got out, before someone came running in screaming at the top of his lungs, for reasons Naruto could not understand.

"Ezra is back" shouted the man. Instantly everyone began to panic. It looked like they were trying to hide anything fun they were doing, before this Ezra person came in. The real shocker was the way Mirajane's anger started to flare up. After a while a girl the same age as Mirajane (one year older than Naruto) came in. she had long red hair, fair skin, an eye patch, and wearing a suit of armor. Instantly she began to yell at everyone. Eventually she made it to Naruto, and thought it would be a good idea to yell at him to.

"And you. I do not know who you are, but since you have the Fairytail guild seal I can only assume you are a new member. What do you think you are doing walking around town with your friend there dressed in such an outfit?" shouted Ezra.

"And just who are you to question what I do, or what a divine celestial spirit wears?" asked Naruto. Instantly the entire room went quiet. Most people looked scared, while Mirajane just smiled. Ezra looked ready to snap at him, but even she could not fault the celestial spirit part.

"You now represent Fairytail, and as such you cannot just go around doing things to embarrass the guild." Shouted Ezra, thinking she won.

"I thought Fairytail was about free expression of self, and magic, and yet you are claiming it is the opposite. Tell me why is it you are the only one not happy about what I am doing, and yet the actual guild master does not seem to mind what I have done at all, or do you believe you are above the guild master?" asked Naruto with a smile. He was trained to be a slimy business man, so reversing the words of an eleven year old was child's play to him.

"What? No I don't think I am above the guild master, I just am trying to do what is best for Fairytail." Spoke Ezra, although she seemed not a confident as earlier. Naruto knew he could embarrass her with ease if he wanted, but he wanted to make friend, so he decided to give her a break.

"It is ok, because you were just doing what you thought was best for the guild, but you have to remember that the free spirit Fairytail has is what makes it great. If you start being strict with everyone then the will not be as happy, and the guild will not such a warm and happy place." Spoke Naruto, as he ruffled Ezra's hair. She blushed slightly, but nothing overly.

"Well I guess I could be more lenient, but not overly like the guild master." Spoke Ezra, as she folded her arms, and pouted cutely.

"Haha I am sure everyone will appreciate that. Well I will see you later." Spoke Naruto, as he, Virgo, and Ezra began to walk towards the entrance of the guild.

"Hey wait where are you going?" asked Ezra. She wanted to get to know this mysterious blond.

"We have a mission to get rid of some giant worms." Spoke Naruto, as he was about to continue walking when he heard Ezra walk up behind him.

"Well do you mind if I come to, and get to know my guild mate a little better?" asked Ezra. Mirajane was about to snap on her, until Naruto said it was ok. Then she looked like she was ready to kill someone.

"Hey Lisanna why does Mirajane look ready to kill?" asked Natsu, as he whispered to Lisanna, who just laughed.

"I think it is because she just found a rival." Spoke Lisanna.

"Rival?" asked Grey.

"You will see with time, for now let's go play with Happy, Natsu." Spoke Lisanna, as she pulled him out towards the guild forest.

(With Naruto)

Naruto was wondering what he did to deserve this situation. He and Virgo were having a good time talking and what not as they walked down the road, but they could feel the killing intent coming from Ezra and Mirajane. They were glaring at each other, and it looked like lightning was coming out of their eyes and clashing with the others. It made for an uncomfortable trip.

After walking for a few days they came across a forest with giant holes in it. The trees were knocked over, crushed, and almost completely destroyed.

"I am guessing the worms did this." Spoke Virgo. Naruto nodded his head, but had a brilliant idea. The sword he got, the Kubikiribōchō, was a magic sword that was said to be able to cut through anything. It was really heavy by normal standards, but Naruto was not the big on using swords, and neither was Mirajane. He did not know Ezra well enough to give her something like that, but Virgo was a different story. She was amazingly strong, and fast. She also seemed experienced with using weapons.

"Hey Virgo-chan I want to give something to you." Spoke Naruto, as he reached for the Kubikiribōchō that was on his back.

"What is it master?" asked Virgo. She was not use to receiving gifts from her users.

"I want you to have my Kubikiribōchō. It can cut through anything, and with your strength and speed I know you will be able to use it masterfully." Spoke Naruto, as he smiled at Virgo. Virgo smiled, and took the sword, and strapped it to her back. It was kind of funny seeing it on her, but it also made her look more fearsome.

'Why did she get a gift, but not me?' wondered a mad Mirajane. She was watching the whole thing, and could not help but feel jealous.

'He seems very nice, if giving one of his Celestial Spirits a weapon of such caliber is anything to go on.' thought Ezra, as she profiled Naruto.

After walking for a few minutes they came upon the town of lupinus. It was a fairly large town that was surrounded by forests. Naruto shrugged his shoulders, and walked towards the mayor's office. After asking around for a few minutes, they were able to find it. It was actually part clock tower, slash mayor office. After walking in they made their way to the mayor's office, and let themselves in. the mayor was startled at first, but once they told him why they were there, he instantly started to smile.

"Alright guys all we have to do is lure out the worm, cut its head off, take the diamond scales, and get our reward money." Spoke Naruto, as he began to walk towards the forest.

"That is a great idea, and all, but how are we going to get the word to surface?" asked Ezra.

"We can get Virgo her to locate the worm underground, and I will send a current of electricity down towards it. That should spook the worm into defending its self. When it comes up to defend its self, we will take it out." Spoke Naruto. Ezra, Mira, and Virgo nodded their heads at his good idea.

"Alright Virgo-chan could you please use your dig ability, and find the worm for us? When you find it come up and tell me exactly where it is." Spoke Naruto.

"Yes my master." Spoke Virgo, as she quickly dug into the ground. They had to wait for a good hour, before she made her way back.

"So did you find it?" asked Naruto.

"Yes master, but it was difficult. The diamond scales made it almost impossible for me to locate it underground, because my sonar like ability to find things underground just kept telling me it was a giant rock. It is located about a quarter mile north west of here, about one hundred, and fifty feet underneath the surface." Spoke Virgo.

"Alright go Virgo. You did a really good job." Spoke Naruto, as he and his group began to walk towards were the giant diamond worm was sleeping. Once they got there, Naruto started to charge his fist up with neon green lightning.

"What is with the neon green lightning?" asked Ezra, as she was shocked by the recently discovered lightning.

"While most lightning that hits the ground loses power, this green lightning will not lose its power as it travels though the earth, and wakes the worm up." Spoke Naruto, as he cocked his fist back.

"Piercing Fang of the Thunder God Slayer." shouted Naruto, as he punched the ground. There was green static going from the ground, but they could tell Naruto was able to channel his lightning masterfully so that it did not lose power. Nothing happened at first, but then the ground began to shake. After a few minutes, the ground began to crack around them, so they rushed out of the worm's path. That was when they saw it. It had to be the size of a baby dragon, and twice as thick. Its body was shining in the sun light, and its teeth were in a circular formation around its mouth. It had twelve rows of teeth, which were each like daggers. Over all for a worm it was quit intimidating.

"Well this is going to be harder than I thought." Said Naruto, as Virgo, Ezra, and Mira nodded their heads.

"Ezra use your 'Heavens Wheel Armor', and attack it from above. Mira you do the same with your 'Satan Soul'. Virgo use the Kubikiribōchō to try and cut though its diamond hard body. I will use my 'Thunder God Slayer Armor' to try and kill it as well." spoke Naruto. Everyone nodded their heads, and did as he said.

Mira was flying in the air, and then charged the worm delivering an earth shattering punch to the top of its head. It did not break the skin, but it did for the worm's body to be forced towards the ground. That was when Virgo got underneath the worm, and used her unnatural strength to smash the Kubikiribōchō into the under part of the worms neck. It was annoying, but it was only able to scratch the worm's diamond body. The force of the blow caused the worms head to once again be blasted into the opposite direction.

Naruto saw that they were not doing the right kind of damage, and jumped into the air. Once he was in the air, he began to spin his body, while encasing himself in lighting forming a lightning drill like attack.

"Drill of the Thunder God Slayer." Shouted Naruto, as Ezra sent a magical slash at the beast's body. Mira wanted to help Naruto out, so she sent her 'Evil Spark' attack, which was a green and black electrical attack that combined with Naruto's attack, creating a powerful combination attack. With their combined power Naruto was easily able to drill through the worm's heart effectively killing it.

"Alright we got it." shouted Naruto, as he formed his fingers into a peace sign.

"Hahaha don't go to over excited." Spoke Ezra.

"Hahaha oh come on you know you had fun." Smiled Naruto.

"Whatever." Joked Ezra.

"Alright you two let's take the diamond scales, the head, and head back to town." Spoke Mira.

For the next three hours they removed the scales from the creatures body and used re-equip magic to store it all away. Naruto was going to carry the head, but Virgo just grabbed it, and dragged it with her like it was a paper weight.

They walked for a few hours joking about having difficulties killing a worm. It was funny, but Naruto had to stop Ezra and Mira from trying to kill one another on several occasions. When they entered the village they were greeted by a large crowd of people who were shouting praises to them. At the front of the people was the mayor who looked thrilled to see them. It did not take long for them to collect their money and start the long track back to Fairtytail.

For the next two days they really got to know each other, and Naruto could see that Ezra and Mira's extreme rivalry was starting to turn into a beautiful friendship. It took a while but they were finally able to make it back home. Naruto, divided the scales, and the money four ways, but Virgo said she did not need to be compensated, though Naruto still made her take it, since he helped, so she should get something as well. After they got all of that done Naruto walked back home with Virgo at his side.

"Mom I am home!" shouted Naruto, as he entered his punt house suit that he shared with his mother and sister.

"Hey honey how was your mission?" asked Layla, as she watched Lucy grapple onto his leg.

"It was great. Me Mira, Ezra, and Virgo hear had a lot of fun, and look what else I got." Spoke Naruto, as he used re-equip magic to bring all of the diamond scales that were his into the living room. There was a giant pile of them, and would easily make him an extremely rich man.

"Oh my god Naruto there is so much." Shouted a shocked Layla.

"Yea could you do me a favor? I am planning on taking a training trip for a few years to learn more, and to get stronger. I want you to take half of this and put it in your bank account just incase something here happens. Then I want you to put the other half in my bank account. It will use the money for my training trip." Spoke Naruto, as he sat down. His mother was sad that he would be leaving for a while, but knew it was for the best.

"How long do you thing you will be gone?" asked his mother.

"Four to six years depending on what happens." Spoke Naruto, as he headed for his room.

"I will miss you." Spoke Layla. Naruto smiled at her, and then replied.

"So will I Layla-chan."