-Showdown (Tokrin POV)-

[Author's Note: This took me so long because, now that I fence and spar with longswords I have a good idea of what fights should look like realistically and was hoping to be able to convey what I am seeing to you. Unfortunately, I don't think my writing skills are quite there yet, as I would need a choreographed video (most likely) to actually go through the motions. Either way, I think it turned out well (feel free to leave a comment if something is unclear). Oh, I also encourage you to research some of the stances that I will mention throughout the story; they are quite interesting.]

Whatever strain I had felt before was gone. I had tunnel vision and Grievous was all I could see. I sprinted forward, jumped to the rock, and leaped across the water to the other shore with a somersault, crashing down on the ground with a saber in each hand. Grievous had moved from my master's body and towards me, a handful of meters away.

"I hoped you payed close attention in your combat lessons little Jedi. Your master obviously didn't," he taunted.

"I'll let you decide that."

I charged at him, ignoring the recklessness of my actions and danger of his blades. He stepped back and settled each saber for a line straight at me. I was within range in a few short paces. Spinning around and switching my left hand to a shien stance, I connected with Grievous' right two sabers, also holding his top left arm with my right saber. His free arm reared back. I broke the locks I held with him and somersaulted forwards, over his head - even going to far as to grab his head as a pivot. My feet touched the ground and I continued my momentum, running forwards a few meters to give myself some space. Grievous was already stalking towards me. My hands began to work seemingly without my mind telling them what to do; everything was instinctual. It was as if my body knew exactly what to do before even I did. My lightsaber came back together as one just before he made contact with me. I noticed his eyes widen a bit with surprise. I unleashed a maelstrom of attacks. A slash down. Blocked. A slash up. Blocked. A spin and strike right. Blocked. A slash left. A stagger. I had just barely gotten past his guard. It was his turn to push forward.

Slashes, thrusts, and parries followed while constantly moving away from my own blades to shift his momentum off balance - this caused him to strike where I used to be, throwing his weight into thin air. After an attack from the left that I preemptively blocked, successfully pushing his lightsabers back, I attacked on the right and ducked down to catch his left shin. The tip of the blade cut through the plate of armor covering his metallic shin and sliced half of it off of his body. I kept my spin going and turned until my back was to him, thrusting backwards with the other blade. I glanced over my shoulder to see it narrowly miss his stomach- he stemmed the oncoming sword with several sabers crossing and a dodge back. I stood and moved into a defensive stance with my saber horizontal in front of me. I began to spin it around to the left and right of my body. After a few rotations, I jump a meter or so into the air and came down hard on his upper right arm. While my legs were exposed to his attacks, I managed to cut off his arm above the elbow. Grievous recoiled and assaulted me with a flurry of quick cuts and slashes that forced me to immediately give a lot of ground. Finally, I got my footing and stopped his onslaught, only to enter a powerful saber lock with him. My double-bladed saber was held diagonally from my left shoulder to my right hip. Grievous pressed harder with each passing moment. I felt the strength in my left arm give and saw my own blade coming straight for my neck. I leaned far back and quickly deactivated my left blade. It receded into the hilt quickly, but just in the nick of time. The very tip of Grievous' green saber came within a hair's breadth from my neck, instead slicing off my Padawan's braid. His arm moved passed my body, leaving his entire flank open. With a quick uppercut from the right, I took off his other right arm, and with a rapid stab, sunk my blade through his hips. Upon retreating from my attacks, Grievous fell to the ground, helpless.

No emotion passed through my brain. I only thought in black and white, and Grievous needed to die. Horribly. I sheathed my lightsaber, closed my eyes, and reached out with the force, gripping his sides in my mind. I lifted him up and began to pull every screw and socket out of place. I started with his feet. I opened my eyes to see his feet virtually disintegrating. He looked to me in panic and tried to throw me off from my task.

"I can be rebuilt Jedi. You cannot stop me!"

His other foot began to unmake itself, the pieces and parts hanging motionless in the air.

"This was one factory of thousands across the galaxy, all containing the FWG devices."

What was left of his shins deconstructed.

"Jedi can't torment their enemies; you're breaking your precious Code."

Now his thighs were beginning to go.

"Your master was never pro-"

"Enough!" I shouted, cutting him off and moving a large piece of durasteel in front of his eye. I moved it forward at a steady pace, fully prepared to impale one eye, then move to the other.

"Tokrin!" said a voice sharply.

I turned my head to see Ahsoka and Anakin running over to us.

"Good luck," I told Grievous simply, throwing him high into the air. He fell for a few seconds before crashing into the deeper part of the lake.