Baby Its Fact - A Gravity Falls Fanfiction...

A/N - Well here we chapter eight the final chapter of this story. Thank you all for the reviews from last chapter and thanks to all for you who have read this story from the start you guys are AMAZING!:) This will be my first complete Gravity Falls fanfiction how awesome is that!? Also I would like to thank Alex Hirsch for creating this wounderful amazing show without him this story would not be on here or none of our stories would be on here. So thank you Alex for the AMAZING show looking forward to the new epsiode!:) On with the final chapter!:)

Chapter 8

Gideon moved around slowly with the flashlight in his hands and pointing it right at Stan. This was it, this was his moment to shine and nothing was going to stop him now. With Dipper, Mabel, and the orange haired girl he didn't know trapped, no one was in his way. With a big smile on his face Gideon pointed the flashlight at Stan turned on the light and started to back him up agaisnt the corner of the room. Stan watched with fear as Gideon began to back him up against the wall. Things were not at all looking good and right at the moment he wished that hi niece and nephew were there with him to stop this little maniac. Then at that moment Stan began to realize that they were no where to be seen and woundered where they have been all day.

"Give it up Stanford there's nothing you can do now!" Gideon yelled as he turned the flashlight to red.

"What is that thing?" Stan asked as Gideon smiled.

"Your w-worse n-i-ght mar-e-e." Gideon stated between laugh's, something wasn't right.

At the very moment Gideon fell to the ground and began to laugh as hard as he could and started to roll around. Stan on the other hand was looking at Gideon like he had finally lost it and began to wounder of the small chubby twelve year old kid was okay. Then again nothing in this town was alright at all and Stan knew it. Bending down Stan had pushed Gideon away with his foot and followed him right to the door.


Meanwhile underneath the fabric of Gideon's shirt Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy were all tickling Gideon like no tomorrow. Dipper didn't seem to mind at all what he was doing, he's done weirder things. Mabel was grossed out by the fact that she was at the moment touching Gideon's armpit, which wanted to make her gag. But Wendy she was tickling alongside Dipper and started to giggle every time Dipper tried to tickle her. However as soon as the felt the movement of Gideon being pushed, they all began to climb up his sleeve and jump out. It was a good thing the flashlight wasn't that far from them.

As soon as Gideon was shoved out of the door, Dipper instantly hopped on top of the flashlight and Mabel turned the crystal. Wendy and Mabel were both changed back to their normal size and instantly Dipper followed as soon as Wendy grew him back. Dipper and Mabel stood back to back and Mabel smiled whenever she noticed that Dipper was a little shorter.

"You let me keep my millimeter!?" Mabel exclaimed with a smile.

"Yep you earned it." Dipper said as Mabel pulled her brother into a hug.

"Come here you two!" Wendy exclaimed as she pulled both twins into a hug.

"Well that was an interesting day." Mabel said with a small laugh.

"Sure was I'm just glad to be back to my normal height." Wendy said with a smile.

"Same here now we'll never have to be bothered with this ever again!" Dipper exclaimed as he handed Mabel the crystal.

"DIE!" Mabel yelled as she through the crystal down on the ground and slammed her foot on it.

"Glad that's over, you wanna get a smoothie or something?" Wendy asked as Dipper nodded.

"You guys go head, I think I'm gonna hang out here." Mabel said with a sneaky smile, Dipper knew that smile all too well.

"Alright see ya later dork." Wendy said as she started towards the door.

"Thanks Mabel." Dipper said.

"No problem, just promise me one thing." Mabel said as she playfully pushed her brother.

"What?" Dipper asked with curiosity.

"Tell how you feel before you return home." Mabel said as Dipper nodded.

"Hey dork number one, you coming?" Wendy asked as she poked her head back in.

"Sure thing, see ya Mabel." Dipper stated. And with that he and Wendy were out the door...

The End

A/N - Well here ends the tale of The Pines Kids. Who knows there might be a sequel only if I feel like doing on, that's why I left it open. Anyway thanks for reading and please do not forget to review. More Gravity Falls stories from me will be coming soon so keep an eye out for them, and I'll still be working on "The End of the Summer" so I'll see you on the other side. Thanks for being loyal readers and please review!:) - DisneyChannelLover