Sebastia burst into John's flat, gun at the ready, met with the one sight she had hoped to avoid. John was blindfolded, taped to a chair, with a gun pointed at his head. Alexander, the man she had been hunting down, was sneering at her.

"Hello, Moran. Got a step ahead of you, did I?"

"Let him go." There was no room for debate in her voice. Alexander simply laughed, standing behind John, who sat stoically, never flinching.

"Stop chasing me and I'll let your little boy toy go."

"Alexander, I've got a job to do. Don't bring civilians into this. You're better than this."

The man chuckled, pressing the gun more firmly against John's neck, trigger finger twitching anxiously. He could see the hesitation flashing in her eyes. He had found her weakness. Now he just needed to use it against her. If he killed the civilian now, she would shoot him before he had time to inhale again. But if he could get her distracted long enough… He didn't have long to make his choice. He pushed the back of the chair firmly with his foot, sending it toppling on top of her. She cried out, but gathered enough composure to get a shot into his calf as he fled out the door. She rolled John and the chair he was attached to off of her, taking a deep breath before setting to work on his bonds.

Once he was free he set to word tending to her crushed ankle. He worked in silence, and she watched his hands as he worked. He wrapped it snugly and carried her to the couch. She smiled at him softly, gun still in hand, not taking any chances. She had to face the facts. He was her weakness, and she would have to protect him, or else they'd both be in trouble.