A/N I have to say that this story is almost to an end. Not quite yet, but shortly. I would like to thank all of you guys for being so supportive and so flippin' awesome! I swear you guys are the best out there! Anyways, thanks again!

Mabel's POV

I woke up to the sound of nails scratching against the door. Slowly opening my eyes, I found Dipper at the door, trying to open it, but failing miserably. Wait...what? How did he get out of the chair?

I glanced down at the tattered ropes laying on the floor. Maybe my knots weren't that sturdy after all. "Robbie...Robbie..." Dipper continued to scratch at the door. The only thing that was in his mind right now, was Robbie.

"Dipper! Stop! You're not going anywhere near him!" I cried trying to pull him back. It was no use. "Let go!" Dipper then slapped me in the face, causing me to fall backwards. With that, Dipper continued to scratch at the door mindlessly.

I didn't take it personally. It was the mind control talking, not Dipper. I glanced at the robes, and then the chair again. "I'm gonna need more rope." I then rummaged through my closet in search for a more sturdier rope to tie Dipper with.

All I need to do is have Dipper tied to a chair again so I can go get help. I don't want him going anywhere or anywhere near Robbie. I pulled out a few belts of mine and a semi thick rope. I think this is good. With Dipper still scratching at the door like some wild animal, I pulled him away and back on the chair again.

"NO! LET GO OF ME, OR I'LL!..." I tightened the belts and rope holding him captive again. Doing this reminded me of when Dipper and I used to play Cop and Robber when we were little. I made up my own version up that you have to capture the Robber and tie him up the best you can.

The game always ended 'cause I always tied too tight, leaving Dipper with rope marks all over him. Dipper started to thrash around trying to escape. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I HAVE TO SEE ROBBIE!" Dipper screamed as he continued to thrash around.

A tiny light bulb went off above my head giving me an idea. When I left Dipper to go get help, he was actually sillent thanks to my little friend, Masking tape. Though I could tell that he was not happy by his expression.

It actually seemed like he wanted to kill me or something. At least he's all tied up. As I bolted down the stairs, I prepared myself for an explanation. "WENDY! GRUNKLE STAN! I NEED YOUR HELP!" I panicked as I barged into the Gift shop.

All of the Customers in the Gift shop screamed and yelled in fear as they all exited the shop. "What the heck Kid?! What could be so improtant enough to scare all of my money...er...Customers away?!" Grunkle Stan exploded as Wendy walked beside him.

"DIPPER IS IN TROUBLE BECAUSE ROBBIE BRAINWASHED HIM AND NOW HE JUST WANTS TO LISTEN TO ROBBIE AND HE WAS SCRATCHING AT THE DOOR JUST TO SEE HIM I FEEL LIKE ITS ALL MY FAULT THAT IT HAPPENED AND I NEED YOU GUYS TO HELP ME BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" I blurted out causing Grunkle Stan and Wendy to look at me with puzzled expressions. "Brainwashing?" "Robbie?" They both stared at me for a better explanation.

"Robbie brainwashed Dipper some how!" I repeated but more clearer this time. I explained further on all what happened and everything I knew. I even told them that Dipper was upstairs right now all tied up to keep him away from Robbie. With that, Wendy and Grunkle Stan bounded up the stairs.

When they saw the look in Dipper's eyes, they knew that this was trouble. "Oh Man, you're parents are gonna sue me." Stan shook his head as Dipper muffled Robbie's name underneath the masking tape. "Do you know what we should do? I tried everything!" I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"What did you try?" Grunkle Stan asked not leaving his eyes off Dipper. "Uh..." I couldn't say anything about book 3! Dipper would be mad at me if I told them anything about it. I shrugged at a lost of words. Grunkle Stan nodded and lifted a golf club above his head. "Grunkle Stan, what are you doing?" I wondered.

I never gave him permission to use it. "I'm gonna hit him right side the head, maybe straigten things up." He answered like it wasn't a bad thing. "Are you crazy?! Don't!" I shouted pushing him away from Dipper.

"Fine, any better ideas then?" Stan rolled his eyes and set the golf club down. All three of us sat in sillence for a moment, trying to think of an idea. Though, none of us could think of a solution. The sound of the phone ringing, made us all perk up.

"Not it!" Wendy and I both yelled in union. Grunkle Stan got up, answered the phone and began talking. By what he was saying, I knew it was our parents. I had to keep my mouth shut and stop myself from running up and greeting them both over the phone.

"Yeah, your son and daughter are fine. Yup nothing is wrong. What? You want to speak to them? Oh...uh funny story, you see, they're both busy and can't come to the phone right now. Uh huh. Uh huh. What?! No they're not locked in the closet! What type of question is that? ok, ok, yeah. Ok. Bye now." Grunkle Stan then hung up the phone.

Wendy, Grunkle Stan and I glanced back over to Dipper who actually settled down. "Maybe we just might have to confront Robbie again." I sighed regreating even sugesting it. Grunkle Stan seemed delighted with the idea.

"Why not? Now I have a real reason to punch a teenager in the face!" And with that, Grunkle Stan and Wendy left the Attic leaving me and Dipper alone. Nothing, nothing will stop me from getting my brother back.

A/N That was Chapter 10 everyone! Mabel seemed different, didn't she? More serious than usual. Well why would she be silly when her twin brother is brain washed?! Don't forget to send me feedback! (It keeps me motivated for more chapters!)
