(This story takes place before Robbie and Wendy broke up.)

Dipper's POV

Here I am on the steps to the Mystery Shack writing yet another love letter to Wendy. I don't know why i'm doing this and then stuffing them all in my backpack but I am. It's a way I can express my feelings towards Wendy without telling her.

I stuff the letter in my backpack. Well that is what I meant to do. All of a sudden a big gush of wind blew the love letter away. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap! I mutter to myself in my head as I chased the letter as it blew in the wind.

I didn't want it to fall in the wrong hands! In the middle of the forest the letter just disapeared. What the? "Looking for this?" A way too framilliar voice called to me. I look up and realize...oh no! Robbie!

I just wanted to whipe his smirk right off his face! He had the love letter in HIS hands! Please don't read it! Please don't read it! "Hey that's mine! Give it back!" I shout. I tried grabing it from him but he just raised it in the air. "Well what are you going to do about it?" Robbie sneered.

I was doomed. He started to read it and then started to look furious. "Why are you writting love letters to MY GIRLFRIEND!?" Robbie yelled at me grabbing me by my shirt collar. "Um...well..I..uh..." I stutter. Robbie then threw me hard on the ground making my back ache.

"I can't beleive you think you have a chance with Wendy!" He shouted. I could tell Robbie wanted to rip my head off. I got up off the ground and then he punched me in the face with all his might. I swear he gave me at least two black eyes. Robbie started punching me in the stomache making me fall over in pain.

I knew Robbie was enjoying this. Now he was kicking me , hard. "This will teach you not to write love letters to my girlfriend! I should have beaten you up when I got the chance." He said. I was about to black out from all the pain but then Robbie started to speek again.

"I'm so going to show Wendy this! She's going to be discusted knowing that a twelve year old whimp has a thing for her!" "No...please..." I wheezed. "Fine, I'll make a deal with you. All you have to do is do what I say for the rest of the summer and not tell anyone that I beat you up. Got that twerp?!" He yelled at me.

I don't know if I should agree or not. Well I don't want Wendy to read the letter! Robbie forced me off the ground and grabed me by my shirt collar again. "Answer me!" "OK ok deal!" I said trembling in fear.

Robbie threw me to the ground for the second time today. "Good. I'm still going to keep this." He said stuffing it in his pocket and walked away leaving me laying on the ground. That's the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

Mabel's POV

Ducktective is the best show ever! I just finished another episode. Maybe I should knit a sweater now. There's nothing else to do. Wait where's Dipper? I haven't seen him since this morning. He was outside and I didn't see him come back in. I walked outside and there was no sign of him.

Waddles walked by my side. "Do you think he went into the forest Waddles?" I asked him. Waddles just looked at me. "Waddles , can you say forest?" "Oink oink." My heart melted. "Awwwww! You're so fat!" I said while hugging him. I started walking towards the forest. "Are you comming?" Waddles ran into the shack in fear. I don't think he likes the forest.

I shrug and kept on walking. I'm worried. I need to find Dipper! After walking for at least 5 minutes in the creepy forest , I saw someone laying on the ground. Wait...is that... "Dipper!" I call. I run over to Dipper's lifeless body. Is he dead?

I check for a pulse. No he's not , he has a pulse. He also has two black eyes , bruises all over him , A bloody nose and dirt covering his body. What happened?! Who did this to him?! I start shaking him. "Dipper...Dipper!" I got a groan in response.

Thank goodness he's alright! Well he's not really. I need to take him back to the shack! "Don't worry! Doctor Mabel is here!" I said while picking him up and running back to the shack.

As I entered the shack Grunkle Stan was ripping off a customer. I quickly run past the gift shop with Dipper in my arms. He's actually pretty light. Before I could get in the attic , Grunkle Stan stopped me. "Hey what's wrong with shorty over here?" I turned around and faced Grunkle Stan showing the injured Dipper.

Grunkle Stan Cringed. "Ya...Good luck with that." He said and then ran away. He probably didn't want anything to do with it. He's so helpful.

I walk into the attic and set Dipper down on his bed. He was still out. About an hour later as I was reading my megazeens I heard Dipper groan. "Dipper?" Dipper opened his eyes and sat up but cringed and layed back down. "I'm so glad you're awake!" I smiled and then hugged him.

Dipper stiffened a bit and cringed again. Maybe I hugged him a little bit too hard. "How did i get here?" Dipper asked. "I found you in the forest out cold , then I picked you up and took you back to the shack." I replied. I feel so bad for Dipper. He looks like he is in a lot of pain.

"Who did this to you?" I asked while I got an icepack for his eyes. "Um...I can't say." Dipper said looking like he was hidding something. I handed him the icepack. "Oh come on. You can tell Doctor Mabel anything!"

"Ok fine. Robbie...Robbie beat me up." Dipper sighed. I wasn't surprised. That jerk! "But please don't talk to Robbie about this!" Dipper continued. "Why?" "Just don't." Dipper said not answering my question. I didn't want to make him upset so I agreed.