A/N: Thank you everyone for reading this story. It finally came to end. But it not the last from my writing about Sam and Jules. Working on a new one, and also still have The Sacrifice to finish. Anyway, tell me what you guys think. I like this ending, i was trying to do something different and i hope you guys like it. Please review.
5 years later.
"There you are, we being looking for you."
"I am sorry. Is everything alright?"
"Yes, we were just wondering where you went."
"Greg are you alright."
"I am fine."
"You sure, you don't look fine. You should be happy today."
"I am I promise."
"Look, I know you my boss, but I am a friend too, you could always talk to me."
"I know Jules, I am just being silly."
"It is a big step, there nothing silly about that."
"You are a really smart woman." He said and laugh to himself.
"I know. But honestly, I am here."
"I never saw myself doing this again. How do I know I am doing the right thing this time?"
"You just know."
"How did you know?"
"I just knew."
"Jules I know you. And I witness how you two were around each other; even the second time around you hesitance a little. How did you know the Sam was the one and you wanted to risk everything?"
"When he told me it was now or never. And I couldn't live with the never. I just couldn't see my life without him."
"I love Marinna and I think this time around I would make the marriage work, I was just a little scare because I gave up on the part of my life long time ago. And now I am starting a new chapter with her and my son, and it feel like a dream that one of this days I am going to wake up and everything will be gone." He said and sighs.
"I understand. I still feel the same, every time I look him and the kids. But every day I think about if I wouldn't have taken the risk, I wouldn't be here. And that is even worse than living the dream."
"Yes it is. Thank you. You and Sam are amazing people and amazing parents, I wish the best for you and your family. I love Jules, like a daughter and I am glad you happy."
"I love you too." I said and hug him.
"Alright let go. I have a fiancé waiting to be my wife." Greg said and with that we walk toward our friends and families that were here to witness him and Marinna get married.
"You know our wedding was better."
"Sam, be quiet."
"Well is true."
"Even if it is, you don't have to said out loud." I said and glare at him while he grins. I swear he such child sometimes.
"Don't get me wrong is beautiful, but I like ours better."
"Me too." I said and kiss him.
"How are we going to pull this wedding off at short notice? We being working nonstop and we just book and order everything online and in two days we get married."
"Jules stop stressing. Sophie and Shelby said they help with decorations. We just had to provide the supply and the places. Plus we stop by and check the places and the reception area and we love it. And you already had your dress, which you pick a few months back even before you ask me to married you. So that is cover. And I got my suit the other day with Ed. You just need to relax. Everything is going to be perfect, I promise."
"I know, it that we just getting married to fast. I mean it feel like we rushing it. People might just think I am pregnant." I said and sigh.
"Well you might be." He said and laughs while I glare at him.
"I am not."
"Maybe, anyway Jules, all this is for you, because I love you, but I would gladly just sign some papers and married you. I just want to be husband and love you for the rest of my life."
"I love you too."
I am so nervous; I just hope the wedding is nice. It took only two weeks to arrange and I haven't even seeing the place after Shelby and Sophie decorate it. When I heard the song and the doors open so I could start walking down the aisle. I was shock. The place looks amazing. It was decorative with white and blue roses. But while I continue walking and smiling at everyone, the moment I lay my eyes on Sam everything was gone but him. With his blue eyes staring at me with such much love I just couldn't wait until it was over and I was his wife. And for the first time I knew I made the right decision.
"You look beautiful Jules."
"Thank you, you look handsome yourself." I said and then we turn to the priest.
"Julianna Callaghan, I vow to be true always, to give you all myself. No secrets. Until death parts us, and even after. Cause I've been yours since the first day I saw you, and made a fool of myself. Cause I knew right away. I knew that it was you or no one. Even though you didn't know it yet, and I had to be patient. I was right. I am just saying." Sam said and everyone laugh.
"Samuel Braddock, I love you so much. Even after everything I still wasn't sure I was doing the right thing, until you told me to choose between now or never. And when I realize that I could never live without you. I knew that you were the one. The one that I would love to spent the rest of my life with. So I vow to always love you, cherish you and risk everything with you until death parts us and even after, because there's no happiness without you."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest said and Sam waited no time and pulls me against him and kisses me senseless.
End of Flashback.
"Jules pay attention."
"Sorry, it your fault anyway, I was thinking about our wedding."
"Wasn't it great, we should do it again?" He said and grins and I just stared at him. He really is crazy.
"Oh Sam."
"Look at our children Jules, don't they look beautiful out there. Sadie was over the moon because she got to be the flower girl and Matt enjoy the attention of being the ring man, even though he acting like he doesn't care much."
"I saw him wink at Ed little girl, and kept walking like he own the place. With so much confidence and that look that said I know I am handsome."
"Well he is."
"Like father, like son."
"Like mother, like daughter."
"I don't know what are you talking about, Sadie is so girlie. I was never that girlie."
"Well you might be right on that. But Elsie would take after you. She is already bullying Matt and she is only two in half." Sam said and we both laugh. Then everyone look at us. And Sam and I blush at the embarrassment. In the middle of the ceremony and we were talking.
It has being a long and beautiful day. The wedding was beautiful and it was fun to see Greg finally get his happy ending. He deserves to be happy and most of all have someone that understand him and love him back. It was great seeing the team again, even though I just saw them two days ago. It was hard at first not being in the same team with Sam, after I gave birth to Sadie almost five years ago. And I was grateful that he found a position as a team leader in team three. But in his excitement he got me pregnant again and I was off the team again. I thought about being a stay home mom, but he knew I didn't want that, so I went back to work. And less than two years he got me pregnant again. I swear is either I am the most fertilize woman in the world or Sam Braddock knows how to aim real well. I bet is the latter, he always bragging how he better shooter than I am.
"Jules honey, are you sleeping."
"No, are the kids in bed."
"Yes, they were exhausted and they went down fast."
"I know they had so much fun today."
"We all did."
"Sam I was thinking about quitting SRU and be a full time mom."
"Why, we are doing great Jules and the kids are getting all the love they need and we both treat them equal. We making it work."
"Yes, we are making it work. And things are great. It is…"
"Jules I don't want you to regret it. You love your job. And you an amazing mother. I know you could do both but I support you no matter what you decide."
"I know, but it really risky and dangerous and they should at least have one parent not risking they life every day."
"That true. But again is up to you."
"Plus there is the other reason."
"What other reason?"
"Well you get me pregnant each year."
"I don't. There almost two years between Matt and Elsie."
"Oh whoa." I said sarcastically.
"Well I haven't got you pregnant this year." He said with a smug look in his face.
"Are you sure about that?" I ask and stare at him.
"You are lying. You are pregnant again." He said and started to smile and hug me and kiss me.
"Well you wanted kids, there is your wish. We are having another one. That would be four or maybe five, with twins." I said and he froze and I started laughing.
"I am just guessing."
"That is great I love it." He yells and picks me up in his arm and swings me around. I can believe this he happy. Well I am too, but that might be five kids.
Two Months Later
"Are you ready?"
"Is now or never." I said and walk in to Holleran office.
I was nervous but this is the best for my family. Plus I did my duty in the SRU and I don't have to prove to anyone that I could work in a male environment. But now I am ready for the next part of my life and that is my family. And being a wife and a mother is a wish come true and I am going to enjoy it. He understood and wishes me luck. When I came out the teams had thrown me a small goodbye party.
"Oh Jules we are going to miss you." Winnie said.
"Same here."
"Are you sure?"
"Never being so sure about anything." I said and look at my husband. I know that the right thing.
"Well good luck and we going to go bother you every chance we get now that you will be at home cooking." Spike said and everyone laugh.
"Now that everyone is here, we have an announcement."
"Please don't tell us. Sam are you leaving too?" Spike asks looking wary.
"No, who said I am leaving." Sam frowns.
"It is…"
"No Sam you didn't." Ed said and shakes his head. While Sam smile from ear to ear and I laugh.
"What?" Everyone asked.
"We are pregnant." I blurt out.
"Again." They all said in unison while Sam and I couldn't stop laughing.
"Damn Sam gives her a break." Wordy said.
"You are the last person that should be talking about breaks." Ed said sarcastically and everyone laugh.
"I know." He said and grins.
"Anyway the best part is that we having twins." Sam said and everyone was shock. Nobody move or blink.
"Sam didn't I tell you it was going to shock them, get the camera." I said while everyone were still staring and Sam and I laughing.
"Congratulation." They stutter one in back of the other one. Oh I am really going to miss them.
"That is five." Spike whisper to him-self. "What I am going to do with five kids."
"Spike you not having five kids." I said frowning at him.
"Babysitting duty." He mumbles and went to sit down while everyone laugh.
There nothing better than to be among friends and family and I wouldn't change a thing.
The End.
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