Chapter 9

Itachi gave the blonde human a tour around the house while telling him about vampires. Naruto wasn't frightened at all he was fascinated almost everything he heard or read about them was false.

"any questions?

" um how old are you and sasuke"

" i,m actually 350 and sasuke's 218"

Naruto nodded" um can i call you onii chan? Itachi's eyes watered then swooped naruto up in his arms. " of course .

Naruto laughed he just couldn't figure out how he had gone though life without the uchiha brothers , they seem like cold hearted ice princes but they were actually sweet and loving. they were just picky about who to give their love to.

" Naru chan do you love my brother? really love him"

Naruto sighed " i do"

" then you should let him know that , sasuke has been though alot and because of you he/s becoming more human.

" what do you mean?

" Sasuke use to be ,,, well an very bad vampire , no not evil but he had an temper in fact the only person he wouldn't hurt no matter how mad he got was me, and just recently he went veggie.

"onii what was sasuke like back then? how did he become that way?

Itachi sat with naruto in his lap " we weren't always vampires we were human til our 16th birthday when we inherited the uchiha gene which gave me the power to move objects and control water and sasuke the ability to read minds and contol fire.

To demonstrate itachi pointed his finger at an glass of water and the liquid ascended out of the glass . Naruto stared in awe as he made shapes and letters out of it then placed it back in the glass.

Naruto clapped alittle " Wow how cool'

Itachi chuckled " thank you . anyway sometime after that me and sasuke were just coming home when we notice the door was ripped open we walked in and saw our parents lying in a pool of blood then last thing I remembered was a sharp pain in my neck and sasuke's scream.

when i woke up I was in my brothers room but i felt strange i was cold and really thirsty that's when i noticed a rat scurrying across the floor next thing i knew i was holding an dead rat with two holes in his body and the taste of copper in my mouth.

The door opened and sasuke walked in, his mouth and hands where covered in blood, and he was pale, and had an satisfied look on his face. I asked what happened but all he said "was never to be loved" . from then on sasuke was different , cold, cruel and slightly sadistic,

" wha what exactly happened to sasuke?'

You'll have to ask sasuke himself, i was out cold.

"oh well thanks for telling me i'll head up to sasukes room";

Naruto stared out on the balcony { sasuke } Just then he saw an figure by the garden, he ran downstairs and outside. And had the shock of his life

" hello lover"

There standing in the middle of garden in all his sickly pale glory was no other than his ex- boyfriend sai.