
Once upon a time the mid 1800"s there lived two young boys , princes actually who the towns people would say were more beautiful than any maiden, they had fair ivory skin , dark hair and eyes. But that wasn't what made these boys so unique. You see these boys had special abilities the oldest could control water and had telekinesis while the younger one could control fire and had telepathy . They were vampire desendent, they aren't like the vampire's you read about, sunlight doesn't bother them and garlic and silver can't hurt them but fire can, that's how they lost their parents. But one thing is true, they do drink blood.

One day a powerful vampire named Orochimaru and his army came to the castle intended to overthrow the king and sieze his throne. After a valient effort the king fell at the hands of the evil one. Since Orochimaru didn't know that the princes had dormant vampire instincts and assumed them normal humans. He took the youngest intending to bond him to himself as his mate. As soon as he bit the smooth neck the young princes eyes glowed red and and flames erupted from his body, sending Orochimaru slamming in to the wall with third degree burns.

The flamer walked to his unconscious older brother and bit him on neck activating his vampire trait. He looked at orochimaru with cold eyes and with a snap of his fingers , the pedophile was reduce to ashes. Now all the two brothers had was each other. Now that they were full vampires they couldn't stay people would notice they weren't aging then they would be hunted down like animals.

But not all hope is lost ,see when a vampire finds true love and their love is returned then they lose their immortality and can grow old with their mates. However If They feel their love is not accepted then they are doom to eternal suffering eventually committing suicide.

I decided to rewrite this alittle what do you think? And Review or pm me pleeeaaase. and NO FLAMES