Fake Dates Chapter ONE

"No, sorry"

"No, I'm not really interested"


"Hey Jack, would you"

"NO! NO, I WILL NOT GO OUT WITH YOU!" Jack shouts before turning around to see that it was Kim. She smirks. "I was only going to ask if you could open my locker for me, I forgot my combo again."

Jack blushes, "Yeah, sorry, of course" They walk down the hall together, discussing karate and the new English project.

"Heyyy, Jack," Donna says to Jack (what he assumes was supposed to be flirty), "Kim."

"Donna," Kim answers back, just as snidely, before turning her back to grab her books from her locker.

"So, Jackie, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Spring dance with me," Donna asks, batting her eyes at him.

"No," Jack replies. Donna pouts, "Why not?"

"Because I have a girlfriend," he states casually. Kim snorts, having a "girlfriend" is one of Jack's multiple excuses when turning girls down.

"Really, who?"

Jack chokes, "What?"

"Who, who's your girlfriend?" Donna repeats.

"She, ha, she's um, she's…KIM!" Jack blurts out.

"You say what now?" Kim and Donna say in sync, looking at him questioningly. Jack looks at Kim, begging through his eyes.

"Uhg! I can't believe this!" Donna screeches, storming off to the cafeteria.

Kim spins to look at Jack. He squirms under her glare.

"What?" Jack squeaks.

"So I'm your girlfriend now?"

"Please! I am so sorry, but I can't stand it! You don't know how it feels to have girls adorning you everywhere you go!" Jack flinches as Kim glare hardens, "That came out wrong."

"Ya think?"

Jack sighs, "Please, I'll owe you." He says staring into her eyes.

Kim resigns and sighs, the things she does for this guy, "Fine," Jack's eyes light up, "But I get to spar you as long as we're 'dating'" she says, putting quotes around dating, "I need a challenge."

They shake hands "Deal."