Disclaimer: I do not own kickin it!




Dear Diary,

I know. It's been almost a year since I last wrote to you. I thought it was time that I give you an update.

Last time I wrote in this book, Jeremy died. I was telling you how I was doing surprisingly okay. In that moment it was true. Until it all hit me that he was really gone & not coming back. I had a huge set back & I almost lost it.I woke up the next morning & everything took a turn for the better. A LOT BETTER. But now, everything's as it should be.

Debby & Rudy are engaged. Jerry & Kate have been together for 1 year & 6 months. Milton & Julie are at the top of the grade & have been together for 2 years.

Then there's Jack & I. 10 months ago, he kissed me. We've been dating ever since. He makes me happy & if I'm sad, he's there for me. And Vise versa.

On April 18th, 2012, (the day my parents died) my Aunt Jamie gave me this journal & told me that when I have no one to talk to, put my feelings in this book. Then the week after they passed away, I listened & this journal became my personal therapist.

I only wrote in this book so I could say what I was really feeling about my parents & Jeremy's death. But now, I'm happy. I don't need to write in this book anymore.

So for the last time, this is me, closing the book.

Kim snapped the blue book shut & put it under her window seat. Once she closed the bench, she looked out the window & saw all her friends waving for her to come outside. She laughed & put up her finger, signaling she'd be down in a minute.

Kim walked to her mirror & checked herself over. Kim was wearing hot pink shorts & a crop tank top that read 'Hakuna Matata'. Her hair was straightened & pulled back into a high ponytail, with her side bangs falling perfectly to the right of her face.

She smiled as she grabbed her phone & ran out of her room. She ran down her steps & walked down the long hallway, into the kitchen. Jamie lifted her head from her book & smiled at her.

"I'm going out." Kim said as she walked over & kissed her cheek.

"Okay. Have fun & be careful." Jamie warned her as Kim walked away.

"Always am!" Kim yelled as she reached the front door.

She opened it & ran to her friends. Kate enveloped her in a hug & then the guys all joined in & squeezed the two girls. When they all pulled apart, Jack wrapped his arms around Kim's waist & she snaked her arms around his neck. When they pulled apart, they exchanged a quick kiss & smiled.

"You guys are never allowed to go on vacation again. I missed you all too much." Kim said.

All of them were busy. Jack & Kate went on vacation with their family, Milton was volunteering at a summer camp with Julie & Jerry was in summer school.

"Jerry was still here." Kate said.

"He was in summer school classes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m." Kim explained.

"Hey! Excuse me! It's not my fault I had to go to summer school!" Jerry exclaimed.

"It kinda is." Milton stated. Jerry made an 'o' with his lips & nodded.

"Awww little Kimmie missed us." Jack teased. Kim elbowed him in the chest & gave him a look.

"Don't. Call. Me. Kimmie." Kim said with a smile. Jack chuckled & then Milton spoke up.

"Who wants to hear about camp?" Milton asked, excitedly. The gang all groaned & started walking down the street.

"No one wants to hear about your boring week at camp, Milton!" Jerry said.

"Maybe you don't but-"

"We don't wanna hear about it either." Kate added. Jack & Kim laughed from behind them & listened to Milton & Jerry's endless bickering.

"THAT'S IT!" Kate exclaimed & then the two started running. Kate chased after them yelling about how annoying they were.

Kim & Jack watched & laughed as their friends ran down the street. Then, Jack spun her around & they came face-to-face.

"I missed you." Jack admitted.

"Awww Jackson missed me!" Kim teased, mimicking his voice from before.

"Ha ha! Very funny." Jack said. Kim laughed & kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too." Kim confessed.

"Good!" Jack said. Kim rolled her eyes as Jack kissed her. "I love you." He said. Kim blushed & smiled.

"I love you too." Kim said. Jack smiled & they kept walking, trying to catch up to their friends.



I hope you all enjoyed it & liked the happy ending!

Working on a new story as we speak!

So until then! I love you all! 3