Sorry it's been awhile. I'll explain why at the bottom.

But here's the first chapter of my new story, Shattered.





It's been about 6 months since my parents died. I think I'm doing pretty well considering. I've been trying to be strong for my aunt Jamie & my little brother, Jeremy but I'm holding it together. I'm still doing karate, still doing pretty good in school & my life is back to normal.

Then I thought, is this normal? Will my life ever be normal? I have a huge hole in my heart that will never be filled because they will never come back. They can't.

The doctors want to start chemotherapy on Jeremy. That thought scares me. Chemotherapy is what they gave my grandmother when she had cancer & she died. Aunt Jamie said that this is different & that Jeremy will be okay. I hope she's right, I can't lose him. I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

I closed the green book & snapped it shut. I stood up from my desk & put the diary in my hiding spot. I glanced at the clock. 2:45 PM. I grabbed my sneakers & walked out of my room. I smiled as I heard my brother laughing from the kitchen. I put on my shoes & peeked into the kitchen. My brother was having a snack with my aunt.

"I'M GOING TO KARATE!" I screamed. Aunt Jamie peeked her head out & smiled.

"Will you be home for dinner?" She asked me. She stood up & stood in the archway. She was my height, had caramel brown hair & hazel eyes. She was laid back & funny. Total opposite of my mom. My mom had blonde hair, the same hazel eyes, she was sweet & tried to be funny.

"Umm, I'll probably just grab something at the mall. So don't wait for me." I said as I opened the door.

"Have fun kiddo!" She said as she walked back into the kitchen.

"BYE KIMMIE!" I heard Jeremy yell. I laughed & screamed back.

"BYE JEREMY!" I slammed the door & started walking down the street.

The mall wasn't that close, but I enjoyed the walk. I'd get lost in my thoughts until I arrived to where I had to go. Besides, if I was walking alone, I wouldn't have to put on a fake smile.

I honestly don't know if I'm happy or if I'm just that good at convincing everyone else that I even fooled myself. I like to think that maybe I could be, but then I remember all the pain that came along with them dying. All the changes that came along with it.

6 months ago, I went to the dojo everyday after school & at 12 on saturdays. 6 months ago, my biggest issue were karate tournaments & science projects.

6 months ago, I didn't fake a smile & try to convince all my friends I was happy.

6 months ago, my aunt Jenna lived in San Francisco. 6 months ago, I had parents.

6 months seems like such a long time ago.

I shook my head, trying to get those thoughts out of my head. I saw the mall in sight & picked up the pace. I missed coming here everyday. It was only 2 months ago when I started coming back here. I just walked in & they welcomed me back. I wasn't ready to go back, because it was where I got the call, telling me my parents had gotten into a crash...on their way to pick me up. But I went back anyway. I missed my friends & my old life.

I walked into the dojo & saw the guys sitting on the mats, rolling their eyes as Rudy talked all lovey-dovey to his girlfriend. I put my bag down & waved to the guys. They waved back as I walked into the changing room to put on some sweats.

When I came back out, Rudy was walking to the mats & told the guys to stand up. I took my spot next to Jack, behind of Milton & Jerry. He shot me a smile & I gave him one back.

"So today, we're just gonna do some stretching & work on..." Rudy started as he started making hand gestures. "whatever. Start stretching while I grab the extra mats."

I sighed & sat down on the mats. I put my feet in a butterfly position & pushed down on my knees, pressing them to the mats.

"Ewww! She's doing it again!" Milton yelled putting his hands over his eyes. I stopped pushing & started laughing.

"What's so gross about it?" I asked.

"It's physically impossible to..." Jerry started as he attempted to bend. "bend that way!"

"You think this is gross?" I asked. Milton & Jerry nodded their heads & I turned to Jack. He simply shrugged & I sighed. "One second." I said.

I stood up & shook out my arms. They shot me confused looks as I lifted my leg & bent it to my but to stretch it. I did the same to the other leg & then shook out my legs & arms.

"Ready boys?" I asked.

"Show us what you got Kimmie." Jack said. I shot him my famous death glare & he put his hands up in defense.

I took a deep breathe & grabbed my foot. I pulled it behind my back & leaned forward as my foot started to touch my head. I heard shrieks & gasp from the guys which caused me to giggle.

"Damn girl!" Jerry said.

"How long can you keep it like that?" Milton asked.

".1." I said as I dropped my leg.

"Impressive." Jack said. I smiled as Rudy came back out with the mats.

"Okay Kiddies. Let's get to work!" Rudy yelled clapping his hands.


I walked out of the changing rooms the same time as the guys. We yelled our goodbyes to Rudy as we walked out into the courtyard.

"See ya guys!" Milton said walking off. We yelled our goodbyes as Jack, Jerry & I walked into Phil's.

We grabbed a booth & sat down, me next to Jack & Jerry on the other side. Kate walked in & walked to our table.

"Hello!" She said as she slid in next to Jerry. She kissed his cheek & Jack rolled his eyes. They've been dating for 7 months. That's long for Jerry.

"Hey!" I said.

"How's everyone doing on this fine day?" She asked all bubbly.

"What's with the bubbly attitude?" Jack asked. Wow! He read my mind!

"Can't a girl just be happy?" She asked. Jerry & Jack looked at me & I sighed.

"No they can't! What happened?" I asked.

"Guess what girl won tickets to see the most amazing band ever!" She said.

"Was it Kim?" Jack asked, playing dumb. I faked gasped & put my hand on my heart.

"Did I win tickets to see the 'One Direction'?" I asked, playing along, sarcasm dripping in my voice. She dropped her smile as I Hi-5'ed Jack.

"No. I won two tickets to see...MAROON 5!" She yelled. We all gasped.

"NO WAY!" Jerry yelled.

"Who are you taking?" I asked.

"I'll give you a clue. He's sitting in this booth & he's super good looking." Kate said.

"YES! Sorry Jerry!" Jack said. I laughed as Kate shot him a look. She turned to Jerry.

"The concert is the night of our 8 month anniversary." She said handing him the ticket. Jerry's eyes widened & he started blinking like crazy. "Be my date?" She asked.

"I-I-I-I-UH-UH-UH." He put up his finger, meaning to give him a minute. He stood up & ran out of the restaurant, doing his 'Columbian War Chant'. We all started laughing & Kate sighed.

"3.2.1..." She said as the doors opened & Jerry walked in. He sat back down & took a deep breathe.

"Of course I'll go with you." He said. She shrieked & started clapping. She kissed his cheek & handed him the ticket again. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are too much." I said. My phone started ringing & my smile faded. It was Aunt Jamie. I picked it up & hesitated to press the button. I turned to Jack, Kate & Jerry & they knew why I was afraid to answer. I pressed the button & put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked nervously.

"Hey Kiddo. Practice over?" She asked. I sighed in relief, thanking god nothing happened.

"Yeah. I'm at Phil's now." I replied.

"Look, something came up." She said, sounding upset.

"What?" I asked, becoming curious.

"I have to go to a training seminar, they called me about 10 minutes ago. I know it's last minute, but the last person canceled so the need me to come with them." She explained.

"Um, when are you leaving?" I asked.

"I have to leave tonight." I sighed. "I called Debby & she said she'd help you out with Jeremy while I'm gone, but could you come home now?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'll be right there. But how long will it be?" I asked.

"Not sure. The max is 2 weeks." I sighed again & she did the same. "I know. I'm so sorry. But, my job will be on the line if I-"

"Jamie. Breathe. I'm coming home now." I said as I hung up & grabbed my bags.

"Everything okay?" Kate asked.

"My aunt Jamie has to go on a last minute seminar & she's leaving tonight. I gotta get home to Jeremy." I said.

"Hold up, I'll walk you." Jack said standing up.

"You don't have to." I said.

"No. It's cool. Besides, I'll kinda be a third wheel." He said. I laughed & turned to the couple at the table.

"Thanks." I said. He smiled & we walked out of Phil's.


The hole walk home was just the two of us joking around, like we use to. Jack & I use to be a lot closer. After everything that happened, I pushed them all away. I felt bad about it but, I wanted to be left alone. After they got the hint, they gave me some space. I thought they would want nothing to do with me, but they actually missed me.

When we got to my house, Aunt Jamie was walking out of the house with her bag.

"Your leaving now?" I asked as she loaded the car with her bag.

"I have to. My flight is in 3 hours." She said slamming the trunk shut.

"What do I do for Jeremy's appointment tomorrow?" I asked.

"Take Debby with you. She'll know what to do & just listen to what the doctor says." She said as she walked towards me. She hugged me & kissed my forehead. "I'll be back soon. I promise." she said as she pulled away.

"Be careful." I said.

"I will." She replied.

"BYE AUNT JENNA!" Jeremy yelled. We all spun around & saw him standing in his pjs.

"Come here!" She said, holding out her arms. Jeremy ran into them & she picked him up. She kissed his cheek & hugged him. "Be good for Debby & your sister. Okay?"

"Okay!" He yelled. She put him down & got in her car.

"I love you guys!" She said she she started her car.

"Love you too." Jeremy & I said in unison. She waved & drove off. Jeremy turned to Jack & smiled.

"JACK!" He yelled.

"Hey buddy!" Jack said as he gave him a high 5.

"Jeremy, go inside. I'll be right there." I said. He smiled & ran inside. I turned to Jack & picked up my bag. "Wanna come inside? We could order pizza?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. I smiled as we walked into my house.


I'm sorry I didn't upload this sooner. I got punished and my mom took my computer away & all my stories are on here so I couldn't upload. I just got it back saturday but I was busy with projects.

Now, this story is different. The chapters will be a lot shorter & I might not upload as frequently as I use to. I'm in the middle of preparing for my regents exams so I'm gonna be busy with A LOT of schoolwork.

Plus, I was having major writer's block. So don't hate me if I don't upload all the time.

BUTTT, I will give you guys a tiny preview at the end of every chapter.

So here's a little sneak peek.


I was starting to see some of the old Kim again & I couldn't be happier. She was depressed for what felt like an eternity. When she lost her parents, it was like she died with them, in a way. But recently, she was smiling more, laughing more & being more sarcastic. She was being herself.

When they died, she pushed us away. She ignored Kate, she yelled at Jerry for trying to talk to her, she insulted Milton so he'd leave her alone & when Eddie was still here she insulted him as well. But me, she just begged me to leave her be. At first, I refused to. But, then I gave her some space. I missed her like crazy.

Jerry & Milton were started to freak out. Eddie left 2 months after they died, we didn't talk to him much anymore & Kim was gone at the time. They thought we were drifting, which we weren't.

"Jack, I'm gonna go put him to sleep. I'll be right back." Kim said snapping me out of my thoughts. She was holding a now sleeping Jeremy in her arms & smiling.

"Okay." I said. She nodded & walked out. I stood up & started clearing the table. I threw the pizza box in the garbage & put the soda bottle in the fridge.

Once the table was clear, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I turned to see Kim walking into the kitchen.

"You didn't have to clean up." She said as she walked to the counter.

"It's not a big deal. It's the least I could do since you wouldn't let me pay for the Pizza." I said.

"It's my house, I pay. It's like the number one rule." She said. I chuckled & turned to face her.

"So, how's Jeremy doing?" I asked. Her smile faded & she bit her lip.

"He seems fine one minute & then the next he can be crying from pain under his ribs or having a coughing fit." She started. "It's scary. They wanna put him on chemo."

"Isn't that worse?" I asked.

"It shrinks the tumor with radiation. Yes its bad, but the tumor growing." She explained.

"Does he know what's going on?" She shook her head. "What does he think?"

"He thinks that he has to go to the doctor once a month because it's the rules. We tell them what we know & then they give him medicine." Kim said. She looked down to the counter & started playing with her fingers.

"He's gonna be okay, Kim." I said. She looked up & opened her mouth, but was interrupted.

"KIMMIE!" Kim spun around & started running up the stairs. I followed her down the hallway until we reached Jeremy's room.

"Jeremy?" She asked.

"Kimmie." He cried. She walked passed me, to the bathroom & opened the door.


Like I said, I'll try to upload as much as possible. I will not abandon this story.

I might upload some one-shots every now & then because I started writing a few.

Not sure when the next update will be, but It will be soon!