A thin smile prided the tanned man's face and he closed his eyes for a moment. To simply feel the gusts of wind against his cheek, his whole body in fact, was so refreshing. He inhaled deeply, his head spinning because of the unsullied aroma. He felt so free, so liberate.

Zoro's eyes snapped open as he heard his son call out for him. He glanced around and quickly located his son who was waving his arms around like a tiny madman. The blonde boy ran up to his father and stared at him with huge yet dark navy eyes, "Something cut me! I mean, like a flower or something!" he stressed out, tears filling his eyes. The young boy's father raised his eyebrow and shrugged before picking the juvenile up, "Probably nothing. Let's just go inside." He said and the boy nodded quickly, resting his head on his father's strong shoulder.

"What the- What happened?!" As soon as the pair were inside, a worried older blonde rushed over to them and took the boy from the swordsman, "He says he cut himself on some kind of plant."
Sanji looked at the sobbing boy and sighed, "Let's just get to cleaned up." He said and grinned, "You'll look like me after a fight with that cool band-aid on your knee..!" Sanji tried and the boy's eyes lit up, "Wow! Oh cool!" he almost yelled. He looked up to both his parents and resembling them was a huge thing for him.

Zoro sat down on the couch and glanced down on the ring on his ring finger. He took a deep breath as he remembered the day he'd married the cook, "Huh..." he huffed and rested his back against the couch.

It was sure crowded today.
The young swordsman glanced around their ship. There were a lot of folks there, more than usually, 'Nothing about this day is usual...' he thought to himself and shrugged.
"Agh!" he moaned in soreness as he tried to adjust a bit. These suit pants he was wearing were too damn tight! And the fabric brushed over his recent wounds when he moved only as much as an inch.

'Good thing I'm not the one walking up the aisle…' he thought and looked at the door. In there was his 'bride' and his heart started throbbing just thinking about it. In mere minutes he'd…be married. He glanced over at Robin who was holding his three year old son, Santori. The young boy was actually waving at Zoro, obviously wanting his daddy though seeming content in the dark-haired woman's lap.

Soon music started to play and everyone went silent. The door slammed open which obtained Zoro's attention and he switched from talking to Usopp, who had offered to be their 'priest', and to the door. Out walked Zeff with his arm hooked with Sanji's. Zoro felt his heart rate once again increase as he saw the blush on the cook's face and how…stunning he looked. He wanted to slap himself for just thinking something so dull and humiliating but it was the truth; Sanji was stunning. It was like he was glowing.
And it made Zoro secure about his decision, that is was indeed the right thing to have proposed to him.

Tanned hand's were trembling as Sanji soon was by his side and seemed even more anxious than he was.
Zoro quickly glanced over at Sanji. The blonde was biting his bottom lip gently and his cheeks were stained light red. That was the colour his cheek's acquired when he was in reality blissful but was too self-conscious to ever tell. Zoro knew that if he said anything wrong the cook would defiantly kick him off the ship, wedding or not.

"Ahem!" Usopp's loud voice interrupted the swordsman's thoughts and he frowned, a reaction he'd just get from living with this lying man for a few years, "We're gathered here today at the Sunny to join these two people in marriage." Usopp said with a smirk, "Which is really weird considering they seemed to hate each othe-" If Sanji hadn't kicked Usopp there, Zoro would have. Usopp rubbed over his gut after getting up from the ground, seemingly in pain, "Uh yeah…Yeah! Gathered to join Zoro-" he gestured towards Zoro, "And Sanji-" he gestured towards Sanji, "On this lovely autumn day."

The rest of the ceremony went well. They'd said their vows, exchanged a few vile glares (which in their unique language were gazes full of love), the rings and the last few sentences went perfect, "Then only one thing remains!" Usopp said, "Sanji, do you promise to stay by Roronoa Zoro's side, in sickness and health, until you die?" Sanji took a deep breath and nodded, "Yes." He said, "Do you take Roronoa Zoro as your husband?" Usopp asked and Sanji glanced over at Zoro. Zoro almost looked nervous but hid it under a frown, "…I do." He muttered and Usopp began speaking again. Zoro quickly glanced around the crowd. He recognized some of the workers from the Baratie. Some of them were even crying.
He saw Johnny and Yosaku as well, the latter crying while Johnny seemed to just pat his shoulder, saying something like, "Aniki….Aniki…Is so awesome." There were loads of other people there as well. Luffy was there with Nami (They'd actually gotten together.), Franky sat beside Robin who still had the eccentric Santori in her lap. Brook, Chopper and yes, Usopp had made it. A few from the whitebeard crew were there such as Ace and his partner Marco.

In a matter of seconds, Zoro was on the ground, groaning in pain. He quickly sat up and glared at the blonde above him, "Oi, what was that for?!" he yelled and Sanji stared at him, "Were you even listening?! Answer the damn question!" Sanji yelled and Zoro snorted. He quickly got up and brushed himself off, "What question?" Everyone sighed, "Will you take Sanji as your other half?" Usopp asked in the calmest voice he could manage. Zoro blinked before nodding, "…Yeah, sure." He said and Sanji glared and he swallowed, "Mean, yes. Yes I do." Zoro said calmly and both Usopp and Sanji seemed pleased, "I then pronounce you husband and…err, wife-husband!" Sanji was about to kick Usopp off the ship for even mentioning anything about him being like a woman but was interrupted as Zoro grabbed his waist and pressed their lips together in a sealing kiss.

Zoro stared at the golden ring as it truly brought back some good memories. A thin smile prided his face as he leaned back and gently touched his lower lip with two fingers, remembering the kiss he'd shared with Sanji to seal of their marriage.

When he saw Sanji and his son stride into the room he hurriedly drew his hand away. Santori ran over to show off his cool band-aid with pirates on it before running of to play or train or whatever that boy was doing.

The blonde eyed his husband who was glancing down at the ring on his own finger. Sanji sighed, "Idiot Marimo." He muttered before leaning down and grabbing the collar of Zoro's shirt, locking lips with the stunned green-haired male.

Chapter 3 woo.

Next one will be where Zoro thinks back on their honey moon...hurrhurr ;)
Will contain smut, most definantely. Bare with it.

R&R :3
