The House of Wolves

Brick by brick by brick..

These walls begin to cave in

The house of wolves you built

Will burn just like a thousand suns

This was not the way I had planned to defeat Magnus. Amelie, Myrnin and Oliver had left three days ago with most of the other vampires, leaving the rest of us to die to the hands of the beast. But what really hurt me the most was the fact that the rest of the glass house members had left as well, without even telling me and now I had just given up the greatest sacrifice I could. I Claire Danvers had just given up my humanity; I was now a blood sucking monster fighting a war that looked impossible even in the eyes of god.

I was currently standing in front of the main town square, the rain pouring down my shoulders. It was probably contaminated by the Draug, but I was past the point of caring. I had just witnessed Richard being shot down by friendly fire. Hannah, the women who had stuck by me looked like she had just broken into a million pieces, her face one of anger and sadness. I wanted to comfort her, but my mind was on the almost translucent figures moving towards us. I knew one of them was Magnus, I could sense his presence in the air, his ocean scent and the feeling of deceit smoother me like a second layer of skin. It was degusting and vile, but I had to end this now. By god I had to end this now, for even if I died, death seemed like a reward to the bleakest souls that were left stranded.

"Hannah, get the humans inside. Protect them with your life and no matter what happens or what you hear, do not and I repeat do not come outside. Do you understand me? Do not come outside" I said turning back to her, her eyes knew that by one way or another, the war would be over tonight and by knowing that I could see her sense of pride coming back within her eyes. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as she nodded her head in understanding, slowly making it to her feet.

"You heard her! Everyone inside let's move it! Come on you old timers, let's, move, move, and MOVE!" I couldn't help but laugh as the old Hannah finally came back. Her eyes held the determination I was beginning to lack, but still I could not fall. For if I fall I could never prevail and for all these people I was their last hope of survival, and wasn't that a scary thought to think when facing what could be your own death.

I could see the last lot of people being cleared away, my thoughts blurring within my mind. I was a mess but still I refused to let it show. Amelie our so called leader had left us here to die, and I was not going to let that happen. I was a lot of things, but a coward was not one of them. I heard the sickening sound of sucking water, looking up to see a body beginning to form in front of me. Without even guessing I knew it was Magnus, for since I had turned he was the only one out of his copies that was game enough to face me. His face stretched in ways than there were humanly possible, almost looking like he was grinning in a mocking manner.

"Amelie has fled but her pet remains" he laughed looking me over with his inhumanly blue eyes, I could tell my control was snapping just looking at the piece of filth. His watery body seemed to look as if it was bubbling as he laughed. "Do you not fear death, child" he asked with his eyes showing nothing but fascination. I internally growled at being called a child, it was the same thing Amelie had always referred to me as and I had always thought it was a sign of compassion. Now the only way I saw it was a sign of betrayal and weakness, for now I finally knew what the term: Not everything is what it seems, to its full extent.

"Doesn't everyone" I said before with inhuman speed, slipping me hands into my pocket. Grasping the explosive balls of silver and throwing them at the Draug with vengeance. He had taken everything away from me and that was not acceptable. His figure contracted in pain as he shrieked like a banshee.

He began to move in speeds that people could only dream of, his hands snaking out at me. I dogged the first attempts but wasn't fast enough for the second. His watery hand becoming solid around my wrist, breaking it in two before throwing me into the abandon buildings that littered the sides of the streets. The impact was more fierce then I had first thought, my legs felt numb like rubber and my wrist was painfully healing itself back together. But Magnus was in front of me in a flash, even before I had the time to defend. He grabbed my hair, ripping my head backwards before smashing my head against the brick work. My head was spinning, blood dribbling down my face. I felt sick and hungry at the same time. Magnus wrenched my head back again, ready to smash my head a second time. But that's when I heard it…

The sound of a shot gun blasting bullets, the first one just missing the side of my back as they started to implant into Magnus's hip. I felt the vibrations of him growling through my body, his fingers untangling themselves from my hair. I turned my head slightly to see a very pissed off Monica Morrel holding a very unsteady shotgun within her grasp.

"Oh Barbie you're gonna wish you stayed in your doll house now, for you will soon be begging me to stop pulling you apart, like pieces of a puzzle" Magnus growled, but Monica's expression didn't even flinch one bit.

"Oh I would love to see you try asshole, for I'm gonna shove this shotgun so far up ya ass you're gonna be shotting bullets out of ya mouth" Monica said with a cold intensity burning deep within her eyes. She was no longer the young, scared, pathetic girl I remembered seeing always, constantly living off the wealth of her family. No she was now this warrior of steal, like nothing could break her. I could see Magnus, slowly stalking towards her. His face in a feral grin, for Monica was out of bullets. Her hands franticly searching her pockets for anything, only to come up with nothing. Fear finally began to shine through her face and Magnus was drinking in every drop, like it was the finest of wines.

I stood up, bracing myself on the half standing brick wall. And that was when I noticed that this was the first time that I had seen Magnus in a solid form. The first time I could hear the faint thumping of what was once a human heart. With the little strength I had left, I threw myself at him. Gripping on to his shoulder, I impaled my hand through the back of his torso and let my fingers grasp his dead heart.

"Don't you dare ever think that you could ever defeat me in a town like this? You are nothing and always will be remembered as nothing to this town and with that you may die knowing you failed the only thing you were ever sent out to accomplish" I whispered through gritted teeth into his ear, letting my fingers rip his heart to shreds inside his body until nothing remained but a brittle corpse. I saw Monica slowly fall to her knees with a sigh of relief escaping her lips. I looked around seeing all the copies turn into nothing but clear water, getting sucked up by the storm drains.

The rain had come to a halt, the skies clearing to release the night sky and the light of the full moon. I could hear the faint sounds of doors opening and closing, looking up to see dozens of people walking towards me. Their faces all showed, all showed freedom and gratitude towards me. The vampires who had chosen to stay or were left here like the rest of us, showed respect and dignity. I saw Naomi walking towards me only to stop a few feet away; slowly she began to kneel, the others all following her lead. Even Monica looked towards me with respect and honour, and for once I could see us becoming allies' maybe even friends in the distant future.

"What shall you have us do Founder" Naomi said lifting her head up, her eyes meeting mine. The first response was shock; they were leaving the whole town under my control. Then came, the small sense of pride, that they had chosen me to be their leader, even Amelie didn't get that pleasure for she had placed herself in charge as soon as she had built the town. I looked out to the sea of faces before me, all their eyes fixated upon me.

"First thing we shall do is find blankets, anything to keep us warm and we shall all stay inside the founder house tonight. Tomorrow we will begin rebuilding the city but for now we rest, I believe we have all earned it" I said in a powerful voice, I could see all faces lighten up to the mention of sleep. It was the first time we had been able to sleep without the fear of the Draug for some time and everyone was looking forward to it.

"Now everyone get to it! Naomi, may I please have a word" I asked looking at the descending blond. I could see her exhaustion leaking from behind a fake smile. Their eyes holding slight curiosity within them, as they stood before me.

"Naomi, I know that we have had our differences throughout my stay in Morganville. But I would be thrilled if you would be my second in command, you know this town just as much as I or even better and you would be such a strong ally to have by my side. Do you accept?" Naomi let out a small sigh before a sleepy smile stretched across her face. "Yes I accept" she grasped my hand before kissing it softly then walking off.

I stood there watching as people carried their belongings into the founder's house, well my house. The air felt clear and gentle against my skin, nothing like the rain of the Draug. I heard small footsteps behind me before they stopped all together; I turned to see Monica looking at me with a small smile. Before embracing me within her arms and cried into my chest, I was frozen just standing there.

"They left me Claire; my so called friends left me with everyone else. At one point Magnus had me by the throat, I looked to Jennifer for help but she just ran Claire. She left me to die" Monica said through her sobs, this was the first time in history that Monica had sought comfort through me and to be honest it was a bit weird. "It's okay to show weakness Monica, we all need some string of humanity within us"

"NO! I don't want to be weak ever again Claire, Never AGAIN!" she screamed pushing herself from my arms, wiping the tears as if they were acid upon her face.

"What do you expect me to do Monica?" I asked in a powerful tone, like a queen would to her subjects. Monica looked at me for a moment before a big smile spread onto her face, like a mad man. She walked up to me grasping my hand lightly; making my eyes bore through hers.

"I know what you can do, oh it's perfect" Monica cheered like a little girl who had just outsmarted her parents.

"What" I asked as she danced around me, I would be lying if I didn't say it creped me out.

"A Vampire Claire, you could turn me into a vampire"

Oh no…..