Kim leaned against the dessert table, a glass of champagne in her hand and a scowl on her face. She was currently too wrapped up watching the man she loved dance with his date to focus on anything else.

"Careful, you're being too obvious." Jerry said as he came up beside her, popping an appetizer into his mouth.

Kim rolled her eyes, not even taking them off of the couple not ten feet away. "What do you want, Jerry?"

"To have one of the bridesmaids fall onto the cake. Anything to see some excitement at this lame reception."

"Why don't you just go back to the hotel?" Kim asked as if it were obvious.

"Because I promised Rudy I'd stay the entire time. I'm many things, but I don't go back on my word." Jerry admitted proudly.

Kim scoffed and took a swig of the alcohol in her hand. "Well, have fun with that. And if I see the maid of honor even remotely close to the snack table, I'll let you know."

Jerry looked at the side of her face, a smile occupying his lips. After a few seconds he asked, "Would you like to dance, Kim?"

She finally tore her eyes away from Jack to meet his. "What?"

He didn't repeat the question, but simply held out his hand to her. She looked at it, glanced at Jack again, sighed, and finished her drink. "It'd be more fun than what I've been doing." She placed the empty glass down on the table behind them and took his hand.

He led her to the middle dance floor, their hands intertwined. He then faced her and put one of his hands on her hip while the other took her hand. Hers was on top of his shoulder and he pulled her closer.

"So, did you enjoy the ceremony?" Kim asked after a while, trying for small talk.

Jerry nodded. "Yep. Got a full thirty minute nap!"

Kim couldn't help the chuckle that erupted from her, a smile finally appearing on her face even if it was small. Jerry was proud to know that he caused that.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" She asked rhetorically.

He smirked and spun her around. "And what about you?" She looked at him again. "Couldn't help but notice your eyes glued to a certain Wasabi Warrior all night."

"How'd you know that? Have your eyes been glued to me?" She asked with an eyebrow raise.

"Kim." He drawled, getting her back on topic.

She saw the look he was giving her and sighed. "Alright, fine. Yes, I might've glanced at Jack once or twice."

Jerry scoffed, making her roll her eyes for the hundredth time that evening. "I just can't believe Amy showed up! This was supposed to be our night, when Jack finally realized that he should be with me instead of her."

She shook her head. "It makes me so angry." Jerry looked to the ground as she looked over at Jack again. "Plus, he's too good for her. Even if he didn't do it to be with me, she should be out of the picture anyway. She's a tramp!"

Jerry's eyes went bigger as he laughed. "Whoa, take it easy there tiger!"

She took a deep breath. "I know, I'm sorry. It's just…" She gazed over his shoulder, looking as Jack smiled at his girlfriend. "I can't help it."

Jerry nodded in understanding as he spun her again, so her back was facing Jack. "Here's an idea; have you tried, I don't know, forgetting about Jack?"

"Easy for you to say, you're not in love with him." Kim retorted.

"True, true. But, believe it or not, I know what the sting of unrequited love feels like."

Kim raised an eyebrow. "You do? Who was she?"

Jerry shook his head. "Not important. I'm just saying that I know how you feel."

Kim sighed before looking up at him again. "Did you ever get over it?"

Jerry met her gaze with an intensity he wasn't used to giving off. "It was hard. In my eyes, she was perfect. She was all I thought about, day and night. And I really thought she was the one. But, apparently, she didn't feel the same way. She was too busy drooling over some other guy to notice me."

Kim looked at him with a form of sympathy in her eyes. "Life just doesn't seem to give us a break, does it?"

He looked away, a small smile on his face. "Not really."

She continued to look at him as he stared off, seeing him in a new light. He wasn't just Jerry anymore. He was her friend. Her best friend.

She leaned her head on his shoulder as they swayed. It took him gently by surprise, but he quickly settled into it and smiled into her hair.

"If you only knew, Kim." He thought as the music continued.

A few minutes later they were interrupted by a round of applause. She pulled away and looked around, noticing the crowd clapping to the band that had just finished their song. She then looked at Jerry. "Thanks for the dance."

He shrugged. "Thank you. It took my boredom away, if only for about three minutes."

She chuckled and nodded. "Glad I could help. I actually wanted to say that I-"

Her sentence was cut short by another presence beside her. She looked over to see Jack standing there, a grin plastered on his face.

"Jack! Hey!" She smiled, being forced to pretend again.

"How cool was this wedding?" He asked, looking between them. "Can't believe I'm saying this but I actually enjoyed it!"

"Great…" Kim said through her smile, looking away.

Of course Jack didn't notice, but Jerry did.

"So, Kim, you wanna dance?" Jack asked, turning to her.

She looked up at him with her eyebrows raised. "You're asking me to dance?"

He gave a quick nod. "Of course." He chuckled.

"I'll just leave you two alone." Jerry smirked. "I was about to head over to the snack table anyway. So…" He quickly walked off, but not before looking back over his shoulder at Kim. When she smiled and nodded at him, he knew she would be fine and disappeared through the crowd.

An involuntary sigh escaped her as she was left alone with the one person she thought about constantly. He smiled at her as his hands went to her waist, her arms going around his neck. She hated how good it felt.

"You seem to be in a good mood." She commented.

"I am." He chuckled.

"Let me guess…it has to do with Amy?"

Jack sighed. "You know, at first I was pretty mad at her. But when she showed up, looking all cute and apologetic, I couldn't help but apologize too. I mean, life's too short to stay mad at someone."

"Yeah, totally." Kim agreed, looking to the side.

Jack looked over his shoulder and smiled at his girlfriend. Then he turned back to Kim and leaned closer. "I was actually thinking of breaking up with her."

This got Kim's attention. "Wait, what?"

He nodded. "I know, it's crazy! If she hadn't shown up like she did…" Kim had to swallow the lump that had formed in her throat. "But good thing she did, right?"

She blinked and gave a vague nod. "R-right."

For the first time Jack noticed something wrong with her. "What? Do you think otherwise?"

She managed a smile and shook her head. "No, I think you two make a…wonderful couple." She couldn't help but grimace on that word.

He let out a sigh and smirked. "Good. Because if you didn't like her…"

"Why does me liking her make a difference?" She frowned.

"Well because you're one of the most important people in my life." Jack explained as if it were obvious. "And I want to make sure that you get along with my girlfriend."

Kim cursed her heart for swelling at his words. Only Jack could manage to hurt her and make her happy in the course of two minutes.

So she plastered the most convincing smile on her face that she could and said, "Jack, I approve of Amy. You don't have to worry about that."

He mimicked her fake smile. "I'm so glad." He spun her around, laughing as he did so. "So what about you? I've noticed you hanging around Jerry a lot lately."

She chuckled. "I don't like Jerry like that. We're friends, that's it."

Jack held his hands up. "Okay, just asking." He glanced at Amy. "I hope you find someone though. Being in love…it's the best feeling. I want you to experience it."

She just stared at him, noticing the irony of his words. If only he knew that she did know that feeling, how great it felt and how happy it made her.

Too bad he was completely oblivious to it.




Hours after the reception, when drinks ran out and the bride and groom had disappeared, people finally went back to their rooms.

Jerry had left a while ago, not having seen Kim since her dance with Jack. He hung out with Milton for a little bit, even scoring the red head a dance with an attractive girl. But, even though his promise to Rudy said that he'd stay the entire time, he ditched the party and went back to his own room.

He had just changed into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt when there was a knock on his door. He groaned and trudged over to it, opening it only to reveal Kim. She was still in her dress and her hair had fallen from its up do.

"Kim?" He asked, raising his dark eyebrows.

She didn't reply, only pushed passed him into the room. "Won't you come in?" He said sarcastically, closing the door behind her.

He watched as she paced back and forth, not saying a word. She looked upset as she moved, her eyebrows in a tight frown as she was wringing her hands together. Jerry leaned against the door, knowing without her having to explain what the reason was.


"Okay, what's wrong?" He asked, pushing off the door and taking a step toward her.

She looked up, seeming to notice him for the first time despite it being his room, and bit her bottom lip. The thoughts were visibly processed in her brain as she looked at him, appearing to make a decision in her head.

Suddenly she walked over to him and brought her hand up to the back of his neck. She pulled him down and connected her lips with his, taking him by surprise. He could taste the alcohol on her lips.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" He asked, frowning as well.

She just looked at him. "This is our arrangement. When I'm upset about Jack we sleep together."

He knew she was intoxicated by her statement. Sober Kim would never be that blunt. His thoughts were interrupted by her kissing him again.

"But I feel like I'm taking advantage of you." He said, pulling away.

She huffed, clearly annoyed. "I want this, okay? Since when are you considerate when it comes to sex?"

She had a point. Jerry was known as a womanizer. And everyone knew he wasn't a virgin anymore.

But, when it came to Kim, he was different.

She, even in her inebriated state, could tell that he was still resistant. So she came closer and whispered, "Please."

He sighed and, ignoring the nagging feeling in his stomach, pressed his lips to hers. She smiled against his mouth as he spun her around, pinning her between him and the door. Her hands went up to his neck as she pulled him closer.

His fingers fiddled with the back of her dress. Finally he got the zipper undone and pushed it off of her shoulders, letting it fall to become a pool of fabric at her feet. She quickly wrapped her legs around his torso and let him carry her to the bed.

"Thank you." She whispered as he set her down.

He just looked at her for a second before turning off the light and kissing her again.

Yes, another chapter! I'm back from the Dominican Republic and full of inspiration! haha

Please read&review! I don't mind long feedback, so say whatever is on your mind! Unless it's hurtful, then keep it to yourself! :P I don't mind constructive criticism, just keep it polite okay? :)