Derek Venturi walked down the hall to his step-sister, Casey's room. She had taken his CD player again, and he was sick of it!

Casey wasn't in her room. But as he turned to go back to his, he noticed the door to the bathroom was open. He peered through the crack between the wall and the door. Casey's bathrobe lay on the floor in the center of the bathroom, and she was relaxing in a bubble bath. He watched her until she looked up and saw him. "Derek!" she screamed. He fell back, and tried to disguise the look of wonder in his face for amusement. Casey wrapped her pink bathrobe arround her and stormed into the hall. "Derek Venturi, what did you see?" she demanded, standing so close to he could feel her breath on his neck. "Nothing." he lied. She glared and leant in closer. "Derek, how long were you standing there?" she asked again. They were so close Derek could practically feel Casey's heartbeat. "Just heard a noise and looked in to see what it was." he said, raising his hands as if he had no idea what she was talking about. "Derek, be honest!" she practically shrieked. Derek's hand instinctively flew up over her mouth. "Shhh. I saw nothing" he insisted, loving his hand. "Then why were you in the hall at 3 in the morning?" she asked in an angry whisper. "why were you taking a bath at 3 in the morning?" he replied, smiling like it was a joke. "Derek Venturi..." she said threateningly, leaning in closer. They were eye-to-eye now, and Derek could feel her heart pounding as it pressed against his chest. "Derek, I-" Casey started, but before she could finish Derek had leant forward and kissed her.

The walls seemed to spin as their lips met. Casey was frozen with kissed her. Derek Venturi, her stepbrother, had kissed her, Casey McDonald. She just stood there, wide-eyed until finally Casey pushed him away, and ran off down the stairs.

Derek wasn't sure what came over him. The scent of Lavender on her skin, or purely because she was so close to him. All he knew was, as of that moment, he loved Casey McDonald. The one girl he couldn't have.