Disclaimer- I don't own anything you guys!

Magnus stared at Alexander like he was crazy. What letter was he talking about? How could his beloved not think he wasn't still crazy about him. As he stood there pondering what was just told to him, Alexander spoke up again.

"You know what I'm talking about right? The letter, I got it two years ago, a week after Isabelle started her rule! Let me go get it." He muttered as he got up and walked to a small side table.

Magnus couldn't stand anymore, so he sunk down on the mattress and buried his face in his hands. Alec apparently found the paper because the next thing he knew, a paper was shoved into Magnus' face. The front of the paper had To Alexander Lightwood, Prince of Alicante, and the Bane Family Crest on it. He slowly opened up, and his eyes were met with neat handwriting, handwriting that wasn't his own. As his eyes slowly read the words on the paper, he gasped at what he was reading.

Dear Alexander, I think our times spent together should come to an end. The fleeting moments were fun while they lasted, but they are now put to an end. I don't want to see you, talk to you, or communicate with you in any way. Just try to forget about me please. Goodbye, and if this wasn't clear enough I will say it. I do not love you, and I never have. Goodbye. Sincerely, Magnus.

As he read on, tears came to Magnus' eyes, and when he was done he looked over at Alec, and he was completely speechless. "Yea..." Alec started, smirking a bit. "I kind of had the same reaction, but a lot more crying. And then I had Isabelle tell me it wasn't my fault you didn't love me so.."

"Wait! How did your sister know about us?" Magnus asked questioningly, looking at Alec.

"Well she was the one who gave me the letter, and she said that you were the one to give her the letter and told her 'Make sure he knows I don't want to be with him' and stuff." Alec said softly, shrugging a bit as he looked down.

"Alec," Magnus said, at a loss for words. "I n-never.. I wouldn't EVER write a letter like this! Alexander, Isabelle lied to you, I never gave her this or anything! I swear I've always been in love with you, why would I automatically stop?"

Alec sighed, looking down at his feet, which were adorned in brown wool socks. "I guess I never thought about that.. But wait, are you saying back then you still loved me?" He looks up, his blue eyes shining with hope.

Magnus scooted closer to him, gently grabbing Alec's chin between his thumb and forefinger. "I still do.." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Alec smiled and leaned in, meeting Magnus halfway, until their lips were pressed together gently. They moved their lips together fluidly, Alec's hands instantly wrapping around Magnus' neck as he crawled on the guys lap. Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec's slim waist, he was still skinny but underneath the cloth Magnus could feel fit muscle. They continued to kiss, things slowly getting more heated as the minutes passed. Soon Alec felt the familiar prodding of Magnus' tongue against his lips, and he gladly opened them.

Magnus felt Alec moan as his tongue explored his lover's mouth. He felt Alec's hands at his waist and then go up his shirt, gently caressing the toned muscle, and he moaned. Slowly, he felt his shirt being pulled up, and he let Alec swiftly take it off of him. Magnus moaned again as familiar hands explored his upper body, grabbing and rubbing along his chest and back. As Alec's hands traveled down lower and hit the waistband of Magnus' pants, it was like a switch was clicked on.

Alec roughly pushed Magnus onto his back, and started to attack his neck with gentle bites and needy kisses. He started to tug on Magnus' pants, begging for them to come off. Magnus quickly gave in to his wishes, pushing his own silk woolen pants down to his feet and he kicked them off. That left Alec fully clothed, and him only in his briefs, and he wasn't about to have that.

Magnus gently pulled Alec's shirt up, and he felt the muscle's that weren't there when they were young. "Mmm Alec~" He moaned as said boy continued to suck at his neck. "Alexander please wait, look at me." He breathed out as Alec's hand stopped at Magnus' waist.

He lifted his head, his cheeks flushed, but a small smile on his lips anyway. "What is it Maggie?"

Magnus smiled and sat up on his elbow, his black strands falling in his eyes. "Alexander I want you to know that I still love you. No matter what happened, I still love you with all my heart. And, I don't want to stop, I really don't."

Alec grinned, gently kissing Magnus on the lips, placing his hand on his lover's cheek. "I love you too Magnus Bane. Now please, lets get back to.. what we were doing~" He blushed at his words, but kissed Magnus again.

The two young men, kissed and felt each other until both had no clothes on. They slipped under the blankets, continuing to kiss each other, not focusing on anything but each other. That night, under the light of the full moon, they gave themselves over to their greatest desires, glad to be in each others arms again.


Magnus woke with light shining in his eyes, and he heard soft breathing beside him. He looked over and saw Alec's body curled up to him, snoring softly. This caused a grin to spread across Magnus' face, and then he remembered the night before, with full clarity. He gently slipped out from under Alec, and walked to the other side of the bed, pulling on his briefs and pants. He peeked a look at his lover one last time, before grabbing his shirt and slipping down the ladder with a grin on his lips still.

As his feet hit the floor, he heard a soft voice behind him, that sounded slightly amused. "Have an entertaining night Magnus?"

He quickly turned around and saw the owner of the voice, the young silver haired boy called Jem. He automatically felt embarrassed, he had totally forgot that five other boys also lived in that house. "O-oh my god. I'm so sorry Jem, I totally forgot that you guys were-"

"Oh shut it." A more cruel voice said, patting Magnus on the back. He turned his head and saw the dark haired boy, William. "We know you enjoyed yourself, don't apologize!" He grinned and walked over to Jem, placing a sweet kiss on the lighter haired boy's cheek.

"But we were the only ones who heard the incessant squeaking of the bed, or Alec's pleading moans!" Jem giggled. "We sleep in the room right under Alec's. Then the rest of the boys sleep in the back room."

"You guys are lucky," Will said, rather amused. "Simon would kill you if he knew what happened!"

Magnus just blushed, grinning and walking over to a chair and taking a seat. "Sorry boys, but I kind of had to make something up to Alec, we had a bit of an understanding."

"That's the understatement of the century!" Came the squeaky voice of Simon, followed by Sebastian and Jonathan.

"We could hear you two! Alec is obnoxiously loud!" Jonathan said, his voice obvious with disgust.

Magnus now just laughed, embarrassed that the boys had heard them, but then not really caring. As they were all chatting about the previous nights activities, that no one heard Alec come down the stairs. When the chatter died down, they heard a squeak, and they turned their heads toward the ladder.

Alexander stood there, his face as bright as a tomato, and his hands tangled in his shirt. "Y-y-you guys heard us?!" he said in a squeaky voice, his face filled with embarrassment.

A/N- I'M SO SORRY YOU GUYS! IVE BEEN GONE TOO LONG I APOLOGIZE! I don't really know where I'm gonna go with this story, or my other Malec, so just bear with me while I try to get back on track. But I promise I will try to start updating more regularly! Ans also since I've been gone so long I gave you guys.. this. Some lovings I suppose.. but I hope you liked it! SO please review you guys and tell me what you want in the next chapter, cause I'm so stuck! And remember reviews=love! Thanks!