A/N: Hell! My name is MissAntelope and I just finished reading Insurgent the other day and oh my gosh. Amazing. I almost started to cry when she shot will. NO! You can't kill off Will! And of course, as a writer for Fanfiction, I am always thinking of ideas for stories. So what happens when Christina awakes from the simulation and finds Will? Oh no! Sorry if I don't get them in character well, it takes me a while to figure my way through characters at first.


Christina's POV:

On normal days, I wake up in a bed, the covers tightly wrapped around me. I normally don't sleepwalk but when I wake up this morning, I am standing above a man dressed all in grey.

He is trembling and reaching for a woman to his right. She too is dressed all in grey and a a gun is pressed into her head. She is crying and their fingers meet in between. The gun at her head is held by a fellow dauntless. I have seen this girl during meal times. She is happy and bubbly a few tables away from us, but now she drops the gun and drops to the floor in a heap of sobs.

The abnegation woman gets up and backs a few feet away from me. I notice that my fingers are formed over the trigger of a gun, aimed right for the back of the man's head. A lump forms in my throat and immediately I drop the gun in the street.

"I'm sorry," I choke out and step away. My hands are clammy and trembling at my sides as I watch the couple join together and rush towards a screaming girl. The child is clinging to a boy about my age. His eyes are blank and his fingers are pale.

"My son!" The man cries. The family huddles together and the father cradles the boy's head. A gunshot wound in his chest spills over onto the street. The mother and sister hold each other close and stare silently at the body, tears streaming down their cheeks.

Did I shoot that boy? I have to look away. As soon as I rip myself away from this scene, the reality sets in.

I am standing in the middle of an Abnegation street. Dauntless shouts echo off the walls and bodies lay haphazardly in the street. My heart thumps louder as I accidentally step on an older woman's leg in front of me. She is a bloody mess and I have to hold my breath to keep myself from caving in.

I need to find Will. He will know what to do and make this better. I see the body of an older dauntless man laying in the street and I start getting nervous. I need to find Will.

I see a girl. It's Marlene.

"Marlene!" I call. She stops staring at her hands and looks up. "Where's Will?" Someone brushes past quickly, knocking to me to the side. Marlene looks at me with wide eyes, mouth open slightly. She shrugs her shoulders and looks back at her hands.

I run through the streets, shoving through arguing people, turning over every body that has sandy blonde hair. I only hope that I don't find what I want on the floor.

After searching down the entire street, I desperately call out his name. "WILL!" No response. I start checking down alleys and the areas between abnegation houses. First and second alley was empty. The third alley only had a little girl dressed in grey hiding behind a dumpster.

"Will!" I try again. Peeking down the fourth alley, it is a bit wider and has more people than the last three. None of them have sandy blonde hair except for the last one.

A body is laying face down, motionless. A pool of blood puddles around his head. There are patches of blonde hair that aren't soaked in blood. This can't be Will… It can't… I push the person over onto his back.

I gasped and my chest deflated as it started to hollow out. It felt like my life was over as I gripped the sides of Will's face and screamed into the open air. I doubled over towards him when I felt how cold his skin was. I was so close to him, our foreheads were touching.

I'm dauntless and I'm getting used to the fact that people will get bloody when we fight. It's not the fact that I have his blood on me that scares me, it's the lifeless look in his eyes as he stares off at a point in space. I hope I wouldn't have to see that look on anybody ever again.

I closed his eyes with shaky fingers and it made it more bearable. I don't see how people can say that "Now, he could be sleeping." I know the truth. He isn't sleeping. If Will were asleep, he would be holding me close to his warm and strong body. Not the other way around. If he were asleep, I would feel his hot breath and his fingers wouldn't be deathly pale and icy between mine. Not this lifeless heap of limbs that once held a beautiful smile and a pair of interested eyes.

I eventually folded his arms over his stomach and straightened his legs, trying to ignore the bloody hole in his head. I threw his gun as far away as possible and straightened his hair as best as I could. He now looked somewhat peaceful. Leaning down, I kissed him on the forehead, like I know he would if I were gone. I stood up and staggered away from his slack face.


There were too many bodies in the streets to count, so no one would help me now. I don't even know what to do now. Where to go. What to say. Instead, I walked the streets, listening to the helpless cries of love ones, shouts of the dauntless, and sobs of the injured.

It was bad enough loosing Al, but this wasn't the same. This was a different kind of pain.

Once my head was as clear as it was going to get, I started thinking about other things that what I was going to do with the rest of my life without Will. Even his name hurt to think.

I hope Tris was okay. She is my best friend and she is probably the only one who would be able to say the right thing right now. If Four was killed, it would destroy her, so I worried about him too. I hope Peter died.

My family is Candor, so if this was only an attack on the Abnegation, they should be okay. But, of course I have know idea what this was, so I tried not to get my hopes up.

Then I thought of revenge.

I was going to get my vengeance. I'm going to kill the person who took Will away from me. My palms got sweaty as I thought about blood being spilt. Vengeance is going to taste sweet.

I am Dauntless and I will be brave.

A/N: Alright, so she lost Will… I think I'm going to do 2 more one shots about Al and Fernando next. Just add them into the story think. It's like Christina's trilogy of disaster! YAY! And if I don't get all the facts straight, cut me some slack. Okay, enough. I'll stop : )

Have a great day and hope you enjoyed.