"Loonatics!" Zadavia appeared on the living room TV screen. "I have bad news!" The team gathered before the screen. "What's up boss lady?" questioned Duck. Lexi looked around. "Hey, where's Ace?" Zadavia turned to her. "That's the problem Lexi," The screen changed to reveal a red eyed Ace hacking and slashing his way through Acmetropolis. "Ace has been captured and brainwashed."
"WHAT?!" cried the team. The screen changed back to Zadavia who nodded grimly. "Yes. He is under the control of Mastermind." Tech cocked his head in confusion. "Why would Mastermind want control of Ace?" Lexi bit her lower lip, and nodded. "Think Tech," said Zadavia. "What better way to blacken the Loonatics by having their leader wreak havoc upon the city." In anger, Slam brought his fist down on the coffee table and broke it. Lexi felt her face contort in anger. Her eyes threatened to burn pink. I'm going to brain blast Mastermind so hard that she'll be on the far side of the universe in five seconds. "How did she even manage to do this?!" exclaimed Lexi. "Ace is always on top of everything! He doesn't get surprised or kidnapped easily, I mean why would he, he's our leader and he…he…" Lexi realized she was rambling, she flushed and looked back up at Zadavia. "Nice impression of Rev, Lexi." Duck muttered. Rev quickly turned on him. "Hey!" "Nevertheless," Zadavia continued. "You must stop him and Mastermind, before there is nothing left of Acmetropolis." Duck's eyes widened. "You don't mean-" "Of course not Duck!" Zadavia cleared her throat. "A simple tranquilizer will do." "Hey-Yeah!" Rev exclaimed. "Tech-you-think-you-can-make-one-fast-enough-in-su ch-little-time-and-maybe-a-fast-one-too-seeing-as- how-we're-going-up-against-Ace-here-I-mean-we-have -skills-but-he-has-some-really-professional-moves- and-mmm!" Tech closed his beak. "I don't think sedating him will be wise." Duck gave him a look. "Are you serious?!" he threw up his arms in protest. "Why not!? As much as I hate to admit it, this is ACE. LEADER OF THE LOONATICS! Why in the name of Misty Breeze would we NOT sedate him in order to calm him down?! THAT MAKES NO SENSE!" "Duck." Slam put his hand on Duck shoulder to calm him. "Look," Tech looked at Duck. "Knowing Mallory, she's invented something that will react violently with the tranquilizer liquid." He faced Zadavia. "She's that good, after all, I did tutor her." He cursed himself inwardly. Lexi's eyes widened at this. "You…You really think so?" Tech made a low growl in his throat. "If I know Mallory, I know so." Lexi gritted her teeth. Why can't things ever be easy? "I trust you'll find a way, Loonatics," said Zadavia calmly. "Zadavia out." And with that, the screen went blank. "Come on guys!" Lexi motioned to the ship yard. In Ace's honor she said, " Let's jet!"