A/N: This is my first piece of writing meant to be published to the public. Please go slightly easy on me as even though I know how to write, I don't remember all the little nuances that it requires. However that does not mean flame at me, just constructive criticism and any grammar error I may have. Though you didn't come here to listen to me ramble on, so without further ado, I present: The Friendly Geth

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING except my OC(s) and the storyline I have created. All other items are property of Bioware. Except the earth, because no one owns that :P Only time I will ever post this.

I went into my room and flopped down onto my bed exhausted after a long day of playing video games and eating junk food. I groan as I realize that tomorrow is Monday and I have to go back to school early in the morning. I lie back on the bed and close my eyes thinking that the week cycle is restarting for the umpteenth time. Boy was I wrong.

I awaken to the sounds of shots being fired. I jump up and look around and see of all things, Geth are around me, and they aren't attacking me. After the initial shock of finding out that I'm next to about half a dozen Geth wears off, I look to see what they are shooting at. I see three people sitting behind cover, taking out Geth one by one. As I look around even further I realize that I am on Eden Prime, and I'm now a Geth.. If it wasn't so deadly at the moment I'm sure my brains would be leaking out of my ears by now or at least, if I had any.

As I realize that the three people that were killing the Geth is Commander Shepard and Co. I wonder what to do. With a jolt I realize that it includes me now that I'm Geth. As I try to figure out how to make the Commander see me not as a threat, a Geth next to me shoves a sniper rifle into my hands and tells me to try and take out the humans. I envision myself grinning because I realize that my decision was made for me.

I lie down with the sniper rifle to where it aims to where the Commander is, while giving me sight of my "comrades". I pause for a second, kinda clueless on using a sniper rifle and reloading. For a second I pray to god that they just overheat like in the game. I take aim on a nearby Geth and fire.

Thank you for reading the first part of hopefully a successful story. Please review and stuff, and I'll get to naming my OC in the meantime :D. Also, I realize that this is short, it's meant to be a test the waters kind of deal. As a final note, I'm looking for a Beta so that if anything I personally missed is wrong, it doesn't appear in the final draft.