White walls surround us

No light will touch your face again

Rain taps the window

As we sleep among the dead

It was raining. He sat near him. His love. His friend. He had been in the hospital for two weeks now. He was internally bleeding. 'Damn you, Doji.' He swore in his head. He took Kyouya's hand in his and looked at his sleeping face. Tears slid down Nile's face as the truth poured over him, time and time again.

Days go on forever

But I have not left your side

We can chase the dark together

If you go then so will I

He had been in the hospital room the whole time Kyouya had been. He had not slept enough. He had thought over and over about what he was told. He had replayed the great times between him and the older. And each time he had, new tears ran over the trails left by old ones.

There is nothing left of you

I can see it in your eyes

Sing the anthem of the angels

And say the last goodbye

He knew he was dying. He knew he could not change it. The doctors had tried. But each time, failed. And Nile hated them. He hated them for not being able to save one of the very few people in this sick and dark world that he loved. He hated them for being the only people in the world that could save him, but couldn't and wouldn't try anymore.

Cold light above us

Hope fills the heart

And fades away

Skin white as winter

As the sky returns to grey

Each time a bit of movement came from Kyouya, Nile would tell himself that Kyouya would be fine. He would live, he'd have to! But... Each sound that came from the heart monitor and each drip from the three IV's in Kyouya's veins, each giving him different fluids he's need to try to recover, the numerous sounds coming from each different machine, would remind him of the truth. And his hope faded away.

Days go on forever

But I have not left your side

We can chase the dark together

If you go then so will I

He had been near Kyouya's side for a full three weeks now. He began to tell himself, and vow to Kyouya's sleeping self that when he died, he would take himself from the world. That no matter what, he would not be separated from the older. He refused it. He wouldn't live if Kyouya died.

There is nothing left of you

I can see it in your eyes

Sing the anthem of the angels

And say the last goodbye

When it happened, the accident, there was too much pain in the older's eyes for even Nile to bear looking at. He wondered over and over how Kyouya had been fighting to live for so long. For Nile had seen it in Kyouya's deep blue eyes. For a split second, they were not blue, no. Not anymore. They had turned grey in Nile's own eyes.

I keep holding onto you

But I can't bring you back to life

Sing the anthem of the angels

Then say the last goodbye

Nile knew that no matter how much false hope he'd filled himself with, he could not bring Kyouya back. Back to himself. He would soon have to say goodbye eternally to the boy he once loved, and forever would.

You're dead alive

Kyouya was still alive physically, that was a fact. But on the inside. He was dead. He was already fading from what had been. From what he'd known. He had been suffering pain. Unbearable pain. And that was what had killed him.

There is nothing left of you

I can see it in your eyes

Sing the anthem of the angels

And say the last goodbye

The doctors told Nile that within only a matter of a few days, there would not be enough blood running through Kyouya's veins to support life. His kidneys would not work. His liver would shut down. His brain would not function. His lungs would not draw in oxygen. His heart. Would stop.

I keep holding onto you

He took Kyouya's hand into his own as yet another few tears made their way across his cheeks.

Say the last goodbye

It was the day the doctors predicted. Nile sat, once again, by the bed side and watched as Kyouya's chest rose and fell faintly with his few last breaths. The heart monitor slowed as did Kyouya's heart rate. His body fell limp. And the monitor went off. He was done. He was gone. Free.

Sing the anthem of the angels

And say the last goodbye