"The King is a Queen! The King is a Queen! The King is a Queen!"
The joyful shout of a giggling Witch echoed through the corridors. Halting confused servants and baffling Knights and Nobles. But they all rolled their eyes as they heard the familiar, yet feminie screech of -
Merlin laughed manically as she was chased by a raging blonde Queen. Gwaine had stopped running long ago when it became clear that Arthur only wanted to kill Merlin. So he had collasped - giggling - when Arthur had chased the female round and around the courtyard.
Now they were running through the corridors - the new Queen had ditched her too large boots somewhere along the way. She was gaining quickly on the raven haired woman.
"The king is a-"
Merlin yelped as Arthur finally succeed in grabbing the witch by the collar. Blonde and black hair flew as Arthur knocked Merlin to the ground and held her in a headlock.
"Ow ow ow ow ow OW!" Merlin wiggled under the Queens grip and tried to tear herself away from the fist grinding into her skull. "Get off!"
"Turn me back!"
"You can fucking TRY!"
"I'll turn you into a toad if you don't let go!"
Arthurs feminine face gritted her teeth and kept grinding.
"With warts!"
Arthur stopped grinding.
Merlin pushed away from her and collapsed onto the stone slabs, panting and rubbing a sore spot on her head.
"Knew that would stop you," Merlin giggled.
Merlin only received a glare.
"You know you look cute when you're angry," Merlin grinned.
Arthur got off the floor and humphed. Spinning on her heel, she stormed away quickly.
Merlin grunted as she dragged herself to her feet and ran after the raging Queen. She caught up with her just as she was peering round the corner to another corridor. "What are you doing?" Merlin frowned.
Arthur didn't answer. Flicking her blonde hair from her face, Arthur stepped out into the corridor and quickly walked to the end of that one. Merlin trailing behind. Arthur paused to peer around the next corner before continuing.
"Ohh," Merlin rolled her eyes. "Except for the guards at your door and the guests - everyone knows that I was going to turn you into a woman,"
Arthurs back stiffened. She turned slowly on her heel to face Merlin, who was a few feet away from her with her hands behind her back.
"Even the knights?" Arthur hissed.
"Especially the Knights," Merlin smiled.
"And Gwen?"
"I had to ask her opinion of course," Merlin's smile widened.
"I'm going to kill you," Arthur muttered calmly.
"Not before we drink that potion hopefully," Merlin skipped a little as she came towards Arthur than passed her, taking the route towards Gauis' chambers. "Come on, Gwaine will be there already,"
A low grumble came from behind her. Merlin stumbled as Arthur shoved her roughly.
"That's not a way for a Queen to behave now, is it?" Merlin shook her head in mock disappointment.
Arthur tried to keep a straight face as Merlin grinned goofily and wiggled her eyebrows. The Queen finally cracked when Merlin nudged her. The tiniest smile appeared on her lips which quickly became a laugh. "Merlin, fuck off,"
"I'm forgiven!" Merlin cheered.
"Why?" Arthur shook her head, looking down at her body. "Its so uncomfortable,"
"You deserve it," Merlin frowned, "You were being a real ass this week, more than usual,"
"Yeah," Arthur looked ashamed, "I know. I'm sorry. Forgive me?"
"Of course," Merlin smiled happily and before Arthur could protest, she pulled the other woman into a hug. Arthur returned the hug shyly before pulling away. Merlin took one look at her vacant expression and nodded, "Lets go get that potion,"
They headed down the corridor together. Arthur's bare feet padding gently on the stone slabs. She kept stiffening her back and huffing.
Merlin looked sideways at her and beamed, "Hips move too much don't they? And the boobs? And the hair gets in your face constantly?"
Arthur just nodded - having just taken a mouthful of her own hair. She shook her head like a dog and choked out, "The... eh... it feels -" She cut herself off, her face going a deep shade of red.
"What?" Merlin frowned.
"You know... it's," Arthur gulped and looked down at her crotch, "Breezy,"
Merlin's chest exploded with a laugh that echoed down the corridor. She tried to stop herself but she caught the uncomfortable look on Arthur's face and the laugh strengthened until she was on the floor and gasping for air. Tears streaming down her face.
"Merlin, stop it," Arthur glared. But her eyes twinkled with a little mirth, catching the funny side of it.
"I can't stop," Merlin gasped. Giggling uncontrollably she repeated, "Breezy,"
A giggle escaped Arthur's throat. Both women froze at the noise before the laughing fit had them both. They held onto each other, trying to keep it together. But failing utterly as the fit vibrated their entire bodies.
Realising it was useless trying to stop, they staggered down the corridors. Laughing loudly and holding onto each other. Until they reached Gaius' chambers and burst through the doors. By then their laugh had bubbled down to little hiccups and short bursts of giggles.
Gaius looked up from the cauldron and rolled his eyes. Turning his back on the deranged women he passed a cup of something to the dark haired woman wearing baggy men's clothing.
"Gwaine!" Arthur called. "Is that the potion?"
The woman nodded, giving the cup a glare, "Gaius made me change," Gwaine huffed.
"Come on. Drink up," Gaius stared at her. Raising his eyebrow threateningly.
Gwaine gave the cup another glare before throwing back her head and drinking whatever was in the cup in one gulp. Her face twisted in a look of disgust. "Gawd. Gaius, that's no apple juice!"
They all stared at her in surprise. The voice coming from her throat was Gwaine's. No longer the higher pitched woman's one. As they watched, Gwaines features changed. Her chest got flattered, then expanded to fill her shirt. He grew a little and his hair got shorter. Stubble sprouted from his chin. Gwaine leaped up and looked down at his crotch. "Thank the gods! They're back!"
A cup was thrust into Merlin's and Arthur's faces. They each took a step back in surprise before seeing Gaius behind them. Taking the cup gingerly, Merlin looked down at the mirky brown substance in the cup. Should she? Should she not? Could it really be that bad if she stayed like this?
"Just drink it," Arthur held an empty cup. Her body was changing rapidly. Merlin pouted a little and looked back at the cup.
Sighing in resignation, Merlin gulped down the substance and grimaced. "That's disgusting!"
"Merlina, you forgot something," Arthur laughed. He was completely back to normal now.
"What?" Merlin frowned. He yelped as suddenly his clothes were too tight. The leather belt digging into his abdomen. "Help!"
"Don't you have magic or not?" Gaius tutted.
"Oh right," Merlin's eyes flashed and his clothes expanded. He turned to look in the mirror and sighed as he saw his old male face and sharp features. "You know... that is a brilliant disguise if we ever needed to get into an enemies hideout or something,"
"Yes. But for now Merlin," Arthur's hand clamped on to his shoulder, his reflection looking at him with a bemused glare, "You can go get my boots,"
The End
The completely male versions of Merlin and Gwaine laughed together as they walked down the corridor towards the hall where the feast was taking place. They spotted a Knight named Sir Galahad who was standing by the doors with a slightly lost but determined look on his face.
Merlin watched him. Just as they passed the stood up Knight, Merlin caught his eye and winked.
Sir Galahad would never know that his lost love, that he will tell his fellow knights, children and Granddad children about, had in fact been at the feast that night. Just not in the form he would imagine.
AN: I'm sorry that it took so long to get this to you! Was beyond busy and was kind of reluctant to finish this.
Because that's it! All done! No more!
How did you like it? Please review! And thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU for all the wonderful reviews and support for this little story of mine. Really hoped you enjoyed (although, I have a suspicion that you did!) and gosh... thank you!
So glad you liked this! Rolling on the floor laughing is what I was aiming for! Thanks for the review!
Thanks for all your wonderfulreviews! What did you think of the final chapter?
Oh, yes, they do like it, don't they? Merlin seems more gutted though! Thanks for the reviews!
Megan (Chapter 7)
Glad I made you laugh! lol! Thanks for reading and reviewing!