Its seems a normal Friday morning, two weeks, after their arrived in Storybrooke and in that particular morning, Neal woke up earlier, not wanting to get late for his temporary job, as Graham´s Deputy, while arrange things, to open his own insurance agency.

Although it was earlier, Mary Margaret probably had already gone to school, because they were only Neal and Henry in the apartment. To be honest, leaving with the teacher, was pretty cool, Mary Margaret, was funny, friendly and the mother Henry never had.

Suddenly, Neal was robbed from his thoughts, upon hearing Henry´s voice, talking animatedly with someone, outside the apartment. Looking confuse trough the window, Neal felt his blood turn ice, when he saw Henry, talking with Mr. Gold.

''Henry, what I told you about talk with strangers?'' he asked angry

''you know Mr. Gold isn't a stranger and he is nice''

''he is nice, until he take you to his house and turn you into a snail and I will never see you again. Now, go get your things, we are late for school''

''ok, bye, Mr. Gold.'' After make sure Henry was out of sight, Neal turn to Mr. Gold and ask furiously, what he was doing next to his son.

''well, if I can't catch up with my son, I can catch up with my grandson, he really has his mother´s smile.''

''bend your disgusting tongue when talking about my wife. And if I see you next to my son again, or next to Ms. Blanchard apartment, I will sure you go to jail. Now get out!''

''Bea…sorry…Mr. Cassidy, I'm here because I need your help''

''I don't care.'' He snaps and went away.

After dealing with Mr. Gold, Neal finished packing and walked his boy, until the bus stop, when, before Henry enter in the bus, he simply turn to his dad and inform him something

''dad, I was thinking, maybe we should pick up a name for our mission to break the curse. ''Mission Emma Swan'', after mom, did you like it?''

''nope. Now enter in the bus and have a good class, latter I'm came here to pick you up. I love you.'' Neal gives Henry a kiss on the forehead and goes away.

The rest of the morning, went quiet for Neal, however, for his immense displeasure, nearing the end of the afternoon, Mr. Gold made a surprise appearance at the police station, wanting to talk to him.

''what the hell you want?'' Neal was furious at the other man presence

''there is a woman, a teenager, her name is Ashley Boyle, she stole something from me and…''

''I don't care, about your problems, it's not of my business.''

''Neal, please, just listen. If you help me, I promise, I will arrange for your passage, you and your kid will be free of Storybrooke and you never will need to see me.'' Gold said with a sad tone

''okay, what the problem?''

''this woman, Ms. Boyle, she is pregnant and desperate. The thing is, her boyfriend, the child´s dad, died in a car crash, some days before you arrived here, so she stole something mine and decide to run away.''

''what you want me to do?''

''I want you, to talk to her and bring her back to me. I was thinking about talk to sheriff Graham, but, I also think that someone in your position, who loses someone you love, would be a bit more convincing.'' Gold explain.

''get out of my way.'' Neal snorted and run away.

Back at Mary Margaret´s home, Neal reports to Henry, about Mr. Gold´s favor and ask him to stay with Mary, till he comes back.

''dad, I can go with you? I mean, accord with Mr. Gold, the maid could be Cinderella, I need to go with you.'' Henry exclaimed

''she isn't Cinderella, baby. And it could be dangerous, so you stay with Mary and behavior yourself please.'' Neal gives his son a kiss and went after Mrs. Boyle, who had borrowed Ruby´s car in order to escape toward Chicago.

Luckily for Neal and according to Henry´s theory, nobody could leave Storybrook, so, when Neal found the girl, she had hit the car on the roadside, nothing serious, but with the scare she had gone into labor.

''oh, God, we need to take you to the hospital.'' Whispered Neal, taking Ashley in his arms.

''no, please, don't bring me back to Storybrooke.'' She cried, while Neal drives as fast as he could, back to the hospital.

''I know you are desperate, but you stole something from someone and you must return the stolen object.''

''you don't understand, I made a deal with Mr. Gold, he told he would sustain me, but in return he wants my child. At first I accepted the bargain, but now I given up and need to run away.''

''nobody will take your child. Listen, I raise my son since his mom died in childbirth, so I can tell, it's not an easy task, but with love and patience, you will accomplish much. Now, let Mr. Gold with me, I talk to him.'' Neal reassured her, however at that time, his only desire, was arriving in Storybrook and punch Mr. Gold in the face.

Once arriving back in the hospital, where Mr. Gold waiting for them, with a half smile planted on his face, Ashley, was quickly taken to the OR, to give birth to her baby.

''Thanks, Bae, I would not have done it without your help.''

''if I knew that the commodity was a child, I would have helped the girl escape.''

''think of it this way, if I get the kid, she will be adopted by a good family, have a good future. But if Miss. Boyle stay with the child, this story would surely end in tears'' Gold answer

''you are unbelievable, you know? You really don't have idea that family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten.'' Neal laughed at the monstrous explanation that Gold had given him.


''I want to made a new deal with you. I know, that the last deal we made, does not end the way we want, but this deal in both have to fulfilling.'' Neal proposes

''okay, son, whatever you want.''

''first of all, for you, my name is Mr. Cassidy. Now, the second thing, my part in the bargain, is that Ashley stay with her kid.'' Neal explain.

That evening, when Neal returns to Mary´s apartment, after informs Ashley that she will stay with her baby; Neal arrives, only to find Mary alone in the kitchen.

''hello, Mrs. Blanchard, is everything okay, where is Henry?'' he asks

''Neal, everything is fine, Henry is upstairs. I heard about Ashley and I'm glad she can stay with the baby.'' Mary smiles

''me too, now, I'm going to see my son, I will be back.'' Neal smiles, running upstairs. Once in the room he shares with his boy, he spots Henry lying down in his bad, clinging to the wool blanket that belonged to his mother.

''daddy, I'm sorry.'' He jump off the bed and hug Neal, as soon as he enter in the room

''sorry? sorry for what sweetheart?'' Neal became confuse

''if not for me, Mom would still be here.'' He cries

''oh, my little boy, don't say that, what happened to mommy wasn't our fault, she was already very ill, even before she knew that you would be born.'' Neal tries to explain. Actually, Emma has died of a hemorrhage due the complicate birth and lake of medical care, but Neal refuse to believe that his son was the cause of this

''did she loves me?''

''of course she did, she had made a lot of plains to you, you know? Now Henry, I want to make a question. Did you want to stay in Storybrook, more time?''

''of course I want dad, then we have more time to break the curse.'' Henry laugh in contentment

''later we talk about that, now, let's inform Mrs. Blanche, our decision.'' Neal pick his son up and together, father and son, rushed to go downstairs and meet with Mary Margaret, who was waiting them, for dinner.


Well, let´s see, this is the ending of the story. i hope you enjoy it and sorry and sorry to bother everyone with that story of adoption story, but since I was the author of the project, I thought it was just my job to finish it, so i came back and finish it up.

Now, thanks everyone for your patient and don´t forgt the review, its realy important to me.

If you excuse-me, now i´m going to start my exhausted search for my next project. However, I hope something comes along soon

Good Night

Dr. Mois