Hello, dear fellow writers, I'm here today, to two things. First of all, is to wish Happy MotherĀ“s Day, to all mothers who have account in this site and for the other writers and readers motherĀ“s.

Now, the second of all, is to present my new four-shot project, which takes place, in the 3 first episodes from the first season. But this storyline however, changes a bit.

Everything starts, when Neal, decided to not listened to August and returns to Emma, marring her and then she give birth to Henry, but dies of childbirth, leaving Neal and Henry alone. Then, 10 years later, while traveling, father and son get themselves lost in the road and accidently arrives in Storybrooke. (More or less what happened to Mr. Mendel, but without the sad ending)

Besides that, this storyline presents one other change.

In this story, Regina and Sidney are happily engaged, but don't have kids.

Besides this, as usual, some characteristics of the characters should be changed, to better match with the story.

Well, that's all; I hope you enjoy this story, have everyone a nice day and till next time.

Dr. Mois