This is my second Faberittana story so please enjoy :)
Quinn Fabray rounded the corner just as she saw her. Standing against the wall with one high heel boot against the wall and the other planted on the ground next to what Quinn guessed was her boyfriend. This girl hadn't even turned around yet but she recognised the body, and the height, only one girl in her life had ever been able to pull off that rainbow jacket and that hat. Only one girl she had ever known had ever thought about buying that hat. Think of it now, it might have been her who brought her that hat. But it was so long ago Quinn could barely remember it, she was surprised she still remembered her.
She didn't want to cause any attention to herself, so she quietly walked the short distance from the corner of the sidewalk to the doors of her workplace and she kept her head down incase she looked up and happened to see her. She wasn't ready for that yet, she would never be ready for that she decided.
But just as she reached for the door another hand reached for it at the same time and Quinn couldn't describe what it was like when their hands touched again. Startled Rachel turned around "Oh I'm so sorry" she said pulling her hand away. Quinn kept her head down and just nodded. Hopefully Rachel would just let her walk in and she could hide in her office and make sure she never ran into her again.
"Uh..Are you okay?" Rachel asked looking up at her even in heels. It's funny how Rachel hadn't grown at all since-
And suddenly she was being turned around so Rachel could face her and she hated the way Rachel's eyes widened and the way she gasped when she realised who was standing in front of her "Oh my god" Rachel whispered "Quinn?"
Quinn stared back at her. Looking as horrified as Rachel did. They weren't suppose to see each other again, ever!
And suddenly Quinn felt a hard slap being delivered to her left cheek and her hands flew up to hold the stinging area. It reminded her of Prom night, only she was the one being slapped and not Rachel, and they weren't in high school now or in the bathrooms.
"Ow!" Quinn gasped.
"I'm glad it hurts" Rachel stated angrily, her eyes filling with angry tears as her lips dropped to make a pouting frowning face. It nearly broke Quinn's heart to see Rachel like this. She had promised herself she would never hurt Rachel again, which was why she planned on never seeing her, she couldn't help her heart breaking a little bit more when Rachel suddenly turned away from her. It reminded Quinn of what she did to Rachel all them years ago.
"I have to go" Quinn whispered to Rachel's back as she slid through the doors and into the building. Rachel waited until she was gone before turning around again. Kieran called her "What was that about?" he asked as he sat up against the wall so he wasn't laying down on the sidewalk anymore when a crowd of people started walking by.
"It's someone I never wanted to see again" Rachel answered. Richard stood up "Why? What did she do?" he asked coming to lean against the wall on Rachel's side.
"It wasn't just her, it was all three of them" Rachel angrily muttered at the memory "I spent years trying to erase them from my mind and then she just shows up here!" Rachel was close to tears so Richard wrapped his arms around her.
Just at that time Santana rounded the other corner, showing up late for work again when she noticed Rachel in Richard's arms. She froze. Rachel. What was Rachel doing here? And why was she crying? Guilt filled her chest, that's how she last saw her. Crying. She was the one who went back because she left something and she saw Rachel had woken and realised they were gone. Then the small girl burst into tears and Santana witnessed it all. It's what kept her awake sometimes at night, just seeing that heartbroken face.
And now she was seeing it again. Maybe she had saw Quinn and it triggered it back. Where was Quinn? And had she told Brittany yet, probably not. Because then Brittany would know the true about what they did to their suppose-ex best friend.
Santana's heart stopped beating the moment Rachel looked at her. Rachel glared at her and Santana slowly walked towards her, not knowing what to say she reached out and put her hand on Rachel's cheek "Damn Rach, we're so sorry"
"It's a little bit too late for that, Lopez" Rachel spat as her hand came out and slapped the Latina across the face. Santana stood in shock for a second before she grabbed the back of Rachel's coat and pulled her out of the boy's arm "Whoa" Richard said. Santana ignored him.
"What are you going to do Santana! Hit me? Slap me? Abandon me AGAIN!" Rachel shouted.
Santana stared at her in shock for a moment "We never..." she choked up and collected herself again "Abandoned you is a big word"
"It's not a word it's a statement and don't lie because you did abandon me and then you just showed up here"
"We work here" Santana argued.
"Since when?" Rachel challenged.
"Since last week" Santana told her.
"So you did just move here? Why? Why here?" Rachel asked desperate for an answer.
"We had no idea you were here Rachel" Santana said.
"Sure you didn't, because otherwise you wouldn't have moved here in case you bumped into me" Rachel explained for her. Santana shook her head and try to argue with Rachel but Rachel just continued "All three of you were together somewhere, I don't know where; in the city or out the country I don't know, while I was here hoping this was all just a nightmare, that my three best friends didn't abandon me, and I was so stupid to believe one day you would come back for me when in reality, you were doing the opposite"
"Rachel shut up!" Santana demanded, frustration on a thin line.
"Hey don't speak to her like that" Kieran interjected.
"You" Santana pointed at him "Stay out of this"
"I'm just defending her" Richard said "Rachel, I think we should go inside" Richard said looking at her. Rachel nodded "Yeah we're going to be late" she agreed turning away from Santana with tears already falling.
"This is not over Rachel!" Santana growled after her.
"No" Rachel turned back around "It was over the day you left me"
And then she left and Santana hoped to god if she couldn't fix this, Quinn could. For all their sakes.
"Hello" Quinn looked up at the girl greeting her "Um..Hey" The brunette sat down next to the blond on the bench "Are you new here?" she asked.
Quinn nodded "Yeah"
They sat there in silence for a second while Quinn looked at how high the girl's feet were from the ground. She was really small.
"I'm Rachel, Rachel Berry" Rachel held out her hand for her to shake. Quinn shook it and introduced herself too "I'm Quinn Fabray"
"You're very pretty Quinn"
"Thank you" Quinn smiled shyly. She was still very shy because a bit of Lucy was still in her. She had to make a change and be different she decided.
"Hey Rae Rae, who's your friend?" a bubbly blond girl skipped over to them with a Latina holding her hand. Quinn looked at it but didn't say anything.
"She's Quinn" Rachel introduced her.
"Quinn? That's a funny name" the Latina commented.
"Santana" Rachel scolded.
"Chill shorty, I was just saying" Santana defended. Quinn smiled at the nickname for Rachel, it made sense.
"I'm.. Brittany, I think" Brittany suddenly went into serious thinking mode "Yeah I'm sure I'm Brittany" the blonde hugged Quinn until Santana pulled her off her.
"San, can Quinn join our friend group please?" Rachel begged pouting.
"Fine!" Santana sighed giving in "Only because you brought out the pout"
Rachel squealed and clapped her hands excitedly. Looks like Quinn had found her new friends. And she knew they were going to be super close.
"Guys come on! We need to sign up for glee club!" Rachel told them as she pulled Quinn over to the sheet and Santana and Brittany followed after them.
"Do we really have to Tiny?" Santana asked "Yes" Rachel deadpanned "Please?" she added when she saw Santana hesitate to sign up.
"It's just glee club isn't my thing" Santana said.
"I'll join Rachel" Quinn said.
And when Rachel showed up one of her hundred watts smiles, Quinn knew why she wanted to sign up.
"I'm joining as well" Brittany said. She looked at Santana "Please join San, it won't be the same without you?"
"Fine" Santana said rolling her eyes.
"Yay!" Rachel squealed "Now we can all be together!"
On one of the girls sleepovers, Rachel wanted to play twister.
"Twister is boring Rachel" Santana stated "And plus we're like fifteen now, we can't keep playing baby games"
"Twister isn't for babies" Rachel argued.
"Yes it is" Quinn laughed.
"I want to play" Brittany said "Come on guys it will be fun!" she tried to convince them.
Santana and Quinn looked at each other "Fine"
"Okay Q, red and green"
Quinn looked and saw that was no possible "You know San, I think you're making these up now" Quinn said.
"Oh Q, don't you trust me?" Santana smirked.
"Yes, I think you're doing it on purpose so I lose"
"And let the midget win? Oh please, we would never hear the end of it"
"You know I'm right here" Rachel said from the other side of the mat. Santana had fallen when Quinn accidentally tripped her over and now she was getting revenge.
"Come on San, my turn!" Brittany squealed. They all knew Brittany was going to win this since she had the longest legs so they weren't surprised when Brittany managed to twist the hardest way.
"Brittany is so going to win this" Rachel muttered now in front of Santana after she nearly tripped on her turn.
"Yeah and you're going to lose" Santana agreed still laughing and the face Rachel had made when she lost balance for a second.
"You're being mean" Rachel pouted.
"Aw" Santana couldn't resist but reach out and grab the pout, pulling it hard until she could see all Rachel's gums and Rachel was crawling with one hand at her skin to get her to release her. She didn't want to lose the game but she could feel herself about to fall unless Santana let go. Santana knew this and laughed.
Quinn at that point realised she cared about Rachel more then she did for the game.
"Let her go San!" Quinn demanded as she dropped from her awkward position and pushed Santana off Rachel, knocking Brittany down in the process.
"I win!" Rachel exclaimed and then dropped from exhaustion as all four of them burst out laughing on the mat together. Only them.
"You know, I really love you guys" Quinn said as she put her arms around her three best friends as they lay together on the bed, it was senior year now and they were still have sleepovers with each other.
"We will always be friends forever, won't we?" Rachel asked.
"Of course" Santana assured her "What brought that on?"
"Nothing" Rachel lied when in reality she heard them whispering in the bathroom about something "We love you too Quinn" Rachel said looking up at her.
"Speak for yourself Tiny" Santana said to her, looking at Quinn over Rachel's head.
It was in the middle of the senior year when Rachel noticed a change. The four of them were going to head to New York together after graduation and they spoke about it always.
But now they didn't. Every time Rachel brought it up they would avoid the subject or ignore it. It was strange.
"Is everything okay with Quinn and Santana, Britt?" Rachel asked.
"I think so" Brittany said. Oblivious as Rachel to what was really going on.
And it wasn't just not talking about New York anymore. It was the sleepovers that were never on anymore, and sometimes Rachel would have suspicions that they just weren't inviting her. Was the three most important people in her life pushing her away?
"Is everything okay with you guys? You seem kind of different?" Rachel asked when Santana and Quinn walked into the room.
"Nothing is going on Rachel!" Santana snapped. Rachel jumped "..Okay" she mumbled quietly.
Quinn shot Santana a look. Santana sighed and walked over to where Rachel was sitting. Dropped her arms around her and tickled her sides. Rachel squealed and laughed.
"Stop...Stop" Rachel panted.
"Do you forgive me?" Santana asked still tickling her.
"Y-Yes" Rachel laughed.
"You promise?" Santana teased.
Brittany ran over and started joining in the fun "Come on Quinn, tickle fight!"
"Coming" a less enthusiastic Quinn said.
After two weeks Rachel thought everything was going back to normal. They started having their sleepovers again. But then that one sleepover, when she woke she was alone.She looked around, their beds were made, their things were packed. It was just her laying alone in her room, without her three best friends.So Rachel walked downstairs, telling herself not to panic. What if someone had taken them? But when she walked downstairs and it was empty, no sign of a break in she knew they'd left her. Alone.
They didn't answer her calls or respond to her texts. Not being able to control them tears fell down her face. That's when she noticed the note on the door. She walked over to it and read it. When she read it she broke down into tears. Crying.
She didn't even notice Santana come back for something. And when Santana saw her best friend in tears, she forgot all about what she was coming back for. Seeing Rachel look so hurt made Santana's heart break. So she ran to go meet Quinn and Brittany in the car.
To Rachel,
Rachel, you have been one of our best friends for years and we love you so much. Which is why we couldn't tell you that our family has had some issues, and we needed to leave, me and San and Britt. Brittany doesn't know, she didn't understand, but I hope you do. I hope you can understand that we care so much about you and we hate having to do this but we had to. Go to New York and be a star Rach, I wish I could tell you why but I can't. I love you and San and Britt does too. We'll miss you Tiny.
Love Quinn, San and Britt. You're best friends always Xx.
Rachel wiped her eyes as she walked into her office. Her best friends were back, she should be happy. But she was too angry that they abandoned her. She hoped they would be on working on a different floor and never run into each other again. She even asked Kieran to check if they were outside when she needed the bathroom.
She didn't want to fix it with them. They didn't deserve it. They had broke her heart, they were her best friends, they should haven't just left her.
But the note. The note said it was because of family issues that Quinn didn't want to tell her about, what had it got to do with Brittany and Santana? Why had they left, or why did Quinn leave.
Ugh she was so confused and angry. This was there fault getting her thinking about it.
What hadn't they told her?
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and her manager called through "Hey Rach, is me"
Rachel quickly got up and walked to the door and opened it "Hi sir" she said trying her best to sound professional.
"Hey, so I got some news for you" he said cheerily. That cheered Rachel up a bit, a promotion might might make her feel better.
"I got you a partner!" he told her excitedly holding out his hands for dramatic effect.
Rachel half-smiled but then asked "Who is it?"
And one of the worst persons she could imagine walked in "Hello again, Rach"
AN: Duh duh duh. Hope you enjoyed and review please :}