Warning: This fic will contain crossdressing so if that is not your thing then please don't read. Just a warning.

Dirty Little Secret

Chapter 1: My Dirty Little Secret

Logan Mitchell sighed as he walked into his apartment. He had had a rough day and wanted nothing more than to relax and maybe watch TV. He had gone to his classes this morning and then to his job at the campus library all afternoon. That sounded really nice, but he knew his roommate and best friend, Carlos Garcia, wouldn't allow that. Carlos usually bugged Logan to do something.

Logan took his jacket off and stuffed it into the closet with his messenger bag. He started for the living room stretching as he walked. He wondered where Carlos was. Normally he was home before the brunette and had control of the TV.

"Carlos?" Logan called out.

"Kitchen," came Carlos' reply. Logan changed directions and made his way to the kitchen wondered what his friend was up to. He walked into the kitchen and saw Carlos pulling a six pack out of the refrigerator. Logan knew that could only mean one thing.

"How'd your test go?" he asked following the Latino out to the living room. Carlos sat down and opened a beer. "It can't have been that bad," Logan said looking at the Latino still waiting for an answer.

"I bombed it," Carlos said as he took another drink of his beer.

"You're being dramatic," Logan said shaking his head.

"I am not it was horrible. I looked down at the test and I forget everything," Carlos said taking yet another big drink of his beer. He set the empty can down. Logan sat down on the couch next to Carlos as he grabbed another can.

"Carlos," Logan said making a grab for the can. "Slow down," he said. Carlos jerked back and glared at Logan.

"I bombed my test today, I am allowed to drink," Carlos said opening the can and taking a drink.

Several drinks later, after Logan had acquired more booze for Carlos, the Latino had talked Logan into a drinking game. They were playing, never have I ever. Since Carlos was already a bit drunk, he was trying to get Logan caught up.

"Never have I ever kissed a guy," Carlos said. Logan sent the Latino a glare before taking a drink.

"Never have I ever kissed a girl and liked it," Logan said. If Carlos wanted to play dirty, he could too. Carlos drank to that.

"Never have I ever…" Carlos trailed off in thought. He tapped his chin with his finger. He was trying to think of something Logan might've done that he hadn't. "given a blow job," he said. Logan grinned and took a big drink. Carlos' jaw dropped in shock.

"I've even received a few," Logan said grinning.

"Du-dude, and here all this time I thought you were a-a prude," Carlos teased.

"I'm gay and I love cock," Logan shrugged with a grin on his face. "Ok my turn, never have I ever seen a vagina," he said. Carlos drank to that and Logan shuddered.

"Lady parts creep you out that much?" Carlos asked with a laugh.

"Like I said, I'm gay and I love cock," Logan repeated.

"And I'm straight and I love pussy," Carlos said.

"Ok moving on, it's your turn," Logan said.

They continued their game. The questions got weirder and weirder and more sexual in nature. They ranged from preference to positions to kinks.

"Ok, ok, ok I got one," Carlos said waving his hand in the air. Logan arched an eyebrow in question at the Latino. "Never have I ever dressed like a girl," he said. Logan blushed and took a drink. Carlos' jaw dropped once more.

"What?" Logan asked looking up at Carlos.

"I totally misjudged you," Carlos said.

"Shut up," Logan said.

"Can I at least get an explanation," Carlos asked.

"It was high school, people do crazy shit in high school," Logan argued.

"More than that," Carlos said giving Logan a pointed look that said he wasn't going to drop this any time soon.

"It was a dare from my friend Camille," Logan said.

"Better," Carlos said.

"There was this guy, Jack Hudson. He went to my school and was straight as a board. He was hot though and I couldn't' help but crush on him. One night he threw a party and Camille dared me to dress up like a girl and seduce him. It was summer so I could pretend to be an out of towner and Camille's dad is a plastic surgeon and he had those silicon boobs women used to test drive boob jobs before they got them. Camille thought it was too perfect and I wasn't going to back down from a dare. I totally fooled him and he asked me out and we went on a few dates," Logan explained.

"So you pretended to be a girl to date guy?" Carlos asked.

"At first," Logan grinned and Carlos' jaw dropped again. "Well, we went on a few dates and fooled around a bit. I tried to stop him but he was insistent," he explained.

"I can see why that would be a problem," Carlos said nodding his head.

"It wasn't a problem though. He was closeted," Logan said.

"Really?" Carlos asked. He wasn't as shocked as he had been earlier.

"Yep, we 'dated for the rest of the summer and most of the next school year. He actually said he had never been with a guy and wondered if I was a good kisser how good I was a sucking cock," Logan said.

"You blew him and he kept you around?" Carlos asked.

"No I blew him and let him fuck me. What we had was really a sexual relationship," Logan said thinking back.

"You're a secret slut aren't you?" Carlos asked.

"Former," Logan corrected him.

"So would you do what you did with Jack with Kendall?" Carlos asked. His beer was long forgotten.

Logan chocked on his drink. He coughed and sputtered a bit. Carlos just laughed when Logan looked at him shocked. He hadn't thought anyone knew about his crush on their friend and hockey teammate Kendall Knight.

"Come on Logan, I'm not dumb," Carlos said.

"I-I never said you were," Logan said shaking his head as he caught his breath.

"I've seen the way you look at him," Carlos said.

"Ok, so I've got a crush on Kendall, please don't tell him," Logan pleaded.

"How did you look in drag?" Carlos asked grinning mischievously. "I mean you must've fooled Jack at first," he said.

"I was sexy," Logan said confidently. Carlos laughed and shook his head. "Don't believe me?" Logan asked. He quickly pulled his phone out and looked through his pictures until he found the one he was looking for. He shoved the phone in Carlos' face.

The picture was of him and their friend Camille. Logan was dressed in drag. He had a pink sweater on and a black skirt. His face was covered with makeup and he had on a wig. The wig was blonde and reached midway down Logan's back. He had decent sized boobs.

"Did she have a name?" Carlos asked.

"Lila," Logan said.

"Dude you have to go to the party this weekend like this," Carlos said.

"No way," Logan said shaking his head.

"Or I could just tell Kendall…" Carlos started.

"I hate you," Logan said glaring at his friend.

"Come on, just one night, I want to see Lila in action," Carlos said grinning. Logan opened his mouth to protest when Carlos continued. "Besides if everything works out you'll get a kiss from Kendall and maybe it'll help you move on from him," he said.

Logan closed his mouth. Carlos was right, maybe it would help his crush on the blonde. Maybe, one kiss was all he needed. He knew Kendall was straight after all. That fact didn't help with his crush on the blonde. Logan couldn't help it. Kendall was walking sex. His blonde hair and green eyes just turned Logan on like no other. Then there was his body. Logan was ashamed to admit, a few times in the locker room after hockey practice he had peeked at the blonde. He wished he hadn't. It had only fueled his attraction all the more.

"Do we have a deal then?" Carlos asked looking at Logan.

-Dirty Little Secret-

Kendall Knight laughed as he followed his friend out to his car. They had just bought enough alcohol to last them a week between the two of them. It wouldn't last one night though. They were throwing a party in their campus apartment building in a few days.

"I'm serious dude," his best friend, James Diamond, said glaring at the laughing blonde.

"I'm sorry, it's hard to believe you don't have a problem when you're carrying all that out of the store," Kendall said.

"I don't have a problem, I've pretty much got it under control," James said.

"Whatever, I'll be right tomorrow night when you're trashed," Kendall said shaking his head. James wasn't really an alcoholic, but when he drank he got pretty wasted. He didn't drink in small amounts, with James it was go big or go home. It had always been that way. Kendall knew that from the start. It was one of the reasons he was friends with the self proclaimed pretty boy.

"Whatever," James mumbled as he loaded the booze into Kendall's car. Kendall laughed again as he placed what he was carrying into the trunk as well. Once everything was loaded in the trunk the two of them got into the car.

"So Carlos and Logan coming to the party?" Kendall asked.

"They should be, they only live one building over," James said.

"You gonna get Carlos drunk in hopes of having some fun?" Kendall asked teasingly.

"I would never take advantage of a drunk person," James said shaking his head, "besides he's straight," he added.

"So, when people are drunk they'll do anything. Maybe what you need to get over him is one good drunken fuck," Kendall said.

"Don't say it like that," James said making a face.

"Dude, it's not making love if your drunk James," Kendall stated.

"I never said that, I just said don't say it that way," James said shaking his head.

"Well then how do you want me to say it?" Kendall asked confused.

"I don't know, but I don't want to just fuck him," James sighed looking out the window.

It was no secret that James liked Carlos. He was very verbal about his attraction to the Latino, at least to Kendall. Kendall knew about his crush and tired to help him get over it. Carlos was obviously very straight, if him bragging about the girls he hooked up with wasn't enough of a clue, then Kendall didn't know what was.

James had fallen for the Latino two years ago when they were freshman and trying out for the hockey team. They had both spotted Carlos with Logan and watched them. Carlos and Logan had been amazing on the ice. James had introduced himself and Kendall to Carlos and Logan. The four of them had become friends fast and James' crush had developed more and more over the last two years. They were now juniors and Carlos had no idea about James' crush. Kendall knew James was probably thinking about Carlos again. He knew James was also afraid to lose Carlos' friendship and that was another reason why he didn't act on his feelings.

Kendall understood that fear. He had had that happen to him in high school. He had tried to ask a guy out only to have him not be gay, or not be out of the closet at least, and he turned Kendall down. Kendall lost his friendship and people at his school teased him. Kendall had been a freshman at the time and mistook his guidance for something else. Kendall then worked hard and bulked up and joined the hockey team. He stopped people from picking on him by becoming a tough jock. That was where he and James had met. The two had initially been attracted to one another, and even dated for a little bit. In the end they both agreed they were better off as friends though.

The rest of ride back to their apartment was silent. Kendall parked the car in the parking lot of their building and got out with James. They started un loading their alcohol.

"I think you guys have a problem."

Kendall stood up and turned to see Carlos standing behind them grinning. Kendall just shook his head while James glared at the Latino.

"You're so funny Garcia," Kendall said.

"Shut up and help us get this in before campus security catches us," James said quickly.

"Might as well," Carlos sighed. He grabbed a few bags and followed Kendall and James into their building.

"Logan kick you out of your apartment again?" Kendall asked as they walked into the apartment.

"Yeah, he's so easy to piss off," Carlos said shaking his head.

"What'd you do this time?" James asked.

"All I said was that he was a bit of a nerd and that he needed to get his panties out of a bunch and get laid," Carlos shrugged as they walked up the steps to the second floor. They walked down the hall to the guys apartment.

"You've got to watch what you say around him, or you'll find yourself kicked out permanently," James warned.

"I know when to push it," Carlos laughed. Kendall passed the two, since he had a free hand and opened the apartment door. He headed inside and to the kitchen with the other two right behind him. They put the booze away and sat down at the kitchen table.

Kendall and Carlos quickly struck up a conversation about hockey. James sat back keeping to himself and talked when he was talked to. Kendall knew he was trying to stop himself from confessing his love for the Latino. James normally didn't have a problem talking to Carlos, but because Kendall had brought up his crush it was fresh in his mind. Kendall was more than willing to pick up for James' slack and keep Carlos occupied. He had been in James' position and he hadn't had someone to help him.

-Dirty Little Secret-

"I can't believe he talked me into this," Logan muttered as he followed Camille into his bedroom. She had two bags in her hands. Inside the bags was everything they would need to bring Lila back to life. She had makeup and clothes for Logan.

Logan had buried that part of his life a long time ago. It was something he had done on a dare. He didn't know why Carlos had dared him to it, but he knew why he couldn't say no. He was almost sure Carlos wouldn't say anything, but he didn't want to risk it. He didn't want to lose Kendall's friendship.

"I can't believe I get to do this again," Camille chirped excitedly.

"How do I get myself into these messes?" Logan groaned.

"By crushing on straight guys and having friends who will use the information to get you to do what they want even though they'd never tell a living soul," Camille explained batting her eyelashes at him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this again," Logan sighed.

"I liked Lila," Camille said.

"I'm Lila," Logan reminded her.

"Yeah, by as Lila you were different, you were more dainty," Camille teased. Logan just glared at her. Camille laughed and walked over to Logan's bed and dumped everything Logan had asked her to get on the bed. She had even gotten his fake boobs.

"What did you do drive home?" Logan asked. He and Camille had grown up just one town over from Sherwood. It was an hour long drive.

"Yes, you said you were going to be Lila and without these," Camille started as she lifted the two silicone boobs up, "no one will believe you're a woman," she finished.

"Ok you've got a point, but didn't your parents ask questions?" Logan asked.

"I told them I came home for dinner and had a few things I needed to get from my room," Camille said shrugging.

"You're going to be the death of me Roberts," Logan sighed lifting his hand to his face.

"Are we gonna do a test run before the party?" Camille asked.

"Might as well," Logan sighed. Camille jumped up and down excitedly. She took her messenger bag off and pulled out some clothes for Logan. Logan looked at her. "I knew you were going to need some clothes too," she said.

"I didn't ask you to buy new clothes for me," Logan said looking at the tags still on the clothes.

"I know, but you're a bit bigger than me now," Camille said.

Logan just rolled his eyes and started looking through the clothes. He let out a gasp and threw the clothes down. He turned to glare at Camille.

"Really?" he asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"What?" Camille said turning to Logan from the makeup she had been setting up on Logan's desk. Logan pointed to the clothing on the bed. Camille grinned.

"Come on, with all the tight skirts and jeans you need to wear you can't wear your boxers," Camille giggled.

"I am not wearing a thong Camille," Logan said looking at the thing with disgust. His face paled. "You didn't buy this all at once did you?" he asked.

"Yes, I bought a man thong with a bunch of girl clothes," Camille said shaking her head. "I'm not dumb. I did buy a few girly thongs too. I wasn't sure what you'd want," she added grinning.

"No way," Logan said.

"Fine, if you want people to figure you out," Camille said.

"What do you prefer?" Logan asked looking down at the underwear Camille had bought for him.

"I like lace," Camille said, "or silk," she added quickly.

Logan sighed as he looked at the underwear. This was going to more complicated than last time. He would have to work harder than before.

"Oh, and since last time I've picked up a few tricks from my student films," Camille said.

"What?" Logan asked.

"Makeup and aesthetically," Camille said pulling some aesthetics out of her bag. She smiled as Logan paled again. "I can make it seem like you've got real boobs and cleavage as long as you wear a bra," she said.

"Oh god, what have I gotten myself into," Logan groaned. Camille just giggled and instructed Logan to sit down. She then started to show him how to apply makeup again. She helped him apply the basics and helped him with his wig. Soon the transformation was smooth and familiar.

"God, it's like we're in high school all over again," Camille laughed.

"This wasn't exactly the highlight of my high school career, I mean it was fun, but wasn't a high light," Logan said looking over himself in the mirror Camille handed him. He had to admit he did make on hell of a girl though.

"Now what's your lie gonna be so you don't have to go to the part," Camille asked.

"Huh?" Logan asked looking over at Camille.

"I meant Logan's lie," Camille giggled. Logan just rolled his eyes.

"I don't know yet," Logan said.

"Use your Lila voice, can you still pass off as a girl," Camille said.

Logan groaned and let his head fall forward. This was going to be a long night and Camille was enjoying this more than she should. Logan knew he could back out of this right now and Carlos wouldn't tell his secret, but part of him wanted to know what Kendall kissed like. He wanted to know if he could seduce the blonde.

Logan was all in now whether or not he liked it. There was no turning back anymore He was going to do this. Tomorrow night he would go to that party as Lila. He would seek out the blonde and play with him a bit. He just hoped he hadn't lost his touch.

Tomorrow night, Kendall wouldn't know what hit him.

-Dirty Little Secret-

James and Kendall walked through the quad. It was Friday and the party was tonight. They were looking for Carlos and Logan to see if they could get them to help get things ready.

"There they are," James said pointing to the two. Kendall looked at where the brunette was pointing and saw Logan with his laptop out and he was typing while Carlos sat next to him talking to him. Logan looked a little annoyed.

"What do you have like a beacon on him or something?" Kendall teased causing James to blush. James nudged Kendall in the side. They both walked over to the other two hockey players.

"Hey guys," James said. Carlos looked up at them. Logan kept at whatever he was doing on his laptop.

"Oh hey," Carlos said, "you guys aren't gonna believe this," he said.

"What?" Kendall asked.

"Tell them Logan," Carlos said nudging the brunette.

"I can't make your party tonight," Logan said without looking up from his laptop.

"What? Dude come on don't be lame," Kendall said.

"I've got a six page paper on the respiratory system for my anatomy class due Monday and I'm only on page one," Logan said.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you procrastinate before," Kendall said looking at the nerd shocked. James just nodded his head in agreement.

"Well take a good look cause it's only happening once, I've had other papers to work on and I forgot all about this one. I've got to get it done," Logan said.

"You've got all weekend," James stated.

"It's that thinking that got me into this mess, I think I am gonna stay home tonight or maybe hit the library and work on my paper, but have fun," Logan said closing his laptop. He put it in his bag and stood up.

"Party pooper," Carlos said shaking his head.

"Sorry, but if I want to become a doctor I've got to keep my grades up," Logan said flipping Carlos off. Carlos shook his head again.

"Nerd," Carlos said.

"If I were you Carlos I'd work on that Lit paper you have due Monday that you haven't started either," Logan said.

"I've got all weekend," Carlos said smirking.

"Suit yourself, but remember we're out of red bull," Logan said as he walked away.

"Sorry about him, but he's big nerd and would've brought the party down anyways," Carlos said loudly so Logan could hear him.

"Suck one," Logan hollered back at the Latino.

"You first," Carlos shot at him. Logan flipped the Latino off over his head as he walked away. Carlos just shook his head and turned to Kendall and James.

"I'll be there," Carlos said.

"Actually do you think you could come early and help us get things ready?" Kendall asked.

"Sure, beats sitting around with Mr. Nerd," Carlos said.

"You better watch yourself," James warned the Latino.

"He won't kick me out he loves me," Carlos said waving his hand.

"Right, keep telling self that and we'll let you have the couch when he kicks you out," Kendall teased.

"Just the couch?" Carlos asked.

"Maybe a corner in the living room for your things," James said.

"Gee thanks guys," Carlos said rolling his eyes.

"He's not gonna kick you out remember," Kendall laughed.

"I'm not a hundred percent," Carlos said.

"So don't push him then," James said. Carlos thought it over and nodded his head.

"Maybe you're right," Carlos said.

"Maybe?" James asked.

"Ok you're right, jeeze you're worse than Logan," Carlos said.

"Maybe we should uninvite him if he's gonna be so mean to us," Kendall said looking at James. James nodded his head.

"No I'm sorry I don't want to be stuck home with Logan with him being grouchy about his paper," Carlos said quickly.

"Fine, you can come," James said laughing. Carlos fist pumped in the air. Kendall and James both laughed.

"Only if you come over early and help us get everything set up," Kendall said.

"I can deal with that," Carlos said nodding his head.

Wow so another new one from me. I am finishing up Take What Comes and this will be updated once that one is finished. I've had this chapter ready for awhile now and it's a bit different than anything I've ever done. I hope you all like this. I mean I've done the Kendall dressing up in Kendall's Secret but that was smut and this will eventually get there, but this will be a full fledged story. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
