This spaceport was filthy. Although, he wasn't sure what he had expected from Tatooine. There was always sand in everything. It just seemed extra dirty, for some reason. Maybe it was just the contrast between the floor and the dirty chairs and the pristine creature perched atop one of those chairs. She was blonde, with grease smudged across her face and a pout on her lips. Conning the barman, no doubt. Yup, the man was pouring her a drink with a predatory smile, but she was no prey. If the pistol strapped to her leg was anything to go by, she was dangerous. She was dangerous, and he should steer clear, he told himself. So that was why he was headed right towards her, sliding up onto the stool beside her. She gave him one sideways glance and lost interest a heartbeat later. He cleared his throat to reclaim her attention, much to the annoyance of the other man.

"Wanna see my ship?" He flashed her a charming smile, the best he could muster. She still seemed rather uninterested.

"No thanks, buddy." She took a sip of her drink and turned back to the barman, concentrating on keeping the free drinks coming. She smiled sweetly, puffing out her chest.

He sighed inwardly and placed down a handful of credits with a smile. "Next round's on me. Name's John."

She glanced over at her at him, eyebrow raised. As John made his own selection, a bottle convieniently on the other end of the bar, the woman chuckled at him.

"Why'd you do that? I could've had free drinks coming from that idiot all night."

"Well," he paused, prompting her for her name.

"Sebastia," she offered.

"Well, Sebastia, I'm sure you could've, but then I wouldn't have gotten a change to talk with you."

His charm was awarded with a dazzling smile.

He had her attention.

She had him around her finger.

He was in trouble.