Hey guys! So this is a one-shot about what happens in the 15 years between the end of mockingjay and the epilogue. If you haven't read mockingjay yet, don't read this unless you want the spoilers. Enjoy!

Ever since we won the war, the districts have been rebuilding themselves. The world will never be the same without Finnick, Johanna and my little duck. At least I had my last glimpse at her before the explosion of the parachutes. District Twelve is currently well populated. Even thought Peeta will never be the same, he says that no fight finishes without scars. When Peeta asked for kids, I was a little surprised but not that much since its Peeta that we're talking about. Annie was too heartbroken to continue with us so she just...did it. I haven't heard from Gale ever since the victory. I think he said that he stayed in Thirteen. When the bombings occurred in Twelve, I was devastated that Madge wasn't found. She was the one who created me. The pin. All the districts have been funded to build better houses so that everyone receives a house like the houses in the victors village. The Capitol is rebuilding itself also but we agreed that is they keep the Capitol, there will be no more Games or cruelty to the districts. They still teach the history of the Games in school but only starting from third grade or else the little ones will have nightmares. My nightmares from the Games have never stopped but like Peeta says, no fight finishes without scars. When the little girl was born, her beautiful blonde hair was wonderful and her grey eyes were full of shine..As she grows, her blonde hair grows into beautiful waves identical to mine. She gained her father's drawing skills and my short-temper. It was clear that she was going to be a heart-breaker. When the second one was born, he got my chocolate hair and Peeta's blue eyes. He was gifted with the troublemaker ideas. Even though he's a troublemaker, he has a big caring side like Peeta. The little boys name was Rye and the girls was Willow. Like the tree. The rest of the houses from the victors village have been turned into museums to store monuments and important objects from the war. Including Madge's pin. Peeta turned out to be a great dad. Probably the best one ever.

That's it guys! My apologies if it's short but I had this idea hanging in the back of my head so...yeah! Please review! I know that pretty much nobody reads one shots but I just really wanted to write this.


-GirlYouDon'tKnowAtAll (Jennifer)