Author Note: *Sighs* It's been a year now and I was planning to get this out sooner but hey, I was lazy. I don't own Danny Phantom or The Mortal Insturments. Now on to story.
Chapter 21
Josh's PoV
"Josh! Get down here, you idiot!" Paulina screeched at the top of her lungs next to my door. "Mama had to go to work early for a meeting so she's forcing me to take you to your dumb arse to school!" I glared at the door as she walked away. Why the heck do I deal with her? Getting out of bed with a frustrated sigh and go to my dresser where everything I wear is stored since my walk in closet was converted to a library/gaming room. After putting on a pair of jeans and a jersey, I grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs to find a very agitated Paulina. Rolling my eyes at her, I brushed past her only to have her grab the back of my jersey, pulling me back to look into her eyes.
"You're going to get close to Phantom's sister, you got that you brat?" She snarled, a slightly insane look in her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her, she was all bark, no bite.
"I'm not going to befriend Dani so that you get try to get laid by her brother." I stated calmly as she was looking absolutely livid. I wasn't going just to get close to her so that my brat of a sister could try having a chance at her brother, which wouldn't work if the stories of him being hopelessly in love with Sam Manson were true. Shaking my head slightly, I brushed past her to get to the door to walk into the garage. I slipped into her carnation pink convertible, great huh? Gag.
A few minutes later, Paulina finally came out of the house and slipped into the drivers seat. As she drove to the middle school, I stayed silent, staring out the window waiting to finally get to school. I eagerly exited the car, wanting to get away from the Queen Biotch as fast as possible. Practically sprinting into the school, I completely ignored some guys on my football team that probably wanted to gossip about the upcoming game like little school girls with a crush on a boy. Soon, I was in my first hour class, sitting in the back and doodling small sketches about a book I read recently, "The Mortal Instruments". After I glanced up at the teacher who was starting the lesson, I sighed because I knew this was going to be a boring day, both with the lessons and the idiot my right rambling non-stop about sports thinking that I was as interested as him. Shaking my head slightly, I turned toward him and asked him politely to shut up and pay attention.
Watching the teacher, my mind started to wander to other topics other then the lesson and the picture I was drawing. My mind wandered down the path of Dani and her friends. Truth is, I used to be really good friends with Levi back in elementary school. But then something changed about him, not for the better either. He talked started becoming colder toward me had insane ideas that weren't even legal and tried to get me to do some with him. Our friendship deteriorated from that point on. After that, Paulina started molding me into what she wanted our family to be seen as and he went and found other people. I have no idea if he changed after that but I'm worried about those close to him, namely Cassy and Dani. He could go- no. It's not my place to worry, they aren't even my friends...
I banished the thought from my mind but yet again my mind wandered to a certain white haired girl. I shouldn't be worrying about her. I'm not her friend... even as much as I would love to be, be able to get to know her better, be able to hold a proper conversation with her, have her smile at me when I walk into a room... Goddammit! There I go again! I can't be friends with her because Paulina would try to use it to try to claw her way to Dani's brother which would end badly... But it's not like Paulina would be able to so maybe I could try... Arg! Why does life have to be so-
"Dude, are you feeling okay? You're face looks slightly red." My thoughts were interrupted by the guy next to me talking to me. I blinked and lifted my hand to lightly touch my cheek, realizing that they were feeling kinda warm.
"Nah, I'm fine." I muttered, looking back at my paper. This was going to be one long day.
After School
I haven't stopped smiling since Art. Seriously, my face is starting to hurt from the grin that refused to leave my face and was weirding out people severely.
Dani had given me another chance to prove that I am not a complete dick.
I had expected her to do something like laugh at me and then tell me that people don't change and then walk away but no. She gave me another chance! My grin widened at the thought and I'm pretty sure I just scared someone I walked past on the way to my locker. I want to prove to Dani that I am a decent human being and I am able to be her friend. I quickly made my way to my locker and grabbed my stuff before heading to the back exit of the school, wanting to avoid the front because Paulina would probably be there to pick me up and then start snapping at me to get in the car when I want to walk home.
I was looking around cheerfully and then saw Dani was heading the same way as me, but she reached the door before me and headed out. So naturally, I jogged to catch up with her wanting to say hi to her and such before heading home but right as I exited and opened my mouth to call her name, I saw her standing near by.
I grinned slightly ready to say something when suddenly a blinding blue ring of light formed around her waist and instead shielded my eyes slightly as I watched. The rings divided, moving opposite directions, turning the white haired ghostly girl I went to school with into an unknown girl with midnight black hair. I stumbled back slightly in shock. "D-Dani?" I gasped and the girl froze for a moment and then turned toward me, her old toxic green eyes now a stunning icy blue.
"J-Josh?" She stuttered and I was speechless. What had just happened.
Hey guys, it's Cloud. I'm pretty sure that I have no one who remembers this story anymore because of my sheer stupidity and such. My life was being over run by roleplaying which is pretty much writing a book with two people. Anyways, I really am sorry this took literally almost a year to come out and I do hope that there are some people who at least vaguely remembered it! I got my inspiration back from reading the review and going through my email and seeing how many people followed and favorited my story and I was rather sad I haven't been carrying out my role as an author for you guys. Please, favorite, follow, and review. It reminds me of what I started writing for! Also, I have completely scrapped the idea of including you guys' characters in, I'm really sorry for doing so! I have a good idea of the plot in my head and it wouldn't fit if I added them in! I really do love you guys, seeing you're reviews bring a real light into my heart and making me want to write even more. Also, I am much better at writing now since I have matured more and I really would love to go back and rewrite a ton of this story since I really, really, really sucked at writing when I first started! Thank you for not only reading my story, but my ridiculously long AN, love you guys!
(Edit: but if you guys truly want me to use your character in the story, I will if you notify me!)
Cloud's out!