Author note: This is my first Danny Phantom Fanfic. Any typos it has are because I was on my tablet when I was typing this and I commonly have typos on it. I unfortantly don't own Danny Phantom.

Chapter 1

Coming home

Dani's PoV

I float through the alley a foot from the ground. I was tired from the long trip it was to get back to Amity Park, but now I need to find my cousin... Woah, Deja Vu... I have no where else to go and I think I'm done exploring the world and all. I wipe the sweat from my forehead as I set myself down on the ground to take a break for a second. I just hope I don't run into Vlad right now... I leapt into the air and flew above the buildings to see if I could find Danny on patrol.

Nothing. I flew toward his house hoping to find him and not run into and hunters or anything like that.

I finally see the brick house with the weird space ship thingy on top of it and Danny's window is open. I peek in the window to see Danny, Sam, and Tucker looking at Danny's computer. I shrug, I could use a laugh. I muster up the rest of my strength and go invisible and float in the window. As they watch the screen, I float infront of Danny's face and hang upside down and stare at him.

"Boo!" I shout as I turned visible. Oh man! Their faces when they jumped back three feet and screamed! Priceless! I was on the floor laughing when Danny finally recovered.

"Danielle!" He shouts and grabs me up in a hug. I embrace him back smiling and turning back to human form. "How've ya been cuz?" He asks smiling.

"Tired..." I said as I yawned still in his arms. Danny gave me a worried look and set me on his bed as Sam and Tucker recovered from my prank.

"Dani!" Tucker said smiling. I smiled back at his warm response.

Sam looked at me and smiled. "Hi Dani." She said smiling and then took Tucker's arm. "Let's go. They have catching up to do." Danny and I laugh at Tucker's expression as Sam drags him out of the room.

"Hey, you got any food?" I ask Danny smiling. He nods.

"Sure. We can go eat lunch right now, but first, let's go introduce you to my parents." Danny said and I tilted my head at him.

"They know?" I ask and he nods. "Ok! Let's go!" I jump of the and stumble a bit at the sudden movement but Danny catches me. After I regained my balance, Danny and I walked out of his room.

Danny lead us to the kitchen were there was a big man in a orange jumpsuit tinkering with some sort of device and a woman in a blue jumpsuit at the stove trying to cook. As I see the adults I shy away behind Danny's legs.

The woman looks up and sees Danny. "Hi sweetie!" She said smiling and the looked at me and looked slightly confused while tilting her head. "And who's this?" She asked abandoning the stove and walking over and crouched down to my height.

Danny smiled and nodded to me and I stepped out from behind his legs and looked at Danny's mom shyly. "I'm Danielle or Dani with an i." I say smiling.

Danny's mom was about to say something but Danny's dad let out a exclaim in triump as he held up the device. "The Fenton Ecto-recorder is done! This baby locks on ghost ecto-signatures and says stuff like their powers and stuff!"

"Welcome to the Fenton Ecto-recorder." A mechenical voice stated. "Two halfas are near."

"Two halfas?" Danny's dad said and scratched his head. Danny chuckled nervously.

"Bout that..." he said nervously as his mom stared at me. "Dani, care to explain?" He said. I nodded and let the bright blue rings form around my waist and change me to my ghost form. His mom gasped and I looked at my boots nervously.

"Who is she? Why does she look like you, Danny?" Danny's mom asked.

"I'm... his clone..." I say still looking my boots and I revert back to human.

Danny nods. "She's my clone... to summarize the story Vlad wanted the perfect half-ghost evil son so he tried cloning me, Dani was a sort of failed clone, he used her to get me, she found out he was evil, she helped me, and we destroyed his cloning lab." He said and looked at his parents. "Can she stay here? She has no where else to go and I want her close by because she's family to me."

I looked up at his parents hopeful. I find his dad grinning.

"Of course son! She's a Fenton and Fentons don't leave other Fentons behind!" He boomed grinning.

"We'll get the adoption papers!" Danny's mom said smiling. I looked up shocked. Adoption? I was gonna be adopted? I was gonna have a family? Danny was gonna be my brother? I started crying in happiness and threw myself into Danny's- no, Mom's arms. She hugged me back and I looked at Danny and he was smiling from ear to ear. Danny's da- no, Dad ran out of the room to make a call to get the papers.

From this day forward, I am no longer Dani, a orhpan lives on the streets. I am Danielle Fenton.

Author note: So emotional... *sniffle*
