Me-TLA here with what's this, a continuation of Troubles of Life

Davis-It's shocking to see you actually write this!

Me-I know, the only reason I'm finishing it is because someone gave me a review. Just to let you all know I haven't seen Dennie since prom and I haven't talked to her in years, so this is completely written by me in the span of half an hour.

Davis-So you were ditched once again! HAHAHAHA!

Me-pulls out mallet I dare you to say it again!

Ken-TLA doesn't own digimon or the characters within the story, the plot is totally fictional except some parts are similar to those of people, TLA means no disrespect in these cases

Me- On with the story!

Troubles of Life

By: Takerus Lost Angel

The group stared anxiously at the elevator doors. No one was aware of what would greet them when they got to Sora's room. The elevator door's opened and everyone filed in.

"I hope Sora's o.k. I wouldn't know what to do, if something ever happened to one of the digidestined." Yolei looked nervously at her companions.

Matt looked towards the ground. "Neither would I. If it wasn't for you guys, I don't know what I would ever do."

"You'd be stuck in an apartment with Dad all the time." T.K. chuckled, picturing Matt and his Dad sitting on the couch watching television.

The group broke into fits of laughter. "Remember the time when Davis got his tongue stuck to that mailbox?" Matt said through snorts of laughter.

"Hey! That wasn't funny! My tongue was frozen there for hours!"

The elevator doors slid open. The remaining ten digidestines sauntered down the narrow hallway, receiving puzzled looks from many of the staff. The group reached a small waiting room near the end of the hall; Tai looked up from the soccer magazine he was reading. He grinned feebly, the others noticed is weak expression. Everyone looked at one another, no one wanting to say anything. The tension in the air was thick, sickening more then anything.

Joe, being the most mature of the group made the first move. "How is she Tai?" Everyone waited in silence for an explanation; it was the question everyone wanted to ask.

Tai began to shake uncontrollably, his chocolate eyes clouding over with tears. "The Doctor said that it will take a really long time until Sora's completely back to normal. They said that if she didn't come in when she did, she may not have lasted much longer." Tai wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

The girls began to tremble and whimper. Their best friend, the girl that was once full of life and happiness was lying in a hospital bed. Their mentor and companion, most importantly a member of their digidestined family could have died.

Izzy, one not to get emotional was staring blankly at the friends the surrounded him. "That's good news right?" The group stared at the young genius weirdly. "I mean she's going to be okay, she's going to get help and everything right? Right?"

Tai nodded solemnly. "From what I can gather, she's going to get better. The staff here's got her on some tubes that are pumping her body with nutrients and stuff. However, there is a slight chance that when they take her off intervenes, her body will reject the food."

Mimi managed to stop whimpering long enough to formulate the question she had been dreading. "Tai, what if her body does reject the food?" Her brown eyes pleading that there would be another solution.

"Then we'll be back to where we are."

There was a soft shuffling of feet as Mrs. Takenouchi returned to the lobby. She smiled lightly. "It's so nice to see that Sora has so many friends that care for her."

"Mrs. Takenouchi." Matt began. "Can we see Sora?" Sora's mom nodded slowly.

The group of digidestined hustled down the corridor; they came to a small room at the end of the hall. There in the middle of the room lay a small bed and on that bed laid a small frail looking girl. She was propped up by pillows and tubes upon tubes ran in and out of her body. The young girl smiled weakly, "so nice of you guys to drop in. I wish we were all here on better circumstances."

No one could help but frown, the Sora they all grew to love and appreciate was sitting there helpless. "It was a joke she said defensively."

According to Tai even in the grim setting that they were all in, Tai couldn't help but think that his best friend who was now his girlfriend could be anymore beautiful. "Sora, there's something I wanted to tell you. I would have had preferred to say it under different circumstances you know, candles, roses, that type of junk."

A ripple effect of laughter began to erupt throughout the small hospital room. "Some romantic you are Tai!" Matt said through snorts of laughter.

"I couldn't have said it better." Kari chimed. "I always knew my brother was a big sap!"

"Ah-hem!" Tai said over the laughter trying to get everyone's attention. "I just wanted to say that, I Taichi Kamiya am in love with you Sora Takenouchi." He said grasping her pale hand in his. "And no matter what I will stick with you to the very end!"

Sora's grim face broke into a grin. "Tai, I love you too! I've always loved you and if I could lift my arms I would give you a big hug."

Tai gave Sora one of his mischievous grins of his. Kari groaned. "Tai, please there are younglings in here!" Ignoring his sisters protests Tai leant over and gave his girlfriend the most tantalizing kiss he good has mustered, leaving a breathless and blushing Sora helpless in her hospital bed.

After regaining her composure, she seethed. "How dare you embarrass me like that? When I get my hands on you, you are so dead!" Everyone smirked. That was the Sora they were used too.

As the weeks passed Sora's diet was monitored and balance. Along with eating, Sora was taking several different vitamin supplements, along with reasonable exercise, was getting back into the swing of things. There were weekly visits to a Dietician and Psychiatrist, but most importantly daily visits from her friends and family.

It was a late Saturday night and Tai was making one of his daily visits to see his girlfriend. The two were sitting on Sora's windowsill starring at the stars. "Taiā€¦" Sora whispered softly, causing the young teen to look at her. "I just wanted to say thank-you, for sticking by me. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here." She said weakly.

Tai lifted her chin towards his and gave her a small kiss. "For the love of my life, I would do anything."

"I love you too!"

The End

Me-Sorry about the story being so short, but I like many people have lost interest along with a companion to write it with, and not to mention I do not usually write a Taiora.

Davis-Well it's been a couple of years and I'm surprised anyone was actually reading any of your crap

Me-sighs I know, well until next time keep writing!

Ken-TLA accepts all forms of reviews, flames are always welcome!

Me-That way I can have a Bon Fire! Ohhh S'mores!