Summary : Where the clouds hovered the whole world, you knew what would happen next. A world which uses a special 'ingredient' called the Plant, suddenly became the only justification of countless massacre. The fight between the Pure Black and the Tainted White grew immense over the Plant that yearned for freedom from someone he called the 'passing sun'.

*updated* rated T for the first few chapties, rated M for later - just in case for violence and malexmale maybe? :D So don't throw that chair at me! DX

I will put up a few warnings in the later chapters for that will-be rated M.

My apologies for the errors unintentionally made in this chapter, will be corrected soon.

Nonetheless, enjoy the story!

Chapter One : Waking Up

I have this ability...

It would seem that i'd lie if i'm an immortal to everyone when i'm just not.

I'm a normal... a mere human with a very weak will to live for the others nor myself. Always, refuge and hid myself on the backs of others.

I have this ability...

...that taught me, how beautiful the world is after death.

It's strange, huh? But i fancy it. So damn much...

A dream that led me to my own promised land, the dream that nobody would dare to come and haunt me... this one dream, that is like a continuous reality to me.

I have this ability... alter my desired world into many impossible ways.

Be the sky to walk on to.

The water as my air or...

...the wind i breathe as my sky.

I can move freely. Into many outrageous ways that physics cannot define. This dream of mine, is the only place i can falter to, the only place that looks so real to only me.

I have this ability...

...that enables me to strip my soul away from my armour and flesh.

Hurt my lifeless vessel, i wouldn't feel the growing pain.

Not that i'm unconscious, i am alive and very much awake... but i'm just not there. And that really is something the reality cannot explain.

I have this ability... turn the reality's gravity to nothing.

To turn the air, the water, the earth to nothing.

Alter every movement of the nature, the species and my psychological humans to nothing.

Nook and cranny, this dream... is my world.

But i have this ability... realise that the place where i would always took comfort at, left me in sorrow and very, very...



"Had a nice dream?" rings a voice through the darkness of his mind.

Nothingness had walled over his sight, stagnant and still air. Nothing to breathe at. But strangely, the damp air doesn't feel that much suffocating. His eyes were just shut closed, but he could see through his covered sight.

He mumbled, his finger twitched, "...I wouldn't call it a dream though. I just realised something really stupid..."

The voice chuckled, "You're still in paralyse mode, Ichigo. Just wait a bit."

Instead of Uryu's voice, Ichigo slowly regained his normal sense of hearing. He could hear keyboard tapping, clacking and the computers beeping. Soft, lounging musics running through a large, old-fashioned radio, echoing slightly within the small, compounded white room. His senses had returned, beginning to feel warmth running through his skin and the comfortable arm-chair he had sat on.

Tingling senses of coldness shivered him a bit as his pair of brown eyes gained its sight.

The white lights above blinded him, his hand moved to cover his eyes. Ichigo blinked, regaining and focusing every images of the room he was in.

Everything was blurry, but he got used to it after he had that dream.

"How're you feeling?" asked the black-haired young man in white laboratory coat, placing his hand on Ichigo's shoulder.

His vision was all clear now, stretching his legs and arms as he tried to sit. He groaned, "...Feeling fine."

Uryu smiled, returning to the computer he had been typing on, "You know, i shouldn't be helping you out like this everyday, Ichigo. We could get in trouble."

Ichigo smirked, "Sorry, but you already helped me out a lot, Uryu."

Uryu looked at the orange-haired from his shoulder and shook his head, "Yeah... guess you're right."

He moved to help the orange-haired to stand and added, "Things i do to make you happy."

When Uryu turned, Ichigo's smile slowly wavered. If it were ever possible, he wanted to stay in his dream. Just let him die already, making him stay in this crappy era felt terribly long to him. This prolonged life of humans...

The black-haired walked back to the computer, recollecting the data he had of Ichigo's and wrote down on his report. Hearing the door behind him creaking open, he turned, "Oh? Where are you going?"

"Back to my apartment," Ichigo mumbled, didn't bother to face his friend as his eyes fixed at the exit sign.

Uryu told himself not to be a bother to Ichigo's life, and said, "Okay, see you. Be careful on your way home."

The door closed before Uryu said goodbye. Ichigo went to his locker, taking out his bag and slammed it closed. Quickly wearing his black jacket to shield himself out from the winter cold as he walked out of the room, through the hallways, down the elevator, greeted by many colleagues and got out of the well-known building Ichigo currently worked in.

As the automatic door slid open, he slipped his headphone to his ears and listened to his tracks of musics. Giving most of his attention to the route he was walking on, and took the chance of sight-seeing the town he lived in for nearly a few months. The air was cold enough to begin with as Ichigo let his eyes wander to absorb every inches of the terrific town.

Karakura was known for its own grand technology, bridges from other districts connects to the grand town as their main 'energy' core. Stores that sells rare goods, restaurants that served great delicacies, magic that had proven to be extraordinary and the power that restores many lost lives. The power which protected the town and its people through the bright, dearly 'Plant'.

No one had ever seen the real 'Plant', but rumours have said that the Plant was chosen from a mere human being. Freedom stripped away from its human vessel, replaced by the knowledge of unknown magic.

But it hasn't been proven whether it is true or not. The propaganda behind this, was the work of the White. The most powerful company that began the power project in the first place.

The orange-haired stopped on a small-bridge above a cold, freezing pond, overlooking the perfect view of the White's company. The company was vast, one very bright light shines at the middle, protected by seemingly glass centred of the tall building. It was... probably the 'Plant'.

This era had no sun.

Though one could see the sun's rays brightening the sky, the full star was never again seen by them, even from the outer space. It was something humans cannot alter.

At the darkening sky of violet-orange, the view of the White's company looked very sad and nostalgic. It also somehow looked very beautiful and peaceful.

Ichigo turned his heels to walk home when a man accidentally bumped his shoulder and fell.

"Ow... Hey, you okay man?" Ichigo asked, placing a hand on the stranger's shoulder.

The blue-haired jolted, turning his face to the orange-haired, in distraught and afraid. He looked scared, caught by shock, just what had happened to him? He was wearing ragged white clothes, the type which people wore when they get experimented on. The pale skin was bruised and cut, a tortured man. Even both of his wrists and ankles were bruised, seemingly from tight shackles.

Trembling body and gasping, heaving chest desperately in search for warmth, stuttered.

"...P-Please..." the blue-haired begged, raspy voice sounded forced, stammering from the cause of his fright and the evening cold.

Ichigo's gut was screaming at him, telling him that he should help this poor blue-haired. Save him if possible. But... save him from who?

But the blue-haired slapped Ichigo's helping hand away when rough, shouting voices heard. He moved his straining body to continue running, leaving Ichigo to stand on his place, stunned. He noticed how limped the guy looked. Now, it seems suspicious, and the matter adds on when a few men running and chasing off towards the path that the blue-haired had run off to.

"Don't let him get away!"

"Hurry! He must be close!" shouted another.

The orange-haired saw the logos on each of the running strangers as they passed him by, they were from the White. Why would the White be bothered of a helpless, tortured man?

'Damn this reality!' he thought and sighed.

Ichigo couldn't help but poking his nose. The distraught face of the blue glued to his mind as he jogged. He searched the poor blue-haired as quickly and as silently as possible, being once a soldier himself. That blue stranger, couldn't be anywhere far in his limping state.


"Over there! Shoot him!"

Ready, online!

I've changed Hollows to White and Shinigamis to Black. Just to make sure it's obvious enough XDD I kinda like it!

Ready, offline!