This Can't Be The End
By: Tracy Cook
Disclaimer: I do not own anything; these characters belong to the creators of The Vampire Diaries. There is self-mutilation and death in this fic. You have been warned… Probably will be a three chapter fic.
Pairing: Caroline/Rebekah and Bonnie/Damon
Rating: M
Chapter One
Blue eyes widened and filled with unconventional concern as they landed on the small body of Bonnie Bennett that lay sprawled out on the ground. His brow furrowed and he listened closely for the sound of a beating heart. For the evidence that the young woman was still alive and breathing, that she would be capable of smiling again.
Bonnie Bennett never got the opportunity to smile. It was a crime. She had a beautiful smile. Of course, Damon would never admit that to anyone.
"Bonnie?" His voice echoed off the walls.
Silence followed and his body tensed. She was not responding.
Damon groaned out in agitation and fear. "No, no, no! This is not happening!" He practically growled the words as he sped across the room toward the fragile woman. Hastily, he dragged her into his strong arms and held her body tightly against his own. "Come on, Bonnie! This isn't funny! Start breathing!" He shook her with the false hope that he would somehow awaken her from her everlasting coma.
Reaching up with his free hand he sunk his teeth into his exposed wrist, puncturing the skin and drawing blood. He was not going to just allow Bonnie to die. Not after everything that she had done for them, after everything she had done for him.
He owed her more than that.
He pressed his bleeding wrist over her lips a little forcefully in an attempt to make her drink his blood. If she consumed it while she was still alive then she could live the life that she had always deserved. A life away from Mystic Falls.
It broke his heart when he realized that even with his blood in her system; she was not going to wake up. She was gone. Her body was an empty vessel. It was too late.
Pulling his hand away, he allowed his eyes to travel along her blood coated lips. They were unmoving and it made him long for the days that she would speak down to him, that she would judge him for his terrible ways. She always had a way of bringing him back to earth and making him realize that he was wrong with his intentions.
She was the only one who truly told him how she felt without hesitation.
He needed that in his life. He needed her in his life.
The emotions that Damon was feeling were overwhelming. He could not comprehend them. He was terrified that he had finally lost the Bennett witch. Over the years he had teased her, said that he would choose Elena over her, and forced her to endanger her life in order to save the woman that he claimed to love. In that moment though, he wished that he could take it all back. If Bonnie did not feel such a devastating desperation to save her friend then she would still be alive.
That was why she had done it. He knew it. She had once again put her life on the line to save her friend. Only this time she wasn't coming back from it.
This time she was dead.
"No!" Damon refused to believe that this was the end of her story. "You have to come back, Bonnie. Elena needs you!" His voice softened and he found himself stroking his fingers through her soft hair as he stared down at her gorgeous face. "I need you…" His words were honest and genuine. He did need her. And not just in order to fix all of his problems and to put him in his place, he needed her to make his life complete.
"Come on witchy, shake out of it…"
Her head tilted up and she sniffed at the air as she walked down the hallway of the high school. There was a peculiar scent that she recognized assaulting her senses. It was the sweet scent of blood.
"What the bloody hell?" Rebekah wondered aloud, following the scent. There was something familiar about the scent of the blood. It was sweet, yet tart, and it was mixed with the scent of something else. Vanilla perfume and tears of desperation.
Following the trail, a sound caused her to halt mid-step. It was the sound of a woman wheezing and whimpering in pain. She immediately recognized who the whimpers belonged to.
"Go away!" She heard Caroline scream from one of the rooms. "Leave me alone, Rebekah!"
This fueled a fire inside of the original. There was no way that she was going to allow Caroline to tell her what to do. If she was hiding something from Matt and herself then she wanted to know what it was. Using her enhanced abilities she moved into the room where she presumed Caroline was and she started to speak "I do not think so—" She lost her voice. Blue eyes widened and filled with sorrowful concern as she stared down at the other blonde. "—Caroline…?"
She glanced up at Rebekah with a somber look on her face.
"What are you doing?" The blonde Brit whispered softly, kneeling to the ground to sit in front of the other woman. Blue eyes caught blue and brows furrowed in confusion.
"I have to keep cutting." Caroline sounded adamant in her demand and Rebekah knew that it wasn't her. It couldn't possibly be the sweet and innocent woman that drove her mad with her positive bubbly attitude. This was Silas, or she was being controlled by Silas.
"Caroline…" She spoke hesitantly, reaching out to take the razor from her. "Sweetheart, be a dear and hand that over."
"No! I have to! Silas told me—I have to—I have to keep cutting!" Caroline wheezed and continued her movements along the skin. She had no control over her body. It was merely a way for the monster to contain her. The sight caused Rebekah's chest to tighten in agony and she once again reached for the razor. There was no way that she was going to allow the other woman to harm herself.
When Caroline pulled away from her, Rebekah quickly grew agitated. She could not let this continue. It was sick.
"Stop it!" She screamed urgently. Reaching out, she wrapped her hand tightly around the hand that was holding the razor and held it in place so that she could not move.
"But Silas—"
"Screw Silas, Caroline! He does not have any control over you! You are stronger than this…" Rebekah stared deep into Caroline's eyes, her pupils dilating in an attempt to compel the young vampire. She wanted to convince her that she needed to stop hurting herself. This was wrong on so many different levels.
It made Rebekah's stomach flip with disgust and unease.
"He told me to keep cutting…" She spoke under her breath, eyes filling with tears.
"And I am telling you to stop." Rebekah informed seriously. She would not allow Caroline to hurt. No one deserved to hurt like this. Not even someone that she loathed. In all honesty she did not really loathe the other blonde at all. She simply made her insecure. She never wanted this for her.
Reaching up, Rebekah ran her free hand along Caroline's cheek, twisting her fingers in blonde hair and watching as the beautiful woman visibly relaxed under her touch. It caused her body to react strangely and it perplexed her. She felt warm inside, she felt proud of herself, and she felt oddly content with the tingling sensations running along the tips of her fingers.
"Now, sweets, please put an end to this rubbish and hand over the blade."
"I…I can't…" She whimpered. All that Caroline wanted to do was give into Rebekah's wishes. She did not want to hurt anymore and she was mesmerized by those stunning eyes and that soft caring smile.
"This isn't you. It's Silas."
It quickly became apparent that compulsion was not going to work as Caroline pulled herself out of her daze and once again started to struggle. She was convinced that she needed to harm herself.
"Okay, if you aren't going to listen then you are coming with me!"
Damon ran unsteady fingertips along Bonnie's dead lips, willing them to move again with his mind. Willing her eyes to snap open so that he could once again stare into their green pools. He wanted to remember what they looked like. He wanted to have another chance to cherish them. To cherish Bonnie Bennett for every wonderful thing that she had done.
"Come on, come back to me…" His words sounded hollow. He had lost the hope that he once had. Now he was simply drowning in the emptiness of a life without an annoying little witch.
"I'm dead, Damon." Bonnie's voice echoed off the walls and Damon snapped his head in the direction of the voice.
His eyes went wide when he witnessed the young witch standing behind him with a sorrowful look on her face. But, he also noticed the determination shimmering in her eyes. It took him a moment to fully comprehend what was going on. Bonnie had lowered the veil and so she was still capable of living on their side, she was still capable of talking to him. She was standing before him, but she was indeed dead.
It crushed him all over again.
"Bonnie… You can't possibly be—"
"—I am. I'm dead, Damon."
He felt sick to his stomach, like he was going to vomit. 'That's it then…? All hope is lost? She is gone forever…'
"But, I think I know a way that you can bring me back."
Authors Note:
This fic will be approximately three chapters of Bamon/Rebekoline angst, it will have a happy ending, but it will be very tragic. I hope that everyone is enjoying it! I already have the outline for the next chapter ready, so if y'all want me to add the next chapter today then send me some reviews and I will get right on it!
Thank you all for reading! I love you all!
-Tracy Cook