Transcript of a text conversation

23:15- ahuszar contacted das0rdenstadt

ahuszar: Hey. gil.

ahuszar: Earth to gilbert.

ahuszar: Calling all prussians, do you read me. repeat, calling any and all prussians, do you read.

ahuszar: O fuck.

ahuszar: Gilbert beilschmidt, if you don't answer right now i'm going to come over there and break your scrawny neck.

ahuszar: And your brother will laugh.

das0rdenstadt: WHAT el

das0rdenstadt: jesus christ cant a person get some sleep on a schoolnite

ahuszar: HAH!

ahuszar: Tomorrow's a saturday. AS YOU WELL KNOW.

ahuszar: Thy plot is foiled, now confess thine dastardly crimes, thou bastard.

das0rdenstadt: yup as usual you are a psycho and i have no idea what youre

going on about.

das0rdenstadt: as we all know im the very picture of a model teenager

ahuszar: O that's a laugh.

das0rdenstadt: and i can do no wrong especially not where the criminal justice system is concerned.

das0rdenstadt: now what crime would this be again

das0rdenstadt: cuz im tellin you I have no idea.

ahuszar: Well for one thing you scared poor feli vargas to death.

das0rdenstadt: oh fuck again with the fuckin sev

das0rdenstadt: imean since wheeeeeeen is putting annoyin kids in their place some sorta crime?

ahuszar: Wait, again?

das0rdenstadt: well yeah felgas or whoever is a smart fuckass i will admit

das0rdenstadt: but that don't make no difference!

ahuszar: Seriously felgas that's stupid. gil what

das0rdenstadt: kids gotta learn to respect their betters!

ahuszar: Again?

das0rdenstadt: its the fuckin law of the jungle, jeezus el you should fuckin know!

das0rdenstadt: the great powers get all the bling,

das0rdenstadt: and the little ones and the lazy bastards get occupied by sweden and denmark

ahuszar: Gil

das0rdenstadt: in a war about something as stupid as religion of allfuckin things!

ahuszar: Gilbert

das0rdenstadt: Thirty fuckin years! That sucked! And all cause PRUSSIA couldnt defend themselves!

ahuszar: Gil!

das0rdenstadt: You think things are any different today?

das0rdenstadt: Only way a little kid like thatll survive to be big enough is sucking up!

das0rdenstadt: Someone's gotta teach em!

das0rdenstadt: That's just the way it works, and they need to learn!

das0rdenstadt: Way of the fucking world here, El!

ahuszar: GILBERT!

ahuszar: And your bad grammar is slipping.

das0rdenstadt: .

das0rdenstadt: what

das0rdenstadt: stop yellin woman what dyou want already

das0rdenstadt: so needy

ahuszar: I'll kill you someday, i swear it.

ahuszar: And what do you mean, 'again' with feli?

das0rdenstadt: ha ha like hell you will

das0rdenstadt: and for your information my lil bro was already grouchin at me

das0rdenstadt: like

das0rdenstadt: gil your so mean leave me giiiirlfriend alone

das0rdenstadt: almost felt bad for the dude

das0rdenstadt: so pathetic

ahuszar: He beat you up didn't he.

das0rdenstadt: the fuck?!

ahuszar: Yup, totally beat you up.

das0rdenstadt: why would you think that

das0rdenstadt: he most certainly did not

ahuszar: O, can it!

ahuszar: That's not even what i wanted to talk to you about.

das0rdenstadt: thatsalotta texts for not what you wanted to talk about.

ahuszar: I know, you idiot. you were the one who derailed the entire conversation with your blabber.

ahuszar: Anyway, lud said you were babbling something weird at him.

ahuszar: Like, weird things about feli.

ahuszar: What was with that?

das0rdenstadt: seeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

ahuszar: See what, idiot?

das0rdenstadt: their totally lovebirds

das0rdenstadt: its so pathetic

ahuszar: It's CUTE jerkass!

ahuszar: So quite trying to screw it up!

das0rdenstadt: im NOT

ahuszar: Wait

ahuszar: What?

ahuszar: You're not? what dyou mean you're not?

das0rdenstadt: i wish wesser all the sickeningly sweet handholding in the world

das0rdenstadt: really i do

das0rdenstadt: im just SAYIN

das0rdenstadt: doesnt she seem just a little weird tyou?

ahuszar: What do you mean? feli's adorable and completely normal.

das0rdenstadt: its not feli

das0rdenstadt: its feliciano

das0rdenstadt: and doesnt that make you just a liiiiiiiiiitle bit suspicioso?

ahuszar: No it doesn't!

ahuszar: A lot of people have names like that.

ahuszar: Well, not a lot, but some!

ahuszar: Maybe her parents just wanted a boy!

das0rdenstadt: oh sure

das0rdenstadt: and shes so twitchy and anxious some good reason

ahuszar: She probably comes from tragic circumstances! like abuse or something! don't be such an asshole!

das0rdenstadt: listen to yourself!

das0rdenstadt: im tellin you! shes fishy

ahuszar: GIL!

das0rdenstadt: shes got fishy written all over her!

das0rdenstadt: so don't come bitchin to me when you get fuckin burned!

das0rdenstadt: i'm just warning you!

ahuszar: oh i cannot fucking believe you

ahuszar: Screw this. i don't even care about this shit anymore.

ahuszar: Have fun in hell you scumbag.

23:59- ahuszar left the conversation

das0rdenstadt: well fine

das0rdenstadt: you be like that

das0rdenstadt: you all be like that

das0rdenstadt: im tellin you, shes a smart fuckass

das0rdenstadt: but theres somethin up with her

das0rdenstadt: imean i dont even care. its just somebody gotta keep an eye on this stuff

das0rdenstadt: so thatsgotta be me then

das0rdenstadt: .

das0rdenstadt: fuck im talkin to myself aint i

24:00- das0rdenstadt left the conversation