Normal P.O.V.

No. Now, tell me what you want. Lucy asked.

Oh. Come on. Sting replied.

Don't be so rude. Lucy said.

Don't even think about it. Lucy added.

Sting touches her chin.

Do you want to watch a movie? Sting asked.

Hmm… Let me see. No! Lucy replied then closes the door in front of Sting.

Lucy leans on the door.

That idiot… Lucy added then blushes.

Back to Sting.

She sure loves me. Sting thought.

Next day at school.

In the hallway.

Sting covers Lucy eyes with his hands.

You know you're late, Lu-cy. Sting said.

Like I care, Bee-boy. Lucy replied.

The two of them entered class.

Your late. Wakaba-sensei said.

Like I care. Sting replied then goes to his seat.

Let see, what she says now. Sting thought then smirk.

That was my phrase. Lucy thought.

And you, miss? Wakaba-sensei asked.

You should be grateful I came to this shit you called class. Lucy answered.

SHUT UP AND GO TO YOUR SEAT. Wakaba-sensei shouted.

Just who do you think you shouting at, you stupid faggot? Lucy asked while glaring at Wakaba.

That's it! You… the teacher said.

You better watch your mouth and respect, or I will tell everyone that the Great Wakaba received something from a student to let him go unpunished and we don't want to happen that, do we? Lucy whispered then smirk.

Miss, go to your seat. Wakaba said. That little. Wakaba thought.

Wow! What we have here a tiger. You blackmailed him, didn't you? Sting asked then smirk.

Smart ass. Lucy thought.

Maybe. Maybe not. Lucy replied.

Time skip.

At lunch.

To the girls.

Hey! I was thinking, why don't we have a sleepover? Levy asked.

Why not? I am in. Wendy replied.

Sure. Erza added.

Of course! We will make our hair and nail, play games, watch a movie and talk about our crushes. Lisanna said.

Wow! Chill down, Lisanna. Lucy said.

S-sorry! Lisanna replied.

Alright. But, we keep it a secret. We don't want unwaited, princesses. Lucy added.

The girls laughed.

The boys came.

What's so funny, Lu-cy? Sting asked then smirk.

Oh! Nothing, Bee-boy. Lucy replied. Hahahaha. I really love making fun of him. Lucy thought.

Lucy looks at the clock then at the girls.

Well, me and Wendy got to go. We have detention. Bye! Lucy said.

Yeah, bye! Wendy added. Good excuse. Wendy thought.

Well, I got to go to the library with Levy. Bye! Erza said.

Yeah, bye! Levy added.

Well, I have to go home. Bye! Lisanna said.

The girls left.

-Time Skip-

To the sleepover.

Hey! Let's play T or D? Lisanna declared.

Lucy, T or D? Lisanna added.

Dare me! Lucy replied with confidence.

I dare you to kiss Sting. Lisanna said.

What?! Lisanna! Why that idiot?! Lucy shouted. Although, it doesn't sound that bad. Lucy thought.

Because, we all know you love each other. Lisanna replied.

I don't love him. Lucy said while clenching her fist.

Or yes? Lucy thought then blushes.

Come on, Lucy! We don't mind if you go. Wendy said.

Fine! Be right back. Lucy replied.

At Sting's house.

Lucy knocked three times.

Lucy, what's wrong? Sting asked.

Well, I can't believe I'm doing this. Lucy said with a low voice then blushes.

Lucy kisses Sting. Sting then drags Lucy inside the house then closes the door.

I can't stop him or I don't want to? Lucy thought.

Hmm. Something is wrong. Sting thought.

What's going on? Sting asked.

Well, I have my reasons now let me go! Lucy answered.

I will let you go after we… Sting said.

Don't you dare finish that sentence! Lucy said while clenching her fist.

What? Sting said with a confused face.

I am not your toy! So, forget it. Lucy said while clenching her fist.

Hahaha! I wanted to say after we watch a movie. Sting said while laughing.

W-what?! Lucy said.

But, if you have a dirty mind we can do that. Sting said then smirk.

What?! I don't have! Lucy shouted.

Let's watch a movie. Sting said.

Fine. Lucy replied.

After the movie.

Hmmm… Lucy… Sting whispered.

Sting realizes that Lucy is asleep.

Hnn… That means… Sting said then smirk.


Stay tuned for Chapter 4!