Sting and Lucy: Chapter 1

A Bad boy, Bad girl.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Tomorrow's going to be my first day of school in Fairy Tail Academy, I said.

I better sleep now, I said and then get to sleep fast.

The next morning in the Academy.

Lucy's P.O.V.

Good morning class! , the teacher said cheerfully.

We don't give a fuck. Sting Eucliffe said.

We are going to have a new stu-. Someone slam the door open. And she's late, the teacher said.

Like I care. I said to the teacher.

I think this girl is a troublemaker. Arrrgh! Another troublemaker. The teacher thought.

Okay, class. This is Lucy Heartfilia and she will be your new classmate this year. If any of you have some question you can ask in the bre-. The teacher said.

So Lucy, did you move here or… A guy with a pink hair said.

Hmph! Got expelled for bad behavior. I said.

Hey bitch! I don't care at all. Just don't touch my Sting-kun. A girl with a long white hair and indigo eyes told me that.

I came toward Angel and said.

Listen here, slut. Don't mess with me or I will rip every single bone you have, got it? I glared at her.

Angel gulped.

Good girl. I said.

Sting's P.O.V.

I saw everything Lucy Heartfilia did.

What do we have here a bad girl, huh? I thought. And smirked.

What are you smirking at, idiot? Lucy told me that.

All shocked.

I think that's enough, the teacher said.

Nobody cares what you think. Lucy told the teacher.

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. Didn't anyone tell you to be nice with the elders? I told her.

Hmmm… I don't really give a fuck, Beeboy. She told me.

Macao looked at the clock and said. Ok. Class dismissed.

The next class. And the teacher isn't there yet.

Normal P.O.V.

Hey girl! Name's Lisanna. A girl with white hair told Lucy.

And these are my gals:

Levy- a young teenage girl with a short blue hair and hazel eyes.

Erza- a young woman with a long, scarlet hair and brown eyes.

Wendy- a petite girl with a long, dark blue hair that reach her waist with brown eyes.

Juvia- a slender, young woman with blue hair and blue eyes.

Nice to meet you, girls. Lucy told them cheerfully.

You sure are a bad girl. Erza told her.

Hahahaha! Why bad? I didn't do anything yet. Lucy told them and then smirked.

The guys overheard them and came (Except Sting).

Your joking, right? A guy with a pink hair ask Lucy.

You spoken like shit to Macao-sensei, threaten Angel to death and nearly got into a fight with Sting in 5 minutes. Gray told Lucy.

Sting… You mean Beeboy? Lucy said.

All laughed a bit.

Sting is the baddest in school. Jellal said.

Hahaha! That idiot? Lucy said and laughed.

Yea, Blondie. Sting said while hugging Lucy at the back.

Lucy kicked Sting.

Listen here, Bastard. If you don't want to land in the hospital, I suggest you to respect me. Lucy said while clenching her fingers.

The teacher came in.

Sorry, I am late. I ju-

Yeah, yeah. Get to the point already. Wendy and Romeo said in unison.

Ok class! Today, we will-

Sleep. Natsu added.

Dragneel, shut up and Heartfilia go Macao these documents, please. Wakaba said.

You have legs go deliver that shit yourself. Lucy answered sarcastically.

That's it! Detention! Wakaba said with an angry face.

Yeah, yeah. Lucy said.

*Time skip*

Lunch time

Guys P.O.V.

So, Sting. What are you planning to do about Lucy? Jellal ask.

Hnn… She will find out today in detention. Sting answered.

But, you don't have detention today. Natsu said.

Not answered then smirked.

Sting throws a pie towards Macarov.

Eucliffe! Detention! Macarov shouted angrily.

Of course. Sting said.

That was fast. Romeo said.

The girls came.

What was fast? Wendy asked.

Oh, nothing. Sting answered.

Anyways, Lucy after your detention. Wanna go to the mall with us? Erza asked.

Hmm… Shopping? Pass. Lucy answered.

Wow! A girl who doesn't shop. Interesting. Jellal added with a big grin on his face.

So, you will come with us at the cafeteria then. Natsu said.

Sure. Well, Gotta to go. See ya at the mall. Lucy said then left.

Later, guys. Sting added then left.

Where did he go? Lisanna asked.

To teach Lucy a lesson. Jellal answered.

W-what? Levy added with a worried look.

We have to help her. Erza said.

I think she can handle this. Romeo said with a wink on his face.

Yeah! Don't forget, she got expelled for BAD BEHAVIOUR. Natsu said.

Well yeah. But, we are talking about Sting here. Wendy said with a worried look on her face.

Don't worry. Let's roll. Romeo said.

They left. To the front of the school to wait for the two.

To the Detention room.

Sting entered the room then locks it.


Stay tuned for Chapter two.