A/N I just realized that I never added a disclaimer so here it is now. This goes for all previous chapters as well as this one: I do not own any rights to NCIS nor do I plan on making money off of anything I write. I guess Benjamin is mine but everyone else belongs to CBS.

Gibbs arrived at the DiNozzo home just as Ziva was preparing lunch. "Hello Gibbs", Ziva said as she greeted the older man with a hug. "Hi Ziva, I promise this won't take long and I'll let you guys get back to whatever it is you're doing", Gibbs said as he looked at the folder clutched in his hands.

"Nonsense, you will be staying for lunch and then we will have a proper visit to discuss what is inside this folder", Ziva said as she tapped the folder Gibbs held in his hands.

Ziva motioned for Gibbs to sit down at the kitchen table while she poured him a cup of coffee. "Where are Tony and Ben"? Gibbs asked as he took a sip of coffee. Ziva nodded towards the backyard and said, "They are outside playing".

Gibbs could now hear the sound of laughter coming from the backyard and just as he was about to get up to go and see what Tony and Ben were up to Ziva stopped him. "Can I talk to you for a moment, just the two of us?" Gibbs sat back down and Ziva took a seat directly across from him. Gibbs could see that Ziva had something on her mind and that she was taking time to choose her words correctly.

"I don't know how to begin", Ziva said as she tried to sort out the flood of emotions swimming in her mind at the moment. Gibbs waited patiently giving her all the time she needed to gather her thoughts.

"I was only 18 when I began my training for Mossad. I have worked my entire adult life as either an Officer of Mossad or as an NCIS Special Agent, it is all I have ever known until I married Tony; I never thought that I would have all this", Ziva said as she raised her arms gesturing around her home. Gibbs silently listened, not wanting to interrupt her train of thought. Ziva continued, "I remember once a long time ago, I told Tony I did not count on happy endings". Gibbs raised an eyebrow but continued to listen in silence. "I look at what I have now; a wonderful husband, an adoring son and another baby on the way; All this makes me so happy".

Gibbs reached a hand out and placed it over Ziva's and gave it a gentle squeeze. She smiled at him and continued, "This morning Tony and I continued a conversation we have had many, many times before and he once again asked me to consider resigning my position at NCIS and become a full time mom to Ben and the new baby; and do you want to know something?" Ziva asked with a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Gibbs squeezed her hand again and nodded for her to continue. "For the first time, I am actually considering doing it, but at the same time it scares the hell out of me".

"Why does it scare you Ziver"? Gibbs asked curious to know the answer. Ziva took in a deep breath and answered, "Because it means that I have changed, I am no longer the woman I once was. I never thought that taking care of Tony and Ben could be so full filling but it is and I love doing it. I hope you do not think that I am weak for saying this but I am ready for a change."

Gibbs smiled at Ziva saying, "You are one of the strongest women I have ever known and I doubt there is anything you could ever say or do that could change my mind about that."

"Thank you Gibbs for saying so", Ziva said as she smiled at the man sitting across from her at the table. Gibbs looked down at the folder in front of him and said, "It's funny you are telling me this now because that it what I came here to talk to you and Tony about". Ziva looked at Gibbs surprised, "I will call Tony in now so we can discuss this before lunch". Gibbs nodded okay and Ziva got up to call Tony. She walked over to the patio door and opened it, "Gibbs is here Tony can you come inside please"?

Ben stopped what he was doing and ran past Ziva yelling," Gibbs-Gibbs-Gibbs, you here to visit", the three year old said as he left a trail of sand across the kitchen floor. Ziva looked at the mess and asked Tony to take Ben back outside and dust him off. "Oh hey boss, didn't know you were here, I'll be right back", Tony said as he took Ben by the hand and led him back outside.

Once Tony had Ben back outside he began dusting the sand off of Ben which seemed to be everywhere. Tony noticed that both of Ben's pockets were stuffed with the tiny grains and asked, "Ben why do you have sand in your pockets?" Ben looked down and patted his pockets with his hands and said, "I dunno daddy but it was fun". Tony let out an exasperated breath and began scooping the sand out of Ben's pockets. Suddenly, he had a better idea and said, "I only know one way to get the sand out of your pockets Ben", and without warning he picked Ben up and turned him upside down and gently shook him up and down while holding him by the ankles loosening the sand from the laughing three year olds pockets.

Gibbs and Ziva smiled as they both watched the interaction between father and son. Once Tony had cleaned Ben up the best he could the two DiNozzo men came inside. Ben visited for a few minutes then Ziva sent him into the family room to watch cartoons while the adults talked.

Once the three of them were settled around the kitchen table Gibbs opened the folder and looked inside. He pulled out a document and handed it to Tony. The younger man read the document in silence then handed it to his wife to read. Once Ziva had finished reading the document she handed it back to Gibbs and he placed it back inside the folder and closed the file. Tony looked at Gibbs and said, "They can't do this boss?" Gibbs only nodded and said, "Yes they can Tony but it does not mean I have to play by their rules".

Tony and Ziva looked to Gibbs waiting for him to continue. "Mandatory retirement at the end of the year my ass", Gibbs said. "This is my team, my rules, I will leave on my terms". Tony and Ziva both nodded in agreement with Gibbs. Tony asked, "What are you proposing boss?" Gibbs looked at Tony and said, "That depends on you DiNozzo". Tony looked at Gibbs shaking his head that he did not understand. Gibbs smiled and said, "Are you ready to take over the MCRT? I have already discussed the matter with the Director and he is ready to appoint you as the new team leader as soon as he accepts my resignation". Tony looked from Gibbs to Ziva shocked, he always knew that one day the position would be his but he had not been expecting it so soon. For once Tony was at a loss for words, "I'm ready boss, I know I am. I won't let you down". Gibbs cupped a hand around the back of Tony's neck and said, "You never have Tony".

Gibbs knew that Tony would be a great team leader but now the only concern was what to do about Ziva's position. Director Vance had made it clear that if Tony accepted the team lead position, then Ziva would have to transfer to another team. Gibbs told Tony and Ziva what Director Vance had proposed and waited to hear what the two had to say.

Ziva looked at Tony and said, "What do you think I should do"? Tony looked at Gibbs then at his wife and said, "You know how I feel Zi, but I can't make this decision for you, it has to be what you want. I can't ask you to give up your career if it is something you are not ready to do, so I will stand by any decision you make, we will work it out together." Ziva smiled at her husband and said, "But I have already made my decision and yes it is what I want and this time I am counting on a happy ending."

The End

A/N The story will continue in the yet to be named sequel. It just felt like a good spot to end the current story. The next story will likely begin with the birth of the new baby and will go at a much faster pace as more DiNozzo babies are born. Please leave a review and let me know what you think.