"I...", he blushed.

There was a tense pause and his lips were pressed in a straight line. For some reason he felt nervous and his heart pounded hard.

"Yes?", Haruka blinked.

"Hum…", he rubbed his face, hoping to take the blush away, "I… Have a question"

"A question?"

Dammit! It wasn't what I wanted to say!

"Er… Yes", he gave an awkward chuckle, "Say, did you ever fell in love?"

Ack! Now I was too direct!

"Fell in love…", she whispered, looking thoughtful before shaking her head, "I don't think so, why?"

Ok, calm down and think! You need to think of something that wouldn't make things even more awkward!

His mind went blank as he panicked even more.

"Ittoki-kun", Haruka hesitated, clearly sensing the other's distress, "Are you in love with someone?"

"I don't know", was the automatic answer before he noticed what he said, his face turning purple, "I-I mean… Everyone thinks that I'm, but I'm not sure. How do you know when you're in love with someone?"

"Why do they say that you like this person?", she asked, feeling curious.

"Well… They didn't say anything specific", he tilted his head, "Do I act differently around her? I don't know"

Does she act differently around me? Does she look me differently?

As soon as the question popped in his head he turned to stare her, his warm eyes meeting with brilliant gold.

They are very warm. He didn't know if it the sparkle on her eyes or the caring look she gave him were a casual thing. She was so sweet and nice that it would be difficult to tell apart.

"… Say, if you fell in love with someone, what would you do for them?", he suddenly asked.

"Everything in my power", she answered promptly.

"I know that you would do it, you're too nice to not help", he shook his head, "what I meant was… Something you would only do with someone you love"

"…I-I guess that we would share a kiss?" she blushed, feeling very shy.

He also blushed, especially after his gaze dropped to her red lips.

"And you?"


"The person you may be in love", she asked, fidgeting, "Would you do something that you would only do if you loved her?"

Now that was a good question.

He closed his eyes and thought for a moment. Would he do everything for the girl at his side?

Yes, I would

He didn't know if he would do everything he did if it was someone else. If he would talk with the lonely voice on the other side of the phone, if he would promise to talk again and meet her while having faith in someone he barely knew. He didn't give up when he waited for her call. He thought it was worth it when he heard her voice again.

Everything he did was special to him. He never doubted it. He didn't know if he would do the same for someone else, but what he did for Haruka was important to him.

"I don't know what I wouldn't do for her", he smiled softly, "But everything I did was special and important to me"

The awkwardness disappeared like a weight lifted from his heart. He thought about the times he felt confused and unsure when around the strawberry haired girl. He chuckled when he thought how dumb he was for not noticing sooner. It was so simply!

I love her.

"Why are you laughing?" Haruka smiled with a confused expression.

"I'm laughing because I finally understand my feelings", he grinned.

"Oh! About the person you like?", she smiled, happy to see the troubled expression disappear.

"Yes", he nodded, voice full of emotion, "I like you"

"Eh?", Haruka blinked, unsure if she heard right.

"I like you", Otoya repeated, cheeks pink and heart throbbing, "I like you Haruka"

Her whole face went red and it was obvious that she was shocked (he honestly couldn't blame her). He would have laughed and pinched her cheeks for looking adorably lost, but he held himself back as he waited as she still processed what he said.

"I… Er… I…", Haruka stuttered.

She felt fingers gently shut her.

"You don't need to answer now", he chuckled in amusement, "It took a lot of time until I could arrive at this conclusion so I don't expect you to answer so soon"

She was still tense, but hearing his words made her relax.

"I… Will think about your feelings", she said, voice barely audible, "I-I don't think I can give you an answer now, but…"

"Like I said, it's ok", he said softly, "I did say I liked you, but there are still things I want to figure out"

"Things? Like what?"

"It does feel different when you finally notice that you're in love with someone", he beamed, "I see everything I did in a different way now. I'm curious to know how I will see you from now on"

Haruka couldn't help but smile too. His honesty and happiness made her feel at ease. It didn't make any sense, but somewhere in her heart she knew that everything would be alright.

"I guess that I will look differently at you too", her lips curved in a small smile, "I don't know what answer I will give, but I will treasure your feelings"


They touched foreheads, gazes focused on each other. Their faces were a bit pink because of the contact, but they laughed it away. It felt nice and warm.

"I wonder if the rain will stop soon", Haruka wondered as the water still poured.

"I don't mind if it continues. It's cozy here", Otoya joked.

The red haired boy moved so his arms enveloped Haruka's petite frame. His back touched the concrete wall, but he didn't mind. It felt really comfortable with her body leaning on his.

I don't know if I love him, but it would be nice if it was the case, Haruka closed her eyes, the sound of a soft breath lulling her to sleep, I wonder if loves feels like that.



Ok, I know. It's been a while and I know that this chapter is super short and full of dialogues*awkward laugh*. I know, the "" are poking your poor eyes, but I couldn't help it!

After writing the corniest thing I wrote in my life a question popped in my head.

…By any chance, did you people try anything I write? Because if not then it's a relief, I seriously think that people would laugh at you if you tried any of my cheesy speeches and I don't want anyone go through that.

Ok, now it's REVIEW TIME!

DokiDokiStarlight – I sort of regret putting the other RAINBOW boys after Haruka, this story will be longer than I planned*tears of blood* Hope you squealed in this chapter even if it's short.

Eternity Crystal- Thanks a lot! I love to write fluff things, and I would love to have a beta reader, but first I need to talk with my first Beta(?), I don't know how busy she is, but if she gives the green sign then I would love to have your help! Hahhaha, I barely plan my fanfics, that's why there's a lot on hiatus, I write everything on impulse! XD

See Through the Mist- Huh? Who are you talking about? Or did you mistake this fic for the Dear Children? Õ. Õ

RandomGhost464- Thanks for reading it! Sorry if this chapter wasn't as long as the last and I hope you enjoyed it!

asukakizuno. p4s- Yes, he did. Enough about beating around the bush! XD

Ari- I always try my best~ Glad you like my work!

Shortnime- I love to give fuzzy feelings to my readers, and I find it so easy to write fluffy with them! That's why I adore this couple XD. Glad that they are In character enough to not be a problem! I love doing references to the original work! Read it carefully to have ideas.

Caitlin De Winte- Your nickname is cool! Thanks a lot for the support!

kelpiejh- I will ship this in hell and heaven! Our love for this pairing is so strong that it's worth millions! XD*Bricked*. Ok, kidding, but OtoyaxHaruka shall be more popular!

Hima- Thanks a lot! I am happy to contribute to the OtoHaru love! He's shy when he isn't sure, but Otoya is very honest about his feelings.*at least here, anime trolls his chances*

Miku88- Don't worry, I didn't feel offended as a lot of people points that*sweatdrop*. I am trying my best to learn how to improve my problem, but commas and dots are still my mortal enemies, I take a course of creative writing to improve that, but… Er… Anyway, thanks a lot for your review! I feel deeply touched and honored that you like my works, I will try my best and I will update the others as soon as I can!