A/N : I've decided to fill in a request. This story is based on a Vocaloid song "Alluring Secret Black Vow" sang by Rin and Ren. Well, I hope you enjoy!

"I don't really understand the meaning of your actions, sempai. Why is it that, even though you were warned many times not to, you would always find time to go to the Human realm and interfere?"

…is what she had asked me. That day, Vorona, the junior who I was put in charge of, stared hard at me, calmly waiting for my answer. I remember scrunching my eyebrows together as if offended by the question.

"Come now, not you too Vorona."

A stray sunlight gleamed off the cold muzzle of a gun that was pointed at me. It was the standard gun carried by every Angel in the Guardian unit as required by protocol. Of course, I had a working one that time too resting in the back pockets of my trousers uniform.

"I am to understand that we are merely to guide and objectively observe Humans. Sempai, you were caught red-handedly interfering."

The anger rose in me, its level spiking dangerously as if it would explode. For the first time since I met Vorona, I growled in response. "That Human was about to commit suicide. I'm not going to just objectively observe, as you would call it. It'd ruin my meal."

"Regardless, I have been told by the Archangels to punish sempai if that were to happen again."

"You're so stiff, Vorona. Personally, what would you have done?"

"How I feel does not matter during Guarding. Rules are rules."

I positioned my own gun and levelled them to aim at Vorona's chest. My heart made a painful wrench that fateful dusk at having to do that to a person I considered precious to me. She was, after all said and done, one of the few people to have accepted me for who I am. But I know Vorona. She would not hesitate to open fire if ordered to. "Sorry, Vorona. But those Archangels can kiss my ass."

The loud bang coming from both of our guns discharging still left me shuddering even until today.

That was a long time ago. I have lost track of how many years ago that incident happened. It has now become merely a blurry memory. A silhouette of a nightmare that hounds me to this very day.

Is it because it's dusk now? The reason why I would remember such an old story?

My heart suddenly clenched again.

After being shot at, I had run away to the Human realm and now, I am left wandering the realm for an eternity, not being able to go back home. Interfering was considered taboo after all, no doubt about that. And there was no doubt that I have also been banished. It's not as if I haven't seen any other Angels around since that time. With the way they ignored my existence, my suspicions were right on the money.

I am alone; with no one no depend on. But that's just fine by me. No more betrayals. No more disappointment.

The dusty gravel beneath my boots gave way as I entered a bustling town. Judging from all the hype and conversation going on around me, it seems that this town was preparing for a Harvest Festival. The women would go around cooking up a feast and the men were carrying bulks of the season's harvest upon their shoulders. Children ran around me in circles in their delight at the atmosphere, tripping me as one of them ran in between my legs.

As I was dusting myself off from the ground, a hand was offered to me. At first I did not pay mind to it but after a while it became evident that the hand would not be retracted. When I finally looked up, I was met with the most gorgeous shade of crimson I could ever hope to see.

How could a Human's eyes be so beautiful?

They sparkled so much under the dusk's sunlight. And the smile gracing the Human's lips only add to the eyes attractiveness.

Despite myself, I found myself staring into the crimson depth of this Human's eyes, unable to look away. I realised belatedly, it was love at first sight. But...this…

…This is another taboo. Love between Angels and Humans are forbidden, I know that. Love between the same genders are forbidden, I also know that. And yet, I can't help it. His eyes are so mesmerising. I'm falling even deeper. How can this be? I don't even know this Human's name.

"Helloooo? Earth to Blondie! Are you going to sit there all day long and make me look like a fool trying to help you up?"

My word, even his voice resounds so much inside my being. Stepping out of my reverie, I shook my head to clear it and calm down. I accepted the hand in front of me and the Human hauled me up. The wings on my back were ruffled from my fall, so I immediately set work to keeping them back in order.

"What are you doing? Did you lost something?" came the question.

Ah, that's right.

Under normal circumstances, Humans cannot see an Angel's true form. Unless they were gifted with True Sight or are nearing the end of their life, there was no way to differentiate between a Human and an Angel. I would look like a normal Human to him.

I must have looked like an idiot while tending to my invisible wings.

"The name's Orihara Izaya. You're not from this town are you? Golden hair like this is unheard of here."

The Human neared me; a few strands of my hair were examined under his inquisitive fingers. The Human…no, Orihara Izaya…was shorter than me, so he was forced to stand on his toes to reach up and touch my hair. And I was…

And I was unknowingly staring again into his eyes. I was speechless for a moment.

I replied breathily. "No, I'm not. My name is Shizuo."

"Just 'Shizuo'? No surname?"

I shook my head. "…I no longer have the right to use my family's name. I don't belong anywhere. So just 'Shizuo'."

"Is that so? Well, a pleasure to meet you, Shizuo." A smile from Izaya.

His eyes are really beautiful…

The forbidden feeling bubbled inside me, growing more and more. Just like that, I knew. There was no way of going back for me.

A/N : That's it for chapter 1! Until next time! :D