one. winry and ed

She dropped the quill she had been chewing on as soon as he limped into the room. Homework abandoned as her eyes quickly made a note of all the damages, Winry whopped him once over the head after confirming that his skull was not an injured area. "Edward, what did you do! Look at my work! It's shredded; where in this school could you get into that much mischief?" She ripped off the tattered remains of his cloak arm to get a better look, pulling her wand out from behind her ear.

"Just slightly outside of the school," Edward said, voice tired but with a tinge of amusement. "You seem more worried about the arm than me."

"You know I am. Edward, these look like bite marks."

"You don't want to know," Edward said, taking a seat and leaning his head back against the cold stone wall. He grinned at the familiar sound of Winry muttering charms under her breath, the light tapping of her wand against metal. "You know they wanted me to go to Madam Pomfrey. I said you'd kill me if I went to anyone else first."

No reply came from her, the room quiet except for her whispers to herself and the creaking of his damanged arm. Edward mostly relaxed into the chair, trying to ignore the sudden chill it would send through his body whenever Winry put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think saving this one is more trouble than it's worth," Winry said finally. "It would probably be easier just to remove it and enchant a new arm." She looked up at him, tucking her wand back into place amongst her blonde hair. Her eyes were softer now, just for a moment, before her back straightened and she frowned again. She paused before she spoke. "You need to be more careful with this next arm, Ed. I spend a lot of time on them and- and I don't want anything happening to them."

Ed stood up, brushing out his one-armed robe and looking down at her. His hair fell into his face. "I'll try, Winry."

He then turned to leave, and after a moment Winry followed him. She stopped at the doorway, hanging on to the wall as she watched him make his way down the castle hall. "I notice that wasn't a promise!" she shouted after him. "You better do more than try, Edward Elric!"

He gave an overemphasized shrug without turning around, throwing his hands into the air. Winry leaned against the door, allowing herself a small,warm smile before turning back to her finish her homework.