Hello out there! *waves*
This is my first Teen Titan fic and first fic where I'm not writing with a coauthor, but I've been working on it for a while now. Now, please bare with me here, but this first chapter is a bit long, but I swear it's good. And before I forget:
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans. Otherwise I would have done quite a few things differently, like, I dunno, push for another season.
SO, please Read & Review!
The sleek black motorcycle roared down the streets on the outskirts of the city, blaring through the dark of the night like a knife. The lights of the city shone in the distance, on the other side of the large expanse of water that lay beyond the cliff's edge. Riding dangerously along the edge, the rider's cape flared behind him, rippling from the wind and the speed of the bike, as the rider revved the cycle faster. The caped rider gave a quick glance at the small as a light began to fall on the back of his cape. There was another rider behind him, on a red and black cycle, much like his, cape flaring out behind him as well. The pursuer's cape was black as well, canary on the inside, and he wore a helmet as well, red with a yellow visor, and his clothes were a mix of red, green and yellow. Despite the darkness, the rider could make out the domino mask over his pursuer's eyes, and the yellow R on his chest.
The rider in black's eyes narrowed, and he hunched further over, gunning the bike to fly across the highway even faster. The bike responded in kind, rearing up on its hind wheel before blasting off around a curve. The bike behind him followed suit. The red and green rider reached to his hip, and pulled out a small device. It was yellow, with a black background and a white T emblazoned on the cover. Clicking a small button on the side, the communicator chirped, and the rider spoke into the device hurriedly, shouting over the rush of wind, "Titans! I am in pursuit! He is heading for the city! Cut him off at the bridge!"
As the two dashed, they parlayed with their skill, the caped rider in full black dashing around and cutting off any attempt of the red and green rider to get ahead. The rider in red began to get annoyed, attempting to ride along the edge of the road instead, picking up speed to dash ahead of the caped rider, but the rider on the black motorcycle would have none of that. Taking a hand off the handles, the rider on the black cycle gripped the edge of his cape, and whipped it at the side of the cliff. A loud screech resounded, and a large gash erupted where the cape cut into the edge of the cliff face. The red rider's eyes went wide, as the rocks began to crumble and fall, as the cliff came loose over the road. Jerking away from the cliff wall, the red rider darted his red cycle through the falling rocks, narrowly avoiding sure death. The rider in black grinned in the darkness.
The two soon came upon the bridge, at the entrance of which was parked a shiny blue and white car. Beside the car stood a boy with sharp teeth and pointy ears in a black and purple jumpsuit whose entire body seemed to be the color green. On the opposite side of the green boy was a taller young man, African American whose body seemed to be half machine as parts of it were blue and white metal and hardware. His cybernetic right arm seemed to have been replaced with a glowing blue energy cannon that was trained on the road from which the two riders came. Above the car floated two female figures. One was wearing little, her clothing was purple with metallic edges, and her green eyes augmented her red hair. The other female was a robed figure, whose dark blue robes draped over her grayed skin and black leotard, and the hood covered her face, leaving her slightly dark purple eyes to be seen. The red haired girl's hands and eyes began to glow a wide green as cosmic energy gathered in spheres around her fists, and she called out, "Stop evil-doer, or I shall attack!".
The rider in black smirked at them, a mischievous grin on his face. 'Fun,' he thought, and gunned the throttle on the bike, charging down the road towards them.
"I don't think he's gonna stop, Star!" the half robot shouted, as his cannon arm began to glow bright blue before discharging a massive beam of sonic energy at the black rider. It never hit him, as a well timed shift of the handle sent the bike out of the sonic blast's path, as he avoided the sonic cannon that would have surely meant his end. The red rider behind him dodged in suit, swerving the other way out of the cannon's path. The robotic teen scowled.
The red haired flying girl let out a shout as she hurled several bolts of cosmic star energy from her fists, venting her righteous fury at the foe on the black bike. The rider continued to smile, and as the green bolts neared, they never hit their mark. In the blink of an eye, the black rider had risen to his haunches on the bike, turned the bike and threw it into a slide on it's side, and leapt off the bike. The bike slid under the star bolts, and the rider flipped over them, landing on his sliding bike and jerking it back up, never losing speed. The red haired girl and the robotic teen stared in shock, and the green boy's jaw dropped.
The girl in the hood was unperturbed, and calmly began to gather herself, and calm her emotions, releasing her gifts and bloodline powers as the black energy gathered about her hands and her eyes went white. She chanted as the surface of the street began to glow and the very road itself was lifted by her magic, "Azarath...Metrion...Zinthos!"
The road sheathed in the corona of black energy formed a wall in front of the road, cutting off the two riders, leaving them nowhere to go. The red rider blinked in surprise, and instinctively eased up on the throttle, slowing so he wouldn't hit the barrier. The rider on the black motorcycle with the billowing black cape instead smirked, and began to speed up.
To the amazement of the teen heroes, the black rider instead turned as his bike sped up, and as he neared the edge of the road, he yanked up hard on the handles. The bike lifted off the ground, and landed on the approach spans of the bridge, and began to ride on the large, but narrow, line of metal that made up the span of the bridge, riding past the astounded heroes behind the dark sorceress' barrier. The rider's turned to the heroes as they looked at each other. Though his eyes were not forward, he was still causing the bike to ride smoothly on the span of the bridge, and to leap over the bumps in the span. The large spikes of his cowl's 'ears', much like a bat's gave him an unnatural appearance, as if it wasn't strange enough how pale he was, or the color of his eyes...that piercing scarlet red.
The sorceress in the hooded robe dropped the road as the red rider blared down past the gaping heroes. The rider glanced at the sorceress with a smirk, and winked as he put a gloved hand to his lips and threw her a kiss. Then turned with that cocky smirk to leap across the bridge span.
The boy with green skin decided to take his own initiative, and shouted, "I'm on it!" Suddenly, the green boy began to grow and expand, features rapidly changing as his body morphed into that of a massive pteranodon, only with the same green skin as before. The green pteranodon roared as it flapped its massive wings and flew after the black rider who was coolly riding on the bridge spans, balancing on the precarious edge with ease. With a loud swoosh, the green pteranodon rushed the black rider, who leaped from the bike as the pteranodon swiped at him with its claws. the bike continued to ride down the bridge span as the rider leaped into the air, and spun a full circle in mid air to deliver a smacking heel kick to the side of the pteranodons head. With a squawk, the green pteranodon recoiled and fell into the bridge support column, and fell forward, morphing back into the green boy. The green boy sat on his rump on the bridge, thankful he had been able to take the least of the fall, though still surprised by the kick.
The rider instead fell through the air, but with no bike beneath him, gripped his cloak tight, and whirled it about him. In a dark swirl, the rider vanished into an infinitesimal mote of darkness that enveloped him, and made him disappear. Only to reappear as the mote reappeared and the rider in black with the long dark cloak with the pointed ear mantles and red eyes swirled back into existence in mid air over his bike, landing easily and safely. Hands back on the handles, the rider gunned the engines, as they roared and he zoomed off, leaping of the last of the bridge span and heading back onto the road, with the red rider in pursuit.
"He's heading for the city!" the sorceress cried, heading for the car, slamming it open and closed as she got in. The robotic teen screamed, "On it!" as he leaped into the driver's seat, wrenching the car into drive. With a squeal of the tires, the car lurched into pursuit after the two riders, with the red haird alien girl flying in pursuit. The green teen shook his head, before yelping as he saw his friends rush off. Calling, "Wait for me!" the green teen shifted himself into the form of a large bird, and flew after the car, straining to catch up, before shifting back into his humanoid form to grab the car roof, hanging on for dear life as he struggled to get inside.
The black rider smirked as the car began to show in his rear view mirror. The game just kept getting better. Looking ahead, he noticed the signs for the remaining roads. Going straight would lead him into the heart of the city, where he could easily lose his pursuers in the streets. On the other hand, in a quarter mile was the turn off for the tunnel around the city. 'Safer to head into the city,' the rider in black thought to himself, 'but...what's the fun in that?'
As the turn off came up, the black rider smirked, and swerved away from the exit, feinting for a head into the city. Just as the red rider thought he would do. The red rider gunned the acceleration and zoomed after the black rider, who had begun to slow down. Then with a grin, the black rider disappeared from the road, vanishing from sight in a swirl of darkness. The red rider blinked, his mask conforming to the expressions, as his target vanished from before him. Swerving to a halt, the red rider darted his head, searching for the black rider.
Vroom!...Vroom! The roar of the black bike's engine blared through the night air, and the red rider's head whipped towards the source. The black rider was sitting on the black bike, stopped on the exit ramp, the grin clear on his helmet-less head. The caped black rider brought two fingers to his brow, then flicked them off in mock salute, before revving he engine back to life and roaring down the exit into the empty red rider gritted his teeth angrily. Gripping his communicator tightly, he barked, "We were played! He's heading for the tunnel!" Then with a shout of anger, he brought his bike about and swerved around the exit and onto the ramp towards the other highway, after the black rider, the car full of the other Titans following far behind the fast racers.
"Faster Cy! We gotta go faster!" the green boy shouted the driver's ear.
"I'm giving it all she's got, BB! She's got no more turbo, I used it to get to the bridge in time!" the robotic teen shouted back.
"Then, friends, allow me to go ahead in catching the bad guy!" the red haired alien girl called from outside the car. The alien girl's eyes began to glow, as she zoomed ahead of the car after the two riders.
The black rider grinned as the red haired girl came into view in his mirror. More to play with. That ever present grin on his face, the black rider flicked a switch on the bike, which seemed to stabilize itself from the swerving, and gripped the edge of his cape. Then the black rider carefully lifted himself off his seat to a near standing position, his cape billowing behind him like it did on the red rider. Then he brought the cape around him, and swallowed himself in the swirling darkness. The bike continued on it's path, staying on track and keeping steady on the road.
The girl gave out a yelp of surprise as a mote of darkness swirled into existence in front of her, and from it a gloved hand shot out to smack her in the face. Reeling from the blow, the alien girl snarled, and blasted a green bolt of star energy at the caped figure who leaped from the darkness out of thin air. The figure rolled, making an apparent leap off of nowhere, and disappeared from sight once more. Eyes wide, the alien girl looked about to see where her foe had gone, only for him to reappear right above her head, grabbing her in a vice like grip. The figure seemed scrawny and lithe, but he was stronger than he looked, and caught the girl off guard. With a mischievous and devilish grin, the caped figure swirled into the darkness, taking the alien girl with him. The girl let out a scream, loud and shrill. The red rider's head whipped around in surprise to see the girl being swallowed by the darkness.
"Starfire!" the red rider called out, skidding his cycle into a U-turn to head after the swirl, but it was too late. The alien girl and the caped figure had disappeared. As he came to where the two would have fell, the red rider looked ahead once more, and saw the swirl of darkness appear above the moving bike and the caped figure with pointed cowl drop back into existence and onto the moving bike. WIth a howl of rage, the red rider wheeled his cycle after the black rider. Starfire was gone.
The black rider's bike howled through the night air, and the red rider was in hot pursuit. Furious, the red rider only saw his prey ahead of him, vengeance his only goal. The black rider just kept smiling, as if to mock the red rider. This was too much fun for him.
The signpost came ahead signalling the approach of the tunnel. The red rider smiled. It was the perfect place for him to catch up. Gunning the ignition, the red rider sped up, nearly on the black rider's tail. He was so close... The black rider glanced back at the red rider, smirking at the boy. The red rider scowled through the helmet, furious at how the black rider had taken out Starfire, and still continued to antagonize him. This was one criminal Robin knew he would never let get away.
The black rider slowed, allow the red rider to gain some distance, but still keeping his pacing ahead of the boy wonder. The red rider gritted his teeth, and reached for his belt, flipping out several small metal ovaloids in his hand. With a flick of the wrist, blades extended from them, and they began to hum. With a yell, the red rider launched the razor edge bird-rangs at the black caped rider ahead. The black rider instinctively swerved out of their path, without even looking. But the red rider instead grinned. The bird-rangs instead flew past the two riders, and hit the edges of the tunnel, sticking themselves into the stone of the circular tunnel. To the black rider's surprise, the brid-rangs began to emit a beeping noise...a count down.
Leaning forward, the smile gone from his devilish face, the black rider gunned his bike as the red rider responded in kind. As the two approached the tunnel entrance, the bird-rangs flashed, and exploded with the force of a sonic boom. The blast shook loose the stone entrance, and flame enveloped the opening. With a grit of his teeth, the black rider pulled up on the bike, launching it into the air, dashing through the center of the blaming plume. Eyes going wide, the red rider pressed a button on his bike and launched after him. As the two flew through the fire and the flames, the stone entrance of the tunnel began to come down behind them, closing off the entrance.
Seconds later, the T-Car pulled up at the tunnel entrance, which was now a pile of rock with smoke rising from it. The robotic teen got out of the car and slammed the door shut angrily. "Argh! Now how're we to get through this mess?" he shouted with fury.
"We clean it up," the sorceress responded, her voice calm as ever. With a rise of her hand, the dark energy of her magic enveloped her hand and the debris in front of the tunnel, and began to move the rubble aside. The robotic teen shook his head, and ran over to shift the tunnel, as the green boy morphed into a large purple gorilla to help out.
"Man, I hope Robin can handle him..." Cyborg muttered to himself.
The black rider grimaced as the bike landed on the asphalt concrete tunnel road. There was a jarring *thud* behind him. The tunnel lights flickered about, as dust billowed everywhere, a choking miasma of dirt and gravel, pushed forward by flame and falling rock. The black bike kept moving forward though, swerving from the jarring jump. Glancing behind him, his keen ears noting the whine of another engine, the black rider noticed the red had made it through. There was a smirk, as he pulled faster into the long tunnels ahead.
The red rider was surprised to see the black rider still there. It was unimaginable, the black rider was incredibly skilled! Gritting his teeth in rage, the red rider gunned the engines and roared after the black rider as the lights began to go out behind them, bursting from the clouds of dust that billowed in the explosion's wake. He didn't care that his team was now unable to get to him. All he saw was the rider in black with the billowing jagged edge cape and pointed cowl so much like his mentor's. The red rider was out for blood.
The black rider grinned, and the bikes began to dance in the narrow tunnels that twisted and turned under the mountain. The black rider slowed, and faked out a spin as the red rider shot ahead, reading the move to slow as well, and return to ride alongside. The black bike instead shot forward once more, and the red rider made a swerving path to cut around, to which the black bike responded in kind, dashing left and right in the confines of the tunnel as the orbs of light on the tunnel walls flashed by. The light flashed on, off, on off, as the two riders dashed through the winding tunnel, seeking to cut off the other.
Eventually, the black rider was merely a few meters ahead of the red, who gunned the throttle even more and leaned left into the black bike. There was a jarring screech as the red cycle crashed into the side of the black cycle, but the black rider kept it up and balanced. The two were now side by side, and the riders mere inches from each other. The red rider snarled at the black rider, and stared into the blazing red eyes of the black caped rider. There was a smile on the black riders face. That just made the red rider angrier. The rider in black had taken her away, and he was going to get revenge.
The red rider threw a hard punch at the black rider's jaw, but met air as the black rider leaned back on the bike, lashing out with a vicious kick. The red rider slid along the bike seat out of the kick, reaching for his belt, pulling out a small metal rod that extended into a thin, yet sturdy, baton-like escrima stick. Roaring as he did so, the red rider slashed at the black rider with the stick, only to have it blocked by the back of a gloved fist and pushed away. The two rammed the sides of the bikes once more, and responded with a high speed volley of blows and parries.
Jabs followed by a side swiping hand brought into a back and slash countered by a low duck into a sweeping kick blocked by raised shin block, preceding a snapping kick avoided by a timely spin into a slashing escrima swipe avoided by crossed arms which slashed back with twin chops to the neck blocked by parrying swipes into rapid fire finger jabs at nerves countered by redirecting palms hiding a spinning axe kick avoided by a hair's breadth of a dodge with leaned to grab the leg which instead snapped back to kick at the back of the head which ducked and then leaned into a kick to the other's head which was met with a parrying arm followed by an never ending series of blocks and counters with the flashing arms of both combatants as they rode through the tunnels at incredibly high speed on the black and red bikes. The two seemed evenly matched, but one was too blinded by rage to see the upcoming turn.
The black rider suddenly pulled out of the close quarters melee and grabbed and leaned his bike into a spin, hands gripping the handlebars to ensure the turn was smooth. The red rider's eyes went wide as his last punch left him leaning far too much, as he was about to run right into the wall of the tunnel. Snarling angrily in surprise as the black rider disengaged from the fight, the red rider quickly grabbed the handles of his cycle, and brought the bike into a tight curve just as he was about to hit the wall. The red cycle, instead of crashing into the wall in a fiery explosion, rode up the side of the wall some on the curve, gaining speed as it did so, shooting ahead of the black rider as it rode onto the tunnel road once more. The red rider smirked and pulled the bike into a sideways slide to block off the tunnel and cut off the black rider's escape.
The black rider blinked in surprise before a wild grin crossed his face. Instead of slowing down, he sped up, as if to ram into the red rider. The red rider called his bluff, not wavering from his determination to stop the black rider at any cost. Star was gone, and there was hell to pay. BUt instead of crashing as the red rider expected, the black rider swerved at the last second, riding up the curved tunnel walls to ride on the walls and ceiling above the red rider. The red rider merely stared above as the black rider moved over his very head, to curve about him. Swearing internally, the red rider leaped his bike back into the chase, reaching for his bird-rangs for when the black bike rode down the other side of the wall.
It didn't For some reason, the black bike was now sticking to the tunnel ceiling, and the black rider was now defying all reason to ride on the ceiling above his very head. The red rider snarled as he saw the black rider turn his head up - or down - to smile at him mischievously. With a shout, the red rider sent several bird-rangs flying, to which the black rider merely dodged and swerved his cycle out of the way of. Then came the punch. It caught the red rider off guard, and he reeled from the blow, head spinning somewhat. Shaking his head, the red rider, grabbed at another rod on his belt, which extended into a long staff. The staff swiped to and fro, but the black rider above blocked or dodged every move. Then came a swipe of darkness, as he black rider gripped his billowing black cape and whipped it at one of the staff's slashes. There was a small sound of metal slicing, and the staff met empty air. Furiously, the red rider slashed once more, only to now stare at his titanium metal staff which had been sliced in two with a clean cut, making the staff useless. The black rider grinned, then the cape swirled once more, and he vanished.
Eyes narrowed angrily, the red rider looked about for the black caped rider before spotting the black bike and the rider's pointed cowl far ahead of him. The rider's head turned, and the red rider could make out those mischievous red eyes in the darkness, as the black rider waved with a gloved hand, and sped off ahead of him. Gunning the accelerator, the red rider flicked at a small switch on his bike. The exhaust pipe on the red bike coughed smoke, before igniting in a rush of flame as the nitrous began to burn in the cycle's engine. The red cycle began to blare through the tunnel, lifting on one wheel as it did, quickly speeding up. The red cycle shot ahead past the black rider once more, and the red rider could make out a small change in the darkness ahead, and the sound of foliage. The tunnel's exit was almost upon them, and if the black rider got out of it, there was no way he could stop him. There wasn't much time.
The red rider glanced at his nitrous boost. There was still enough left for one last trick. Gripping the handlebars tightly, the red rider let out the nitrous in a slow pace, and let the back wheel slide. The bike swerved as the red rider pulled off a bootlegger's reverse, hands flashing at his hips to send out a veritable swarm of sonic detonators onto the sides of the tunnel. In the resulting explosions, there was only one way through: straight through the middle, where the red rider was charging at him head on. The black rider smiled in surprise, as the red rider charged at him head on as the explosions sounded to either side. There was no escaping it, not this game of chicken. First one to swerve would be immolated by the sonic detonators' explosions. That is, if one did swerve.
The two bikes picked up speed as the two roared at each other suicidally. The riders' eyes narrowed as they concentrated on making the straight path as the detonators exploded as they rode. The tunnel shook and rocks were falling as the two soared at each other, bikes being put to the limits of speed as they charged one another. They were but mere yards from each other when the two blinked, and it was over.
There was no boom, save from that of the explosions, there was no fire, no blast, no jarring screech of metal crashing into metal. When the red rider's eyes were open from that millisecond of a blink, the black rider was gone, and he was riding straight into the explosion of his own sonic detonator. With a loud yell of anger, the red rider leaped from his bike, and dashed through the narrow path between the explosions, heading for the tunnel exit. The red cycle drove right into detonator as it exploded, the remaining nitrous igniting as the two exploded into a massive fireball. The red rider was thrown forward from the blast, flung into the air by the expanding flames to hit the ground. Hard. The red rider fell as the flames licked up alongside him, his eyes began to narrow, and close, a thirst for vengeance giving way to darkness and unconsciousness.
There the red rider lay, prone surrounded by a burning tunnel, as flames were about to come upon him and consume him, so close to the exit and safety, yet unable to reach it. In the darkness, Robin could do little, but give in, and accept death. Maybe then he would be reunited with those stolen from him. Maybe death was a good thing.
The fire burned around the red rider, when a slender figure stalked through the flames, dark and terrifying as it walked from the flames to loom over the rider's prone form. The flames licked at the figure's black cloak, but the figure did not mind, as it reached down, and grabbed the prone rider, and dragged him out of the inferno. The red rider was still unconscious when his limp form met the cold and fresh outside air.
Dragging him a safe distance from the flames, the figure slowly let the red rider back onto the side of the road, out of harm's way. Then it moved over to the shade of a larger tree, and leaped over a black bike that had been parked there. There was a loud roar of the engine, and the red rider's eyes opened just long enough to see the black caped rider roar down the mountain highway, heading for home. With an angry groan, the red rider fell back into darkness.
A green hawk soared in the skies above, sharp eyes vigilant. It quickly spotted some flickering lights and a road beside it, and dashed towards it. Finding the blazing tunnel, the green hawk began to morph back into the green teen who landed on the ground, staring at the inferno.
"No," the boy whispered, as he ran towards the fire trying to make out anything in the flames. His keen eyes and animalistic senses alerted him to a terrible thought. In the flames was a charred piece of red metal, surrounded by burning tar and glass, and sparks of wires blazing. And on that piece of red metal was an unmistakable yellow "R." The green teen collapsed to his knees, eyes beginning to well up with tears as he came to the conclusion that his leader, and beloved friend, was gone as well. It hurt that Starfire was gone, but now Robin...
There was a groan behind the green boy, and he whirled about to stare at where it had come from, eyes resting upon the singed and injured red rider.
"Robin! You're alive!" the green boy exclaimed, running over to his leader, helping him lift up and lean against a tree. The red rider groaned from the effort, and tried to open his eyes.
"Beast...Boy?" the red rider managed to groan.
"Yeah man. Come one. You need help," the green teen said happily. He wrapped one arm about his leader, and tried to help him to his feet, but the red rider let out a loud shout of pain as he did so, and the green teen stopped, and put him back to leaning against the tree.
Reaching to his belt, the green teen pulled out his yellow device with the black and white 'T' emblazoned on the lid, flipping it up as he pressed the button. "Guys! I found Robin! But he's really hurt! Hurry!"
There was a pause, and the voice of the robotic teen sounded over the communicator, "Thank god! BB, where are you?"
"Outside the tunnel exit! Hurry!"
"We're on our way!"
The black bike purred as it rode down the side streets of Jump City, down by the warehouses near the docks. As the bike rode to a stop alongside a nondescript warehouse, the rider in the black cape flicked a small button on the handlebar, and silently slide the tiny key out. Then, just as quickly, the key was gone. Throwing a leg over the side, the rider dismounted, and walked the bike silently towards a large metal door, and found a small rock near it. Moving the rock with his foot, there was a *whiiirrrrr* as the large metal door to the warehouse slid up a few feet, allowing him to slip into the darkness of the warehouse with the bike before sliding back to a close silently behind him.
Making sure the bike was safely parked along one of the walls beside the wide assortment of cars, bikes, vans, trucks, a small tank, some helicopter parts, and various other modes of transportation, the black caped rider vanished from the darkness of the warehouse, reappearing down below in the secret underground lair hidden beneath. The dim yellow lights shone, and he smiled as he could hear the commotion within as he stepped on the last stair into the lair. A couple heads turned, and the black rider noticed some grins amdist the arguing.
A voice called out, "Hey, Kyd! Where've you been?"
Kyd Wykkyd smiled.
So, how was it? Excited? Wonder what happens next? (me too!)
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