Hi guys! :)

Sorry for not uploading this chapter sooner but since I have the surgery this week and I still have some homework left to finish, I've been quite busy.

Someone thought I had written the new story as the follow up to this one because I was too lazy get any more readers and I have to say that it never occurred to me that it could. But it wouldn't have crossed my mind because I'm not much of a great planner anyway.

I think I'll put the complete chapter from that story at the end just to prove that I'm not that evil and for you guys to have something to read while I'm recovering :D

Thank you guys for all your support and for sticking through with me!

Enjoy! :D

New Kind of Paradise

Chapter 14

Christian's PoV

I could have probably died of boredom just listening to the endless blabber of the old lady sitting right next to me who was practically offering me her daughter in marriage. I had the urge to leave them and storm into the house to find Ana and get it all over with. That was plan A, but if that didn't work out, plan B—which included car chases and kidnappings— didn't sound so bad for our not so distant future.

I smirked at the thought of having her all to myself in secluded cabin in the woods. Out of all the plans, I preferred the latter. I raised my gaze only to find a pair of startlingly blue eyes looking back at me. That's when for a second I saw little bit of hope that she still felt the same way about me, but the moment I saw it, it was gone. It was replaced with pain as clear as day.

Being Christian Grey was tough-ass job. You couldn't stop and worry about anyone else; you had to keep going forward no matter who you fucked up in the process. I'd always attributed that quality to how I had managed to grow such an immense empire over the past few years—truth be told not giving a shit had its advantages. Not until I met Anastasia Steele, she had been my kryptonite since the moment I laid my eyes on her. I couldn't not give a shit anymore. I had to care. I wanted to care. For her. For us.

I stood and made my way to where Ana and her mother were standing. The moment I stood near her I felt as if all the energy between us was reaching a breaking point. I missed her, in all ways possible.

"Christian," said Ana's mother, Carla. "I'm just asking my daughter why she didn't tell me you were coming to meet with her. I would have thrown a bigger party if I'd known." Carla looked at Ana, scolding her.

"I doubt my dear Anastasia knew, I wanted to surprise her," I said as I stood right next to Ana.

She visibly tensed as I did so. "Oh boy did you surprise me, my dear." She smiled for her mother's sake, but I could tell it was faked. She looked gorgeous when she smiled because it lit up her eyes in a way I could never explain. I desperately wanted to put a smile on that beautiful face of hers.

"Okay, well in that case you're forgiven, honey," Carla said. "Come on, let's have some tea!"

"I'd love to, mom, but I have to change first. What will your friends say about such an informal attire for such an especial occasion," Ana said. She was teasing her mother of course.

"You're fine like that sweetie, we don't want to keep them waiting any longer," Carla said as she gestured us to follow her.

"Yeah, because they might die if I take too long." Ana muttered. Sometimes she was too darn funny and beautiful, so I laughed.

"What are you laughing about?" She said, as if she had barely registered that I was present. At least it was better than having her ignore me—angry was better than indifferent.

"You're very funny you know." I looked at her.

She laughed bitterly. "Yeah, I guess I amuse people a lot. People tend to make a joke of my personal life, they laugh behind me when I'm too damn stupid to believe that I actually mean something to them—"

"Come on lovebirds, enough chatting for now, you'll talk later. Now we eat." Ana's mom said as she rang a little bell calling the food to be served.

A chubby woman in her late fifties walked up to us with a cart which was carrying scones, macaroons and tiny little sandwiches. Everything looked appetizing, but too pretty to even consider eating. You're fucked up dude! Pretty? Fucking Sissy!

Ana looked at the woman and between them passed a knowing look. As the woman placed the cart next to us, Carla decided to introduce me to her. "This is Christian Grey, Dorothea, Ana's boyfriend. Christian, this is Ana's nanny since childhood, Dorothea."

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am." I said as I raised her hand to my lips. Ana rolled her eyes heavenward while I smiled at her nana, which seemed delighted.

"Oh child, you didn't have to do that, but I must say I'm flattered. I hope you take good care of my dear schnuckiputzi here," Nana Dorothea said as she winked at Ana before returning back to the house.

Taking a couple of macaroons onto my plate, I looked at Ana who was practically inhaling everything on her plate. "What are you looking at?" She said when noticed me staring.

"Nothing. It's just that you're beautiful when you eat." I said honestly.

"Aww, that is sooo romantic," said the same old woman who was just selling me her daughter a couple of minutes back.

"Oh you haven't seen all of his mushy poems about my smile and all that shit he likes to write. He is as sappy as can be, but what can I say, I'm in love with him— even if it freaks me out a little when I wake up to find him staring at me while I sleep." Ana responded sarcastically.

"You've never been one for swear words and now you're saying them in front of our guests. Rose, what has gotten into you?" Carla admonished.

When Ana was about to protest, I decided I was going to play the game she was playing. She wanted sappy, she would have it.

"Oh Carla, don't worry. What can I say?" I looked all the old hags sitting there. Trying to be Romeo wasn't going to be tough. "But that I'm in love. The poems I write are insignificant compared to the real beauty of her smile and the love that I feel for her could never be expressed well enough on paper."

In that moment, the ladies were all swooning over the gushiness of my words. I turned to face Ana, she was scarlet and practically fuming, if my guess was right, the score for this one had been:

Christian Grey….1—Anastasia Steele….0

Anastasia's PoV

Fucker, asshole, son of a bitch and the entire cuss words in existence! Those were the ones I'd use to insult Christian fucking Grey in that moment. I had never been one to use much cussing, but when you found someone like Christian, there was little you could do to help them from flowing out naturally.

The dumbass, one of my favorite ones so far, thought he could come to my home and try to be painted as the good guy just because he was so freaking HOT and SEXY.

So much for not dwelling on those things, right? But I don't blame you, I'd say we jump him just to break the tension, said my perverted subconscious.

I shook my head in a silent what the heck? response to my subconscious. Well that wasn't going to happen not on my on my watch. If he was trying to be the good guy, I was going be the one to paint him as he truly was— the douchebag who had managed to break my heart.

And also the one to make you celibate as well, reminded me subconscious.

I mentally blushed at that, out of all of what had happened the worst thing I felt bad about was giving up my virginity to someone who to hurt me. When I'd thought we'd made love, my bet was that to him I was another lay, another trophy to add to his shelf.

Another virgin he devirginitized, my subconscious said.

Okay ENOUGH! I needed to step my game and take him down like the Hindenburg, he would go up in flames and not even the entire fire squad in Chicago Fire would be able to put it out.

"I'm sorry, mom. I just tend to lose it whenever he's near me. He takes out a side of me that I have never seen. He's just too good for me and he makes me want to be a better woman! So that's why when he asked me to get married to him I had to say yes!" I said trying to sound teary as Christian was taking a drink of his tea.

—which he almost spilled on himself and the old hag sitting next to him. Surprise, surprise, douchebag!

The score on this one was:

Christian Grey….1—Anastasia Steele….124785

"OH MY GOODNESS! ANASTASIA ROSE STEELE!" my mom yelled. "When were you planning to tell me this? Congratulations to both of you, my dear! You make me incredibly happy."

Oooh oohh. Crap. What have I got myself into?

Into the lion's den sweetheart, my subconscious answered me.

I looked at Christian and the look of surprise he had on his face was replaced with pure delight. Was that what he wanted? Fuckety, fuck, fuck!

So much for making him pay, Steele. It seems you're the one who played yourself into a trap,, said my subconscious— who was practically rolling on the floor laughing at me.

Christian smirked at me and wiggled his eyebrows. The score was now:

Christian Grey….+145879632865232—Anastasia Steele….-124785

After I had said the dopey thing about marriage, my mother and Christian had begun to make weddings plans, while I only wanted to climb up to my room and die for having such a big mouth. Why?why?why? I should have thought things through before I went on making statements like that, especially in front of my mother. Christian had gotten me to act like his girlfriend before, what would have made me think that it would have bothered him for me to invent that we were going to get married. I think I'd even joked about it once. He was probably in sixth heaven and I was in hell, all the way down in Tartarus, if my memory of Greek mythology didn't fail me.

"Honey, why don't you say something you've been quiet all this time." My mom looked at me.

I smiled for the sake of god knows who. "Sorry, I'm just really emotional right now and if I talk too much I'll start to cry. " It wasn't a lie, I was going to cry.

Christian's hand came down to rest on top of mine and I flinched. I couldn't have him touch me, even if I ached like a starving man at buffet for his touch—NO! I had to be strong.

"I'm going to go inside and lay down, I'm not feeling very good," I said as I stood abruptly from the table. Storming past the kitchen and by my nana Dorothea, I went to my refuge. The attic.

No one would find me here unless they knew me well enough to know my preferences for dark and lonely places where I could mope without any prying eyes around to judge me.

An hour later, I found myself climbing the stairs back down to the kitchen. My depression and preferences for dark and lonely places only functioned when I was full or had provisions, but at that time I only had an empty stomach. I could sit and pity myself another time—with a full stomach.

"There you are," said my nana as she put a slice of pizza on the counter beyond me. "I made some of your favorite, Hawaiian."

I laughed bitterly, just perfect!

"Thank you, nana." I said as I tasted the delicious blend of the saltiness from the cheese and the sweetness from the pineapples. "I really needed this, I just found out I am incredibly stupid."

"You are not. But you've had a miese tag, a crappy day, Annie." She said as she served me a glass of iced tea. "You'll fix this, I believe in you. And you may not see this right now because you're hurt, but that man loves you. It practically oozes out of you two, and no matter how hard you try to hide it will always be there for anyone to see that owns a pair of eyes."

I groaned. I didn't love Christian anymore! I didn't…

Liar! yelled my subconscious.

I continued to eat my pizza in silence, once I was finished eating and cleaned the counter, I was about to leave when my nana stopped me. "Consider what I told you, my child. He loves you, he wouldn't have come all this way if he didn't care about you."

With that, I left her and went to the confines of my bedroom. Looking at the clock, I found it was still somewhat early for going to bed so I took a very long bath while I threw a concert for the plushies. If I had been them I'd come to life just to stab me for my awful singing, but I guessed they enjoyed listening to me singing to the queen of breakups—Taylor Swift. As I was about to sing the last verse of We Are Never Getting Together, someone was knocking on the door.

I hastily put on my pajamas and a towel around my hair to open the door.

"Nana, you didn't have to come here to make sure I was fine, I am not going to kill myself or not that I could anyway—"

"Glad to hear it, have time for a talk?" Christian said leaning casually in pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt at my door.

I stood there awkwardly just staring at him, before I snapped back to earth. "I have time for everything in the world—even for getting eaten by thousands upon thousands of tiny piranhas— but not to be used to talk to an idiot like you!" I was about to close the door when he wedged his foot between the jam of the door.

"Too bad," he said with a grin. "It's not like you have much of a choice, we can do this the easy way—with your cooperation— or we take the hard way, which by the way is my favorite option if you were wondering."

My legs shook and it took all of my strength not to fall for the douchebag's debauchery, I had to be tough for the entire strong-willed women in the world. "You can talk all you want, it's not like I haven't heard stupid things come out of people's mouths before. So go on champ, you'll still be an idiot when you're finished."

I removed the towel from my hair and began to brush out the tangles. He began to speak, so I turned on the hair dryer. Muahahaha!

I looked at him from the mirror on the vanity: Christian was pacing around the room and was starting to get irritated. Half way into drying my hair, Christian and unplugged the dryer. Before I could protest, Christian already had me in his arms and was carrying me bridal style.

"Fuck you! Let me down, Christian!"

"Watch your language, Anastasia!" he growled. "I warned you we could do this the easy way or the hard way and you made things way much easier for me."

"Oh yeah, well I'm going to scream the place down, sooner or later my nana or my mother will come and find me!" I threatened him.

He laughed. "Don't think I don't know that this whole wing of the house is only yours, your mother and your nana are too far to even hear a thing. And who ever said we were staying here?"

I stayed still. Shit! He was telling the truth and it didn't comfort me that he knew so much about my house. When had he gotten the time to get a tour of the house?

" .DOWN!" I yelled as he carried me downstairs. "You're evil you know! I hate you!"

I thought I felt him tense when I'd told him I hated him, but he still continued to carry me. We went outside into the evening air— it wasn't exactly cold but it wasn't summer warm either. I shuddered and he pressed me deeper into his chest, my resolve was slipping away and I had the urge to snuggle into his chest to take in his really familiar scent.

"Get my keys from my pocket, Anastasia." He said.

I glared. "I am not getting my hands anywhere in your pants, Christian."

"Do it!" he yelled.

"Fine! Stop yelling at me you jerk!"

While I did so, he had a smirk on his face. I took the keys out and before I could give then to him—I threw them.

"Ha! If you want them go and find them yourself, lazy-ass!" I said with a smile.

I expected him to get angry but he just smiled. "You always chose the hard way, honey-pie. Don't worry, I'll let you down here and I'm going to get the keys. You chose to run if you want to, but if I catch you, you're coming with me with no words about it whatsoever, you hear me?"

I laughed. "If you trust your speed so much, I can only oblige. I'll enjoy seeing the look on my nana's face when she beats the crap out of you with her trustee baseball bat."

"Good then, we're settled—if I catch you, you're coming with me."

He began to count, one…two…three. And he put me down, but he didn't make sure to settle me on my feet. The next I knew I fell on my butt as he went for the keys. I stood up wincing after my smarting behind, and I began to run back to the entrance of the manor. Just as my fingers were wrapping around the door handle, his hands came around my waist.

"H-how did you do that?" I gasped.

"I run marathons, Anastasia," he said as he put me over his shoulder. He pressed the button on the alarm and the doors of his Mercedes unlocked.

"Get inside," he ordered.

"Yes, mom." I said sarcastically, while he slapped my sore behind. Christian locked the doors as he went to his side on the driver's seat.

When he started driving away from the house, I reminded him that the gates only opened with a control remote or with permission from the button in the kitchen. Christian smirked and took out a tiny remote control. He really was starting to get on my nerves.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked.

"To a place where we can talk or where you can listen to everything I have to say," he continued driving. We left civilization and the crowded streets began to turn into forestry landscapes.

The fact that we were alone was nerve-racking and exhilarating at the same time. Christian's breathing was the only background noise. We were truly alone—together.

I began to nod off, sometime later I felt being lifted into the air again. Upon opening my eyes, I found that we were outside of another manor house a lot bigger than my mother's.

"We're in my house," Christian answered my unspoken questions.

"You have a house here?" I asked incredulously.

"I travel a lot here and it was a good investment, I own this one and several other houses around the globe."

Trying to look for a phone, my eyes raked every surface in the plush living room—but there was no indication there even existed electricity in the house since everything was dark, let alone a phone.

"Is there even electricity here, this place is about as old as life itself," I said looking at the sheets covering the furniture.

"There's nothing wrong with a little vintage here and there, but honestly I really couldn't give a damn about where I am. The only thing that matters is that you're with me and that you're not leaving me until you hear me out." He said.

"Don't even bother Christian, I don't think I could ever forgive you."

"Ana, you think I hurt you but I swear I didn't cheat on you. I love you for heaven's sake!"

Tears sprung to my eyes, I couldn't listen to him. He would break me beyond repair and there would be no pieces left to mend myself ever again.

"If you truly loved me, you'd stop trying to hurt me and let me go!" I yelled with fresh tears running down my face.

He approached me and caressed my cheek tenderly. "I love you so fucking much it hurts to be away from you, even a second away from you is torture. I need you, Anastasia."

"Please, I know what I saw. If you loved me, that wouldn't have happened!" I said as I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge.

"How can I show you that I wasn't lying? Tell me and I swear I'll do it!" Christian said with a visible pain in his eyes.

I wanted him to leave me alone and let me crumble to pieces, but I looked at him and the way his body was pressing mine into the wall and the answer fell automatically from my lips. "Kiss me."

He looked surprised for a second and when he finally caught on to what I was saying he didn't even hesitate. His lips devoured mine in a heartbeat. I stood on my tiptoes so I could wrap my arms around his neck, Christian noticed and helped me wrap my legs around his hips. Instantly, I lost my resolve and moaned into his mouth, which he took with a good humor and started to move his hands to my backside. Oh those damned magical hands of his!

"This isn't me forgiving you, Christian." I said while he moved his mouth to my neck.

"Oh yeah, than what is it?" he whispered against my skin.

"This is me giving into my primal urges and forgetting that you're an asshole for a moment. So you should take advantage of it while it lasts," I practically panted.

He put on his hot-as-the-surface-of-the-sun smile and I knew that there would be no going back from that, I was going to have sex with him again just to prove myself and him that it wasn't love—just lust.

Yeah right, darling said my subconscious while rolled her eyes, but overall she looked pleased.

"It's exactly what I plan to do." Christian carried me up the stairs to the master suite which was adorned like a like a room out of a fairytale. He put me down on the edge of the bed and straddled my legs between his. His eyes never left my face— it hurt to have him look at me like loved me—so I pulled on his hair to bring his face down to mine. I couldn't have feelings be involved, only sensation and if I had learned anything back from Hawaii was that, if anyone could make get lost in sensation it would be him.

I urged for him to take his shirt off and he happily obliged before ripping my silk tank top by the middle.

"What the—" I tried to speak but he just kept me shut with his lips.

His hands found the back of my bra and untied the straps until my torso was naked before him. He released my lips from his and found his favorite spot on my chest. He massaged me and tugged on my nipples eliciting an impatient sound from my lips.

"Christian, get on with it!" I yelled as he took his time leisurely. He grinned like a madman and began to place soft/sucking wet kisses over my stomach. It took my breath away and made my skin blaze.

He hooked two fingers into my pajama pants and pulled them down painfully slow, while the silken material caressed my skin. I was practically squirming under his touch, trembling with want.

"Keep still, baby." Christian let the pants fall to floor and his hands traveled back to the area where I needed him the most. I closed my eyes in anticipation and when I heard fabric rip again; my panties joined the pile of shredded clothing on the ground. His avid hands traveled to my entrance and I knew I was a goner. He had all the right tools to completely disarm my wit and he was definitely proving something.

"Christian, please I need you to be inside me! NOW!" I yelled. He laughed and it took all my will not to hit him on the face.

"Shh, baby, I'll take my time if I want to. This is how you made me feel when you left me. Desperate for more and I find it fair only to repay you in the same way."

I whimpered. Damned douchebag! I tried pushing his hands away and closing my legs, but he wouldn't let me.

"How does it feel, Anastasia?" he asked continuing his assault.

"Screw you! You don't love me or you wouldn't be doing this me," I said while tears streamed down my face.

His hand stopped torturing me and his lips traveled to mine. Christian kissed me sweetly as if trying to make up for what he was doing, which only managed to confuse me. When he stopped kissing me, he stood and began to remove his clothes. My muscles clenched deliciously at the thought of him ending the torture and finally putting my body to rest.

After he was all sexily naked only for me, he returned to his former position and handed me a telltale foil packet. At that point I think practically ripped the condom open with my teeth and helped roll it on him.

"Please," I said once more just to get him to hurry up.

He smiled again and just when I thought he was going to tell me that he was going to make wait, he entered me in one full and delicious move. "Christian, for the life of me, please move! I'm not going to break!"

Christian chuckled and thankfully he began to move. While he moved around, his hands wrapped my legs around his waist and I felt like he couldn't be any deeper. My hands explored his body and I raked my nails over his back which he responded with a growl. I wanted to touch him all over just to make sure it wasn't a sick game of my imagination. Even if he had hurt me, I still had missed his touch and my body could attest to that any day.

Finally, I closed my eyes letting the sensation override my internal turmoil and that's when I fell into the most satisfying release I had ever experienced. Christian finished alongside me and his weight pressed our bodies even closer.

He kissed me and I felt him slide out of me, I wanted to look at him but my lids wouldn't allow it. I was exhausted—physically and emotionally.

"This doesn't mean anything," I said with my eyes closed.

"Shh baby, sleep now." Christian said, beside me as he pulled the covers over us.

But as the arms of Morpheus wrapped around me, I knew deep down it meant something, if not everything.

Hi again!
This is my lousy second try at a lemon, I read some blogs to get past the shyness of writing an actual sex scene and I think it helped a little. Honestly I still don't understand how E.L James did it, but who cares :P

Okay, so like I said here's the complete chapter of the story, which I now have a name for. I'll leave this here just in case anyone wants to read it, while I go and try not to hyperventilate for what's going to happen during the week :O

Love you, guys! :)

Ana's Journal

Chapter 1

As I drank the remnants of my scotch, I wondered if I could feel any emptier. She was gone. What was I to do? She had left me alone, she had left us alone.

I would never hear her laugh, see her smile or be able to hug her ever again. All I had left was the most precious gift she had given me, our Rose.

In that moment, I felt for the first time in my life like I had absolutely no power over anything in it.

"Christian, dear," said Grace, my mother as she interrupted me from my depressing thoughts. "Rose is tired. Would you put her to bed?"

I smiled involuntarily knowing that my Rose would only go to go to sleep if I held her. She was the only reminder of the great love her mother and I shared.

"Of course, I'll put her to bed," I said as my mother put tiny Rose in my arms. "Thank you for staying with us Mom, we will really miss you, but I think Dad misses you more."

"You have nothing to thank, my dear. I wish I could stay longer, but your father hasn't been any good lately, but I promise I'll visit as much as I can. Plus, your sister promised she would come by and help with Rose. You won't be alone, Christian, it's what she asked us for, not that she had to. But she made us promise that we wouldn't leave you two alone, and we won't."

I kissed my dear mother on the cheek and started to make my way to Rose's nursery when my mother handed me a notebook.

"It was hers, she asked me to give it to you when I thought you were ready, and I think it's time."

I didn't know what to say or what to do. I felt a blossom of happiness just knowing that I would have a piece of her, seeing her writing made me feel as if she hadn't gone, as if she was still with us.

Taking Rose, I nodded and made my way to put my daughter to sleep in her crib. While I saw Rose sleeping peacefully there, I was afraid I would turn into a horrible father. That she would go to school and kids would make fun her for the lopsided ponytails her father had attempted to make for her.

I picked up the notebook from where I had left it on the changing table and sat on the recliner. The title of the notebook had her name written across in a green ink. Ana's Journal.

Upon opening the notebook, there was a crumpled paper written with the same green ink. My Ana had written me a letter.

I carefully opened the letter and read.

My beloved Christian,

Right now you must be thinking, God I miss this wonderful woman, and Honey, I don't blame you. No one said death was easy, but I want you to know that it's going to be alright. You and Rose have each other, and I know you're afraid you'll be a horrible father for her now that I'm not there to talk some sense into you. The honest to goodness truth is that you couldn't be horrible father, even if you tried— you have too many people willing to help out and you love Rose too much to let that happen. Just make sure to let Gail fix Rose's hair and she'll be fine. Okay, now the reason I've written this letter is to explain why I left this journal, and that is because I want you to know how I felt when I met you and how you helped me make the last of my years the greatest and happiest of my life. And also because when Rose is old enough, she'll ask about me. As much as I know that you'll do the best to explain her about me, I'd like her to have something of mine, so that she could at least get to know me a little better than all the stories she can hear from you guys. I think I hear you coming back with the chocolate ice-cream I asked you for, so I'll be very quick to tell you that I've never loved anyone more than I love you and Rose. At first it'll seem like it's hard living without me but trust me, my love, you will rock at it. I love you Christian, never forget that.

Yours forever,

Ana xoxo

P.s Please read to our child and don't spoil her rotten—well not too much.

There was a saying that said that real men didn't cry, but after reading the letter the tears flowed shamelessly down my face. I slipped the letter into the back of the notebook and began to read the first entry of the journal.

Friday April 16th, 2010

Today was WEIRD. Even for me, the whole situation I went through today was completely out of the ordinary and that was saying much. I woke up today with same feeling I had every single day since I had found out that I had cancer. The feeling I had was that I was thankful for living another day, but I couldn't feel entirely happy for the life I was living. Truth was I was missing out on a lot of things in life. Deciding not to dwell much on the life I had to live, I got out of bed and decided to head out and go grocery shopping. I needed to stick to normality as much as I could. Closing the door of my apartment, I headed out into the heat of Los Angeles. I hated living in such a rough neighborhood, but at the moment it was all I could afford, plus some of my neighbors were really kind to me. I took the bus to nearest grocery store and stocked up on all the veggies and fruits that I liked, as well as my stack of junk food. Stopping at my local library, I rented a couple of books and decided to return home to get some work done before Kate visited me in the afternoon. As I got off the bus, I noticed a really, really nice car parked in front of my building. At that I point I had no idea what a car like that was doing in my neighborhood. That's when my day began to get weird.

All of a sudden, there were voices coming from the side of my building. The smartest thing to do was get inside before I got shot. Unfortunately I was me, so I followed the noises until I saw Mrs. Garcia's son, Roger and his idle friend Diego. They appeared to be trying to steal a wallet from a young man. The Good Samaritan in me decided I would accomplish my good deed of the day and help out the poor—well not so much with that car—guy.

"Roger Garcia, don't make me get your mother out here! Didn't you just get out of jail last week? If you don't want me to call her and tell her what you're doing, you better return this poor guy's wallet." I said bravely.

By the look on his face, Roger Garcia was completely afraid of his momma. And who wouldn't? Mrs. Garcia was a sweet lady but if you got on her bad side like Roger did, there wasn't much you could do from getting a good beating with the "chancla" as she said, even if Roger was almost twenty-six years old.

"Fuck you, Steele, one day you won't be here to save the day and that day these gringos will stop coming to my part of town," said Roger as he disappeared along with his buddy in crime.

I smiled. Almost six feet tall and Roger had just been beaten by the Steelenator or maybe by the fear he had of his mother.

"Poor Mrs. Garcia, she's Roger's mother," I explained. "The kid can't see that all his mother needs of him, is for him to get a job and preferably one where he doesn't end up in jail every few months."

As I turned to the man lying on the gravel, I lost my ability to speak. He was tall and had the most intense grey eyes I had ever seen. And he most definitely wasn't poor; you could tell that by the car and the suit that was perfectly fitted to his body.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, Miss but do you have a phone I could use?" The man said as he rubbed his head, which was bleeding. His iPhone was lying on the floor, completely broken.

Damn! Where were my manners? "Oh sure, I have a phone in my apartment you could use and also I have an icepack you can use for your head if you'd like."

He smiled. "Thank you very much, for stopping them. I didn't see them when I got out of my car and by the time I saw them, they pulled out a gun on me."

A gun? I was so going to talk to Mrs. Garcia. "Mind me asking, but what are you doing in neighborhood like this with a five-thousand dollar Italian handmade suit? Basically, you were begging to get mugged."

He laughed. "Yeah, I guess I'm not that smart."

"Don't worry about it; it could happen to anyone here. Let's get you to my apartment before you bleed yourself to death." I said as I offered him my hand.

The feeling of his hand on mine was extraordinary. It made me warm and fuzzy all over—yup definitely a weird day.

"Well this is my place," I said as I opened the door for the handsome stranger. "You can use my burger phone; I'll get your icepack."

As I left him with the phone I'd purchased on eBay, I looked for the damn icepacks which weren't in the freezer, so I settled for some frozen peas.

"Here," I whispered while the stranger talked to some dude named Taylor. While my stranger was distracted as he talked on the phone, I took my time looking at him. He was really, really handsome, especially in his suit. What was it about suits that made guys hotter?

Placing my groceries on the kitchen counter, I prepared some tea for my guest and me. When I was about to serve the tea, I turned and was surprised to find the stranger looking at me with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for letting me use your phone, my security team will be here in an hour or so. Would you mind me staying here for a while until they arrive?"

Security team? "Yeah, sure thing. I made some tea if you'd like or I have organic orange juice if you prefer."

"Just the tea, please." He said as he sat on a stool by the counter. "Forgive me for not introducing myself, my name is Christian Grey."

I handed him his teacup. "Nice to meet you, Christian. The name's Ana. But I like to call myself Phoebe, I think I'm cooler that way. You're going to probably think I'm obnoxiously nosy, but what is a guy like you doing in a neighborhood like this?"

Christian smiled. "Well I'm interested in buying some buildings here in LA. I'm from Seattle, never trust your GPS, that's my new motto."

"I don't have a car, but when I get myself one I'll definitely never trust my GPS." I smiled at him. "So you have to stay here an hour, right? Do you want to watch TV?"

"I prefer to get know the young woman who saved me from those thugs." He said blowing on his tea to cool it down.

I swelled under his praise. "There isn't much to know. I don't have a car, or a GPS. Let's see what else… I only go out of my apartment to buy groceries or to save men from thugs on the street by threatening to tell their mothers. I have a website where I sell old books and I'm a weirdo—which you probably guessed already. I'm a walking miracle, I should be dead by now, but apparently 'ain't nobody time for that'."

"Why do you say so?" He asked.

"Well, nice to meet you I'm cancer," I said as I looked into my teacup.

I didn't want to look at him, I was afraid I'd see the same look of pity I always saw in people's faces after I told them what I had.

His hand came around mine. "Not a pleasure to meet to you, cancer."

I smiled. "Likewise, Christian. I've told you about the C-word so what about you? What do you do? Besides getting mugged and flaunting your expensive car at people who happen to take the bus every day?"

"I'm the CEO of my own company, I also like to flaunt my cars in rough neighborhoods, get mugged and get saved by brave women who happen to have fast-food shaped phones. I like to buy stuff; you could say I'm the ultimate consumer. I live in Seattle and I'm in LA doing business. I like to fly my helicopter, Charlie Tango and sail in my mighty ship."

I whistled. "If you were trying to impress me, let me say, dayuum! It must be nice to be able to buy everything your heart desires. The thing is, is that I think you rich people live lonely lives. You may have tons of money but at the end of the day, you don't have a cool phone like mine or get to live the experience of getting on a bus every day—which is completely fun."

Christian put his hand on his mouth. "When you put it that way it makes us rich people look snobby, I don't want to be like that, so if you could just tell me where I can purchase a phone like yours it would be nice."

This guy was awesome. Awesomely hot and funny. While we continued our small talk about random things, I was growing fonder and fonder of the stranger I had saved. In the end I think I liked talking to him, and of course looking at him. Who could ever grow tired of that?

My burger phone chirped. "I think that's for you."

Christian answered. "Thank you, Taylor. I'll see you downstairs."

I stood from the counter and made my way towards where Christian was gathering his jacket.

"Thank you, Ana for everything. You made getting mugged seem fun," Christian smirked. "I never thought something like that would come out of my mouth, but that's the evident truth. If you ever find yourself in need of a job I could sure use you for to form part of my security team, since it seems I'm far more protected with you than with them."

I shrugged. "I'm honored, but I don't think I could save you every day from muggers and the daily thugs out on the streets, it's too demanding. I prefer easy jobs and not leaving the comfort of my humble abode. But I know someone who can do some real damage if you have enemies, you just call Mrs. Garcia and she'll karate shop their heads off with her 'chancla."

Opening the door, Christian walked out of my apartment not before taking out his wallet and giving me about five one-hundred dollar bills. "Take the money, I feel that you deserve it after saving me."

I gawked at him. It was a lot of money; surely I could use some cash in my situation, but it wasn't how I rolled. And I knew exactly what I was going to do. "Christian, I can't take the money because what I did was out pure kindness and because I like pissing off Roger. But if you'd like to put a good use to that money, the woman that lives across from me has four children and she is about to get kicked out by the landlord, she would put good use to that money."

"The one in front?" He said as he walked to Mrs. Guerrero's door. "Do you have an envelope?"

I walked to my desk and took a recycled paper envelope I had from my stationary. "Here."

He put the five-hundred dollars, a couple of fifties into the envelope and slipped it under Mrs. Guerrero's door. "There, is that enough? I still feel I should make it up to you somehow that you saved me."

"Trust me, for her it's more than enough. You don't need to make it up to me," I said. There was one way he could make it up to me, and that was seeing him again. "Well, there might be a way you could make it up to me, if you'd like."

"What way is that?" he asked.

"That you have tea with me some other time, I rarely get to talk to people who I don't want to hit in the face after the first twenty seconds of meeting them. So you're the first person, besides my friend, that I don't want to hit in the face."

He smiled. "That's a nice compliment. I'll be here tomorrow for tea."

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" I said as I closed the door behind me.

During the last couple months, I lived every day as if it was my last, not caring about the next day. But as I heard shouts of happiness coming from the apartment across the hall, I knew that tomorrow couldn't come fast enough. Yup, today had been completely out of the ordinary.