Maggie's stomach flipped as she walked down the hall. The ring still sat in her hand, her fingers squeezing it tightly.
She was searching for the words she needed to tell Justin she couldn't stay with him anymore. That she couldn't marry him.
She knew he was going to be devastated. She didn't want to hurt him, but she had to tell him the truth.
She slipped the card in the slot and opened the door. Justin was laying on the bed flipping through the channels.

"Hey babe. Where'd you go?" He asked, then seeing her face.
"Are you ok?"

"We need to talk." She told him, not moving away from the door.
He walked over to her, trying to pull her into his arms.
"I can't." She whispered, more to herself than to him.

"Can't what?" He asked.

"I can't marry you, Justin." She said, taking his hand and putting the ring in it.

"Do you need more time?" He asked her.

"Time wouldn't change how I feel." She said.

"You don't love me?" He asked.

"I do. I love you, but not the way a wife should love a husband." She told him.
"I love you for being there for me. I love you for being such a great friend. But..."

"But what?"

"I can't give you my whole heart when it isn't mine to give."

"This is because of Rollins isn't it?" He asked, anger building in him.

"This is because of me." She tried.
"Because of my past."

"He always is right there in your ear. It's not enough that he is seeing Summer. He thinks he should have control over every women." Justin growled.
"I didn't even have time to react tonight. He ran over and pulled you into his arms. He carried you off, not even giving you a chance to wake up. What did he say to you to make you act like this?"

"It wasn't anything he said." Maggie started as Justin pushed past her into the hall.
Before she could walk out of the room Justin was already beating on Colby's door.

"Get out here Rollins!"
Maggie had just reached Justin when Colby opened the door.
Justin's hand flew before she could reach out to stop him.
Colby dodged most of the punch, catching a small blow on the left side of his face.

"I'm not fighting you man." Colby said.

"You can never leave her alone, can you? You just push and push until she breaks." Justin screamed at him.
"Don't you see what you're doing to her?"

"Don't you see that she doesn't love you?" Colby asked.
"I'm not making her do anything. I didn't make her tell you the truth. I didn't make her kiss me. She does things she wants to do. Haven't you realized that?"

"You kissed him Maggie?" Justin asked turning towards her.

"I'm sorry. I tried to tell you, but you left the room." She said, tears spilling from her eyes.
"I don't want to do this out here, Justin. Not while everyone is watching."

"No, you'd rather break things off in private." He hissed.
"You'd rather be with Rollins, go." He shoved her towards Colby who caught her before she fell.
Justin went back to his room, a second later her bags were thrown out into the hall.

"I'll get them, go into my room." Colby said to her softly.
"Not the way you thought he would take it huh?" Colby asked as he walked through the door, seeing Maggie looking out the window.

"Not at all." She said turning towards him.
"Are you ok?"

"I should be the one asking you that." He said as Maggie walked over to check his face.
"Are you ok?" He asked, taking her hands into his.

"I will be." She forced a small smile.
Colby kissed her forehead.

"I know it was hard. I do. But it had to be done."
She let her arms wrap around him.

"Did you talk to Summer?"

"I tried calling her, but she didn't answer. I left a message for her to call me." He said as there was a loud knock on his door.
"Fuck. It's Summer." He said, looking through the peep hole.
He opened the door to be met with a hard slap across the face.

"You fucking break up with me in a voice mail?" She yelled.

"I told you we needed to talk, I never said about what." He tried to explain.

"Then let me in and we can talk."
Colby refused to move.
"Maggie's here, isn't she? I pulled your love away from her once, I can do it again." She tried pulling him into a kiss but he pushed her off.

"You never pulled my love away from her, Summer. You filled my head full of lies about her. Lies that I have no idea why I believed. I guess deep down I never did. I just wanted something to be mad at her for because she refused me. But I've always loved her." He said.
"I'm sorry if you felt differently about our relationship Summer. But I thought I was clear from the beginning that I wasn't ready to settle down."

"Yeah, well, have a good life. You act like I should be hurt by this, well, I'm not." She said, looking past him at Maggie.
"But I know someone who is. Maybe I'll just see if Justin would like someone's shoulder to cry on."
She smirked and walked away.

"She's such a slut." Colby laughed as he closed the door.

"You're the one who slept with her. What does that make you?" Maggie laughed.
"She got you good with that slap. Come here, let me make it better."
She pulled him to her and kissed him.
"How does that feel?"


"So you don't need me to make you feel better?" She asked.

"Oh no. Wait. I feel like my face is on fire. Oh it hurts so bad." He laughed, backing her up to the bed.