'This wasn't how it was suppose to be.' She thought to herself as she turned off the tv, never understanding why she tuned in every week, knowing what would come of it. She grabbed her laptop, typing in the web address of her favorite wrestling rumor mill.
Going in for her second dose of pain for the night.
The first thing she saw was his name, just like she knew it would be.
He was a hot item right now. She forced her fingers to click on the highlighted link, cringing at what she saw.
The woman she had at one point called her best friend, with her lips pressed against the cheek of the man she was still so desperately in love with.
'That should be me.' She thought, shutting off her laptop and tossing it lightly across the bed, wincing at her recently repaired shoulder that had forced her to take a leave from the business she loved so much.

"Maggie, just wait. Talk to me." He pleaded as she made her way to his front door.
"You're just upset because of the surgery and having to take time off." He lightly grabbed her good arm, making her stop in her tracks.
She knew how much stronger than her he was, and if he wasn't a true gentleman, he would have given her what she deserved after everything she had said to him.
She had been harsh, and said things that weren't true.
She wanted him to have a clean break from her. Not yet knowing if she was ever going to be able to go back to what she loved.

"Just let me go." She said softly, trying to hide the pain in her voice. She jerked her arm away from him, and walked out.

She wished she could wipe that day from her memory, but the pain in his eyes had burnt into her brain, and there was no getting away from it.
She had wanted him to stop her from leaving, she had wanted him to pull her back into his arms and tell her how much he loved her, begging for her to stay. But they had never been like that.
They were simply friends; friends with benefits.
He had never once said he loved her, and she had never mustered up the courage to say it to him, out loud anyway.
She let herself pick up the bottle that was next to her bed, guzzling the little bit that was left, before opening the new one.

"Maggie, just talk to me. Please call me back. If I don't hear from you in two days, I'm coming by." His voice echoed in her head as she deleted his voicemail.
She didn't care what he wanted.
The rumors were already flying around about his new on-screen romance, that was continuing off-screen.

'Oh well, I'll just make myself not be home when he comes.' She thought, until she realized that the call was from two days ago.
She was crawling out of bed, to get dressed to leave, when the knocking on her door started.
Her car was in plain sight, she couldn't act like she wasn't home.
She quickly pulled her hair back, and washed her face, as the knocking turned into banging.

"OPEN THE DOOR MAG!" He yelled. She quickly changed her clothes and made her way to the door.
She opened it slightly, and he pushed his way in. He stood there looking at her.
"You look like hell ran over." He said.

"Thanks." Maggie snapped.

"Why haven't you answered my calls, or anyone else's?" He asked.
"It's been weeks." She just looked at him and shrugged.
"Oh, come on Mag. That's not an answer. I get that you don't want to sleep with me anymore. No big deal. We said when it started that neither of us would get attached. I get it, but I never thought this would ruin our friendship. Now I'm standing here in front of you and you refuse to hardly even speak. What's going on?" His voice echoed, repeating itself over and over.

She was snapped out of her dream by her phone ringing.
"Yes?" She answered.

"Margaret Price?" The voice on the other end asked.

"This is she." Maggie said.

"You missed your rehab appointment. It was for this morning. I was just calling to reschedule."

"I'll just call back in a few days." Maggie said.

"Listen, I know this isn't anything anyone wants to do, but if you don't get in here soon, you'll never get back in the ring. You may not ever regain complete movement in your shoulder." The voice said.
Maggie was suddenly terrified. She couldn't imagine never getting full control of her body again. She knew she had to get back into gear and get with it.

"When is the soonest you have?" She asked.

"Be here in an hour, and I can fit you in. I mean it though, one hour, or I will call your boss, and let them know."

"I'll be there." Maggie said, pulling herself out of bed and to the shower.
The last thing she wanted was a visit from the boss, or his wife. After all they lived less than an hour away, and she knew they would chew her out if she didn't go.
She had only been out for 3 months, and she had already lost everything that was important to her.
Not only her belt, but the man she loved.
Her shoulder was stiff as she washed her hair, but she powered through it. She got dressed and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She grabbed her keys and headed out the door.
The rehab was torture, but the person she was assigned to was a hard ass, and Maggie needed that.
Jen pushed her as hard as she could. Her fire brought out the fire in Maggie that she needed to get her focus on getting back in the ring. She was told when she had torn her tendon off the bone in her left shoulder that she would be out for at least a year, depending on the outcome of the surgery, if she was even able to come back at all. Maggie had taken to the second outcome, not even trying to get back when the rumors started flying around about the on-goings of her two so-called best friends.
The two who had said they couldn't stand each other, now those two were hanging all over each other, and while Maggie could understand why he hadn't called, she didn't get why she hadn't. At least he was there for her surgery, and after; making sure she was ok. It was at that time Maggie knew for sure that she loved him, and since he didn't feel the same about her, she needed to break it off.
That night, when Maggie got home, she cleaned her house of all the alcohol. She started back on her training the next day. She was up with the sun, running her 10 miles, before going to her leg training, leaving her arm work out for rehab.
Two months later she went for her check up. She sat nervously in the small room, waiting on the news that would either send her back to rehab, or back to the ring. At this point she wasn't sure which one she would hate more. She knew where she needed to be, but was she ready to face everyone?
Was she ready to face him?