Last chapter, GUYS! SO STOAKED! XD I don't own Danny Phantom! Flames are a no go. Please comment and fav! aaaaaaaaaannnnnndddd GO!

"Did you rob all those banks?"

"NO, I was being controlled by Freak show."

"Did you really attack the mayor?"

"NO, The mayor was being overshadowed by a ghost named Walker."

"What happened at Axion Labs?"

"Cujo went ripping through there looking for one of his toys and I tried to stop him."

"Did you or did you not eat my fudge this morning?"

"Tsk! can we stop with the questions!?" Danny looked irritated as his parents interrogated him.

They had been doing this for the last three hours, asking various questions. He had explained everything! The accident, The times he was framed, the Dark Dan thing, and even that he had a cousin whom was actually a clone. (He also came clean with Vlad's secret)

"Okay, sweetheart I think that's enough for one day." Maddie said, putting her arms around her husband. "Danny's probably getting stressed out."

"Alright, honey, but one more thing."

Danny looked at his father in confusion, he really had explained everything! What else could they want to know?

"Your mother and I are very sorry son, we just wanted to correctly apologize for... well, everything."

"That's right, sweat heart." Maddie added. "We should have paid more attention to you!...You tried to tell us, didn't ya? But we scared you away with how we talked?"

"Danny, boy." Jack bellowed. "Weather you're human, ghost, or something in between! We'll always love and accept you."

Danny looked up with a smile on his face. "I know" He whispered and gave his parents a giant hug.

"But you're still going to school tomorrow."

"Aww! But mooom!" He whined in return.

"No buts! You're going!"

Danny crossed his arms and begrudgingly agreed. "Fine."

The Fenton family grew considerably closer after that weekend. The parents were now in on the secret and Jazz was just happy that they were all safe.

Mr. Lancer helped Danny a LOT more, along with the other students that had detention that day. (Even though Paulina still thinks she has a chance.)

No one ever did spill his secret. I think it's because they all knew that he was good, or was it that they didn't want to know what would happen if Danny was captured if his secret did get out.

Who knows? :/ Anyway that's how the story ends HAPILY EVER AFTER!... maybe…

Did you guys like the epilogue? I did. Maybe a little short, but whatevs! Fav! Comment! And do not tune in Monday because I am done with this story! I will be doing more stories but not all of them will be Danny Phantom. But I will promise that there will be future ones. ;)


Opin88 was my very loyal Beta reader and I hope she will beta future stories for me since she did such a great job for me on this one! (Note: She didn't start beta reading for me until like, chapter 7 so if the first chapters are crappy, then it's my fault! :/)

My next story will probably start in 9 weeks once I get use to going to school again. NO PROMISES DURING SCHOOL DAYS! If I'm busy then it can't be helped! :( I'll try to post at least on the weekends. sooooo... Bye for now!