Ok so all the promos and sneak peaks have me very emotional over the finale and Regina (you can't tell me that scene in the mine isn't Swan queen). Anyway, I wanted to focus on something happy so this story was born. It's going to be mostly focused on Regina and Emma getting married and having lady babies and just being happy because GOD DAMN IT REGINA DESERVES HER HAPPY ENDING (so does Emma, but clearly my loyalty lies elsewhere).
Regina was sitting in "her" seat at Granny's diner, fiddling with her fingers, staring off into space. She didn't realize that the seat next to her had been occupied and it was a while before she noticed that someone was trying to get her attention.
"Regina." Finally snapped out of her dream like state and looked over to see Snow sitting next to her with an amused look on her face.
"Yes dear?"
"I've been saying your name for two minutes. Any longer and I would have become concerned."
"My apologies, I suppose I have a lot on my mind this evening."
"Well I wouldn't worry too much about it, everything is already set up for tomorrow. All you really need to do is show up."
"I think I can manage that." Regina forced a smile and her one time enemy and step-daughter caught it.
"Come on Regina, out with it. This is supposed to be a happy night and you look like someone cut down your apple tree."
"I'm not very good at letting my guard down for happy things. Every time I've let happiness in, someone has found a way to take it from me and I don't think I'd be able to survive it again…not when there is so much to lose this time." Snow felt bad for pushing, but she suddenly understood why Regina had been acting strange all day.
"Regina, maybe it doesn't mean anything coming from me, but please just hear me out before you disregard what I'm about to say. No one is going to take Emma and Henry away from you and no one is going to ruin the wedding tomorrow." Regina looked behind her to see Emma and Henry dancing in the center of the diner, both of them with huge smiles plastered across their faces. The corners of Regina's mouth tugged upwards into a tentative smile as she tried to not tear up at the very idea of losing her family.
"I've lost them before." Snow grabbed Regina's hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"Regina, I swear to you, on my life, no one will ever take them from you again. This time you all get your happy endings."
"I never thought I'd get one of those, not after Daniel died."
"Well I don't see Emma going anywhere anytime soon."
"Even when I wanted her out of my life she didn't leave." Regina laughed at the memory.
"And let's face it, if Emma didn't leave when you wanted her too, she isn't about to leave now, not now that she has two very important reasons to stay." Regina took a deep breath and let it go as a laugh.
"Who would have ever thought that the Evil Queen and Snow White would one day be civil towards each other and not only that, we'd be planning a wedding with each other that will end with that same Evil Queen marrying your daughter?"
"You told me once that we were the ones that added evil to your name. I think, in light of the fact that you are about to marry my daughter, that it might be time to drop that adjective from your title."
"So, I'd just be a queen?"
"No, you'd be Regina." Regina smiled and took a sip of the drink in her hand. Snow noticed unshed tears in her form stepmother's eyes. "I think that sounds lovely, I miss being Regina." At that moment Emma came over and wrapped her arms around Regina waist and kissed her hair.
"You too have been over here for a long time looking very serious, what am I missing?" Regina put her drink down and spun around to look at Emma, "nothing, just idle conversation about the wedding." Emma narrowed her eyes at her fiancé and shook her head.
"Well that's a lie if I ever saw one, care to try again, this time with the truth?" Regina rolled her eyes and silently cursed Emma's "super power". Snow took the hint and excused herself to go speak to Henry, leaving the two women alone.
"Ok, my mom is gone so spill it, what's wrong?"
"I get to marry you tomorrow, nothing is wrong." Regina smiled and while Emma smiled back she knew there was more to the story then Regina was letting on.
"You are trying not to cry."
"That super power of yours is getting annoying." Emma sat down and took Regina's hands in her own and waited silently for Regina to spill whatever it was that was bothering her. After a while of looking at their interlocked hands Regina sniffled and Emma saw those unshed tears come rolling down her lover's face. She reached up a brushed away the tears and tried to soothe Regina.
"Gina, baby come on, just tell me truth and you'll feel better."
"I don't want to lose you."
"Who the hell said anything about you losing me?"
"Language." Emma rolled her eyes. Only Regina would be concerned with her language at a time like this.
"Regina." Emma focused Regina back on the topic at hand and Regina took a deep breath. "I've always come really close to getting my happy ending, but at the last possible moment, something always ruins it. I'm left alone and I guess I just got to the point where I believed I deserved to be alone. I don't want to lose you or Henry. I hate being alone." Emma's heart broke for Regina. This was a conversation they had had a hundred times, but until they actually were married, this fear of Regina's would be a presence in their lives.
"Regina, I need you to listen really, really carefully to what I am about to say to you. Tomorrow morning you and I are going to wake up at an ungodly hour, do our make-up, put on flawless outfits and then Henry is going to walk you down the aisle to me and I'm going to marry the hell out of you." Regina had to laugh, only Emma would turn an otherwise romantic moment into a situation she could swear in.
"Look at me and tell me that you believe that." Regina finally made eye contact with Emma and nodded. "I believe you, I guess I'm just…"
"Scared?" Regina hated admitting fear, but she knew Emma would see through her if she said she wasn't.
"Well then, it is your lucky day because tomorrow you are going to marry the sheriff of this small town and I've heard stories that she is very good at protecting people. And she's hot so there is that to look forward to." Emma flashed her winning smile at Regina and Regina couldn't help but smile back.
"Feeling better?" Regina dabbed her eyes dry with a tissue and put her normal happy facial expression back on.
"Much, but we should go mingle with our guests before everyone heads home for the evening."
"I still can't believe you let us have the rehearsal dinner here at Granny's."
"I didn't have much of a choice now did I. It was either here or at the house and everything at the house is set up for the actual wedding and I wasn't about to let any large group of people in my home when it is set up for tomorrow."
"Control freak."
"You love me."
"So much." Regina blushed at Emma's words and dragged the blonde sheriff behind her as they made their way around the room. They talked to almost everyone when Charming whistled loudly to get everyone's attention.
"Hey everyone, look I know that we are all getting ready to head home and prepare ourselves for the wedding of the century that will be taking place tomorrow morning, but I wanted to just pause for a moment and say something. The planning for this wedding has spanned over a year and I am looking forward to having my kitchen table not covered in flower arrangements and cake designs." Everyone laughed and Snow just rolled her eyes at her husband.
"All the joking aside, tomorrow is going to be a very exciting day and one that I don't think any of us saw coming. Regardless of how odd the pairing seemed at first, I think we can all agree that Emma and Regina belong together and I for one am very happy to see my daughter so happy, even if it is in the arms of a woman I once considered my enemy. Things change, people change and the heart truly wants what the heart wants. So I would like to propose a toast to Emma and Regina, may your wedding and your marriage be just like a fairytale and last twice as long." Everyone raised a glass and toasted the couple who were beaming at the very touching words coming from Emma's father.
"Well, now that all the sappy stuff has been said, Henry has informed me that it's almost time for the blushing brides to go their separate ways for the evening. But before we do that, we decided one more dance would be in order to give these beautiful women one more moment together before we honor the tradition of the bride not seeing the, well I guess the other bride." People cleared away form the center of the room and Henry pressed a few button on the computer that they were using for music. When the music began to play softly Emma grabbed Regina's hand and pulled her onto the make shift dance floor.
I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her, that's where I belong
I'm running to her like a river's song
She gives me love, love, love, love, crazy love
She gives me love, love, love, love, crazy love
She's got a fine sense of humor when I'm feeling low down
And when I come to her when the sun goes down
Takes away my trouble, takes away my grief
Takes away my heartache in the night like a thief
Give me love, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme crazy love
Give me love, love, love, yes sir, crazy love
Yes, I need her in the daytime
Yes, I need her in the night
But I want to throw my arms around her
Kiss her an' hug her, kiss her an' hug her tight
Kiss her an' hug her tight, through the night
And when I'm returning from so far away
She gives me some sweet lovin' brighten up my day
It'll make me feel righteous, make me feel whole
Make me feel mellow down into my soul
Give me love, gimme love, yes sir, crazy love
Give me love, gimme, gimme, gimme, crazy love
I said she gives me love, love, love, aww, crazy love
She gives me, yeah, crazy love
I said give me love, love, love, love, crazy love
She gives me love, love, yes sir, a crazy love, one more time
She gives me love, love, love, love, she gives me crazy love
She gives me love, love, love, yes sir crazy love
When the music played out and died down Emma leaned forward and kissed Regina. She didn't mean for it to turn into something heated, but with the two of them one kiss always leaded to more.
"Jesus Christ Emma, save something for the wedding night." Ruby hollered from the other side of the room and her comment finally forced the two women to separate. Regina's face turned an adorable shade of red and Emma just stood there with a proud smirk on her face. People came over and said their goodnights before heading home to prepare for the wedding the following day. When it was just the two of them and their family left, Emma knew she was going to have to leave with her mother and say goodnight to Regina. Once they helped clean up Snow started tell Emma that they had to get going.
"It's not like you'll be apart for very long."
"Long enough. We don't sleep very well alone."
"I'm sure Henry will snuggle with Regina tonight and keep her from being lonely."
"He's 14 years old, what fourteen year old do you know that wants to sleep in bed with his mother just to keep her company." Snow turned Emma around to show Henry dancing in slow circles with Regina trying to teach him a particularly tricky dance step. "That 14 year old, I know that 14 year old." Emma had to smile at her son and her soon to be wife dancing and she nodded her head.
"Alright, I get it, I'm going. Just let me say goodnight to them." Snow told Emma that she would meet her at the car. Emma went over and wrapped her arms around Henry and kissed the side of his head which of course made the 14 year old shy away from his mother. "Ew, mom kisses." Regina and Emma shared a devious grin and started attacking the teenager with kisses all over his face.
"Ok, ok I give, just stop kissing me, you have each other for that now." Emma gave him one more hug, "keep an eye on your mother for me ok, make sure she actually gets some sleep."
"I will." Henry went over to where his grandfather was standing and went outside to help him load up Regina's Benz with the leftover food. With just the two of them left in the diner Emma stuck her hands in her pockets like a little kid who was shy.
"Dumb tradition, we've been sleeping in the same bed for almost three years, what difference is one night going to make?"
"You were the one who begged me to let your mother have her way in one of the wedding decisions, so really this is your fault." Regina pointed out that this wasn't her decision to spend the night apart.
"Since when do you listen to my suggestions?" Regina laughed and gave Emma a quick kiss, "since I found out that when I let you have your way I get to have my way with you later." Regina wiggled her eyebrows and Emma almost lost her footing.
"Damn it, Regina you don't get to say shit like that to me right as I'm about to go have a forced sleepover with my mother."
"Well, you'll simply have to hold onto all the pent up sexual tension and put it to good use tomorrow night." Regina winked at Emma and closed the space between them and kissed her again, this time neither of them pulled away until they heard Henry shouting from outside.
"We get it, you love each other, but it's late and you have to wake up early tomorrow. Stop playing tonsil hockey and let's go." Emma laughed as she and Regina walked toward the door.
"You wouldn't happen to know where he learned a phrase like that would you?"
"School?" Emma suggested with a smile and Regina rolled her eyes.
"You better hope that is where he learned it."
Ok so that might have been awful or maybe people liked it, I'm not sure. The finale sneak peaks have been breaking my heart and I am convinced now more than ever the Lana deserves EVERY AWARD EVER. Anyway, this is the story that will help me survive tomorrow and get me through to season 3.