Author's Note: Just a small note for all those that read this story, so I will be quick about it and then proceed to upload all of the six chapters this story contains. This story has been inspired by 'Freaks in Love' of Dirty Reidand 'The Third Uzukage' of Dark-Nate18. I decided to write this story after reading the former and wanted to use an idea that I later found out to be used in the latter. I wanted to give them credit because they were a) original and b) in my opinion better written than my stories. I do truly hope that everybody that will read this will enjoy the story. It is rather short, so it shouldn't take up to much of your time.

But I will leave that for what it is and await to hear your judgement, hopefully, through reviews and/or Personal Messages. please enjoy my latest brainfart.

Just to be sure. Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any shape or form.

Chapter 01 - Prologue

Black and white. That was the world. No color, no sound, no smell, just a silent picture that seemed to pass by. Naruto was aimlessly wandering around town, trying to make sense of it all. He wondered if he did something terrible wrong for all of the things that happened in the last two weeks. He had to have done something. Otherwise nothing made sense. But even after six hours of randomly walking in the soundless, odorless and colorless world, he could not think of one tiny thing that was bad enough to break him like this.

He fought damn hard in the Fourth Shinobi War; he would like to think that his arrival turned the tide because he was able to locate the infiltrating White Zetsu's. And that just concerns the foot soldiers of the enemy army. He had helped seal a dozen or more revived people, saved more than a hundred and again, that was just for the front line. It wasn't even counting the big fights, with Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Madara. And they were using the seven fallen Jinchuuriki complete with perfect control of their demon, a Sharingan and the Rinnegan. But he had prevailed. True, he wasn't able to save Kakashi, but he still visited the grave today, three years after the war was over.

He fulfilled every promise he could remember, even bringing Sasuke back. The promise was honored six and a half years after he had made it, but he still did it. He had brought Sasuke back after the second most dangerous battle of his life. Of course, Sasuke alone was no comparison with the final battle of the war. Though it was emotionally. But he had brought the boy…man back to Konoha and fulfilled his promise with Sakura.

The mere thought of the pink haired girl stabbed his heart repeatedly. He had spent every second he knew the girl, trying to go on a date with her. After the war she had agreed. They had the best time. They were dating seriously for a year, nothing could go wrong; Naruto was even planning on popping the big question. It all changed in a heartbeat. It all changed two weeks ago, just before a romantic dinner, with a hand on the box containing the ring.

Naruto had brought back Sasuke six weeks before. He had been detained for his crimes, but just before Naruto and Sakura were to enter the restaurant (the most expensive and romantic Naruto could find), Sasuke walked up to them. It was surreal, what was the raven haired guy doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be in jail? Before Naruto got to ask him why he was free, Sakura let go of his hand, jumped at the Uchiha and kissed him. Not a peck on the cheek, no, Naruto could see tongue being exchanged. Apparently, Sasuke no longer wanted to destroy Konoha and was willing to re-build his clan here, in the village that his ancestors started. Conveniently leaving the Senju clan out of the equation. He had even chosen the perfect girl for it, the girl that always worshipped him, apparently. The girl didn't even look at her blond boyfriend when she squealed in delight that she was in the arms of her crush and this time he didn't push her away, but actually hugged her back.

He was heartbroken, he was angry, he was jealous, he was done. Done with her, done with his former best friend. Said 'friend' even smirked at him smugly. The 'Uchiha' name had gotten him out of prison by the civilian council. Because the precious remaining member of the founding clan of the village was too precious to lock away. The color started to drain from the world at that day.

But all was not lost, even if his love life was shot to hell, there was still the upcoming retirement of Senju Tsunade. Seeing as Naruto had grown into a fine young man, that has displayed tremendous prowess throughout the years, not to mention being THE hero that saved the world from Uchiha Madara's plan, he was the favorite for being selected as the Rokudaime Hokage. Danzo was never instated, so he was left out of history as village leader.

How wrong Naruto was.

It happened just, now, seven hours ago. The Godaime was to announce her successor and all the shinobi and many of the prominent civilians were there. Naruto was giddy with excitement; he was the favorite after all. His lifelong dream was about to be fulfilled. But when he saw the barely restrained anger on the older woman face, he started to get worried. When she gave him an apologetic look, he was extremely disappointed. But the last bit of color, sound and smell left as she announced the next leader of the village.

"I hereby announce that Uchiha Sasuke will be the Rokudaime Hokage."

Many of the shinobi were shocked at hearing this, the major clans present wore the same look as Tsunade herself; barely concealed anger. But it didn't matter how they looked, it seemed that the civilian council had their way again and choose the precious Uchiha as next Hokage, ignoring the fact that he was a traitor to the village, had killed several shinobi and was responsible of more than one of the near-death experiences Naruto had; the hero of the village.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the villagers, who were finally showing him some respect and kindness for the efforts in the war and defeating Pain when he saved the village were forgotten. He had banged up the now-Hokage. He had injured him severely; he was a monster after all. He had not just lost his girl and his dream; he had once again lost his place in the society he had nearly died for a hundred times.

Sakura walked up with Sasuke, clinging to his arm and the Sharingan wielder gave him another smug smirk when he accepted the position. He would be instated next week, to let the current Hokage finish her running projects and give him time to settle in.

The shinobi who were going to shout in protest had whipped to the side when they heard a single person clapping, and many of them hung their head in pain when they saw Naruto clapping. His face was pale and devoid of emotion, but his eyes had said it all. Tears flowed freely across his cheeks without sobbing or sniffling and the spark of life that inspired so many was gone. The boy they had come to adore and admire had now left and left in its place an empty shell of who he used to be.

The memories kept on repeating themselves in his head, and his steps were sluggish. Even after eight hours, he was still a wreck, even more so then when he left the ceremony.


The Konoha 11, minus Sakura and Naruto had been frantically searching for the blond, Mitarashi Anko and Senju Tsunade had joined the search. The group of twelve had looked high and low, but even though he wasn't at any of his usual spots, they couldn't find him. When one Hyuuga Hinata finally did, she sent a signal to the rest of the group.

Naruto walked on ahead, with no real destination or purpose in mind, but he soon found twelve people in front of him. He saw their mouths moving, but couldn't hear the words. He saw Tsunade and Hinata stepping closer to him, but he couldn't see the usual bluish or blond color of their hair. He simple moved his head to his side in confusion, before asking in a monotone voice what they were saying and what was wrong.

Tsunade and Hinata cried when they saw the lifeless boy. It was just too much. Tsunade tried to explain that she had tried, really tried to name him, but the civilian council wouldn't allow him to be the next Hokage. That the civilians outvoted the shinobi on the matter. Neji, Hinata, Chouji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Ino, they all confirmed it, they had been told by their family, who all had seats on the shinobi part of the council.

Naruto told them that it didn't matter. And with a flash of yellow he found himself at his house. He went to sleep. Maybe if he woke up in the morning, he would find out it was all a dream and none of it all happened. He would wake up with Sakura in his arms; they would walk up to the ceremony where he would be named Hokage.


His life never did go as he wanted, for when he woke up the next day, he was still depressed. He still felt betrayed and he was getting angrier by the second. He got up for a shower, but everything went on automatic, he barely registered the scorching hot water that pelted against his skin. He barely registered the rough towel that he used to dry of the last remnants of water. He was out of his house and walked towards the graveyard. Maybe spending some time with his parents or his perverted teacher or even the Sandaime would break him out of this spell.

It did, but only a little bit. It only angered him more in the end, when he looked at the names of the people who sacrificed their life to protect Konoha. He felt as if the village betrayed the engraved names, by selecting a traitor for the metaphorical throne. He kept on staring at each name. Tears fell when he thought about his fallen family. His real parents, his godfather and his grandfather; the last two never actually were related by blood, but their role in his life was nothing less.

It was a strange thought, when he out of nowhere saw that in a way they all had something to do with Fuinjutsu. All of them were a master, three of them died using the most powerful on. He decided that it might not be a bad thing to learn some on his own, to honor them all at the same time.

A long walk to the library later, he entered the new building. He was already used to the glares that he was getting, so he simply walked by the front desk and looked up a book about the Art of Sealing. It turned out there weren't that many of them, but he did finally find one. It told of the basics and how symbols worked. And what the possibilities were. There were basically no limits. The people that were considered masters of the art never got the change to experiment a lot due to circumstances and a lack of time. He chuckled at the thought; with his Kage Bunshin he could easily counter that.

Someone walked by him, bumping into him on purpose and knocked the book of the table. Naruto simply ignored the prick of a man and picked up his book but stopped half way when he read one of the passages on the open page.

The members of the Uzumaki clan were THE sealing experts of the world. Their prowess was feared by all except the Senju clan who they were related to. They had their own hidden village on a small island not that far from the country of Wave. Sadly, they were so feared that several villages banded together to wipe them out. Fortunately more than one of the villagers escaped, his mother being one; that much he knew. He wanted to see the place he decided then.


It took him less time than his trip to the library to reach the Hokage's office. Tsunade was surprised to see him, but was glad all the same. When she confirmed he was at home asleep yesterday, only then did she allow herself the time to nearly drink herself to death. She had just woken up, trying to wrap up her own projects as perfectly as possible, while creating the most difficult of projects for her successor. Naruto was a pleasant distraction.

She was shocked at his question. He wanted a sabbatical. She was sad to say that he couldn't get one, because he already had one when he left with Jiraiya on a three year training trip. When he explained why he wanted it, and that he really needed the one year to come to terms with all that was happening in the village she really had to think on what she could do to let him do what he wanted. Luckily she didn't have to think long. Naruto had the solution.

"Then give me the title of Sage. That way I can come and go as I please."

Tsunade was surprised at the suggestion. She wasn't sure if it was possible. On the other hand, why shouldn't it be? She became a Sennin when she studied under the Elder of the Snails. Jiraiya became a Sennin when studying under the Elder of the Toads. The same was true for Orochimaru, who studied with the Snakes. That was just after the three of them were titled Sannin. Naruto had studied among the Toads and he was at the very least a battle Sage; he has been undefeated for the past six years. Even under impossible odds. And it could be her final gift to him as Hokage.

She agreed. Naruto would be a Sennin.

She asked the young man in front of her when he was planning to go and if he was going to return. The blond replied that he was definitely coming back, because he still had some friends here. He didn't know what he might do after that, but he would definitely return after his trip. Tsunade was sad to see him go, but she understood. His girl stolen, his dreams crushed and even his deeds were ignored. He was betrayed by the very village he trusted. IF he would leave the village, so would she, she had nothing besides the blond here anyway. But she would wait here for his return, so he would get a warm welcome from at least one person in this village.


Hinata was just as sad as Tsunade, though she wasn't aware yet that Naruto was planning to leave for a year. But for her crush to be broken like this, she felt her own heart shatter. And it wasn't only Naruto that was affected by this new development; her father was livid as well. The Hyuuga clan was one closest to nobility and they valued honor and propriety as much as they valued strength. For a deserter of the village, who had to be dragged back to the village, to be chosen as the next leader of the village all because of his family's name went too far even for the tight knitted clan of Doujutsu wielders.

Her team mates, Aburame Shino and Inuzuka Kiba, whose parent were both on the shinobi part of the council, had reported their father/mother having the same reaction. Hinata was trying to come up with methods of cheering up her crush, but couldn't think of anything.

She was surprised when out of nowhere, the subject of her thoughts stood in front of her. She started blushing and mumbling, but the apathetic look on Naruto's face stopped her in her tracks. She asked him how he was holding up, if she could do anything for him. He slowly shook his head, even that simple gesture, performed as slowly as that by the usually energetic young man felt like a stab to her heart.

He started talking and she listened to his every word. She wanted to cry when he said that he was going to be traveling for a bit, to search for his history. But she understood, everybody needed time to come to terms with life changing events. She asked if he would come back and felt relief flood her when he nodded in acquiescence. Her relief soon turned into confusion when he apologized. She made known that she didn't know why he did that, but what she thought he had forgotten…he never had.

He apologized for never giving her a reply for her confession during the Pein invasion. She started to feel more nervous than she had ever been, but his next words made her feel grateful.

"I have been selfish. At that time, there really wasn't any time for me to properly think about whom I loved and who I would want to be with. Sakura tried to deceive me then by confessing to me as well. But when everything was over, I still had feelings for Sakura. Even though I always thought about you, I thought it would be unfair to give a reply while I wasn't sure about my feelings. I still am not sure about what I feel towards you, and if you have moved on I don't blame you, but if not, could you give me a bit more time to discover myself before I answer to you."

She knew that if she was any other girl with any other boy as her crush, she would have gotten over him within the first year. But this was no longer a crush, she loved this blond man. With everything she had. She was the last of the Konoha 'Rookies' that was still single. She didn't mind. Neji was engaged with his former teammate Tenten. Shikamaru found the average woman he always wanted in a woman from the Decryption Department named Chiho. Shino was married to a girl from a rival clan, in the hopes of merging their clans. Chouji, Kiba, Ino and Rock Lee had all found their lovers, partners or fiancé(e)'s. She was the last one with Naruto, even though his break up was not expected.

She could wait a bit longer.

He smiled then. Not a fake smile like he used to when he was a boy or an emotionless smile like she had expected from him in this state, but a true smile. True, it was small, but it was real and her little heart fluttered at the sight. Yes, she could definitely wait a bit longer for him, but only because it was him. She hoped he would be safe until he got back. But most of all, she hoped that he could find something to get him past this.


Mitarashi Anko had been planning the assassination ever since she heard the news of the little traitor's major and undeserved promotion. Even if the kid wasn't a traitor, he was officially still a Gennin. The one she thought that did deserve this, she saw breaking apart. She wished she could do more to help him, but she also knew that he would be the first suspect if the Hokage-to-be was killed before or even after he was inaugurated.

Anko was about to leave though the gate for a mission when she saw her hero walking with the Sennin outfit he wore during the Pein invasion; a crimson red long overcoat with black trimmings. He had only two large scrolls on his back and he seemed to set out.

She called his name and watched as lifeless eyes turned back to look at her. She flinched when she saw it. Anko could still remember the day he saved her from Sasuke's former subordinates. She never remembered them taking her after Kabuto managed to knock her out, but when she came too she was being carried by a big guy. She had no concrete idea of what was planned for her, but she was too drained of chakra and stamina to be able to talk, let alone move. There was a glint in their eyes which shook her body with fear. If it wasn't for Naruto accidently stumbling upon them in his search for Zetsu's base, who knew how she would've end up?

She asked him where he was going and he briefly explained that he found out about his clan and their home. He was going to try and find out more about himself in the hopes to overcome this, his, tragedy. She could understand to a certain extent. She was an orphan from birth, never knowing who her parents were. She would like to think that she might find comfort in finding out about her heritage. She was curious if he was coming back, even if he wasn't her savior, he was a cool guy to hang around with. He had grown up tremendously from the brat she once nicked with her knife during the Chuunin exam.

Would she leave the village if he did leave? She did owe him her life. It was only normal to serve someone until that debt was repaid.

"Naruto, if you ever need anything, anything at all and it is within my power, all you need to do is ask and I will do everything I can do to help you." The smile she got in return warmed her in more ways than she wanted to admit.

She watched as the young man set out towards the horizon. His broad shoulders on his tall muscular frame. He was so much like his father, it was almost scary. Even the way his smile affected the ladies. She wouldn't mind a rump with him once. It would be a good way to repay the debt. Once the blond hero was no longer visible, she took off for her own mission. She would have to wait and see what will happen in the future. But she meant what she said. Al he had to do is ask.


It took one week to arrive at Uzushiogakure. The traveling itself was easy, within four days Naruto was at the Land of Waves, boarding a ship towards his ancestral home. The other three days were spent trying to find a way past the Whirlpools protecting the island. When the blond did finally arrive, he was dead beat. He wanted to look around as much as possible, but he knew he had plenty of time. He would set up camp for now and go to sleep. Tomorrow he would try and dig up some of his past in these ruins.