Who is ready for a Tate Wedding….


"The dress it's wrong, it's all wrong Rachel." I cried as I studied myself in the full length mirror only two hours before I was set to walk down the aisle to meet Tony and the rest of our life together.

"Kate what's wrong about it? The dress looks amazing and it looks great on you." And she was right, the dress is beautiful it is a pure white lacy strapless that hugs right down to my hips and then flares out into a gorgeous mess of lace and tulle. Maybe I am just panicking about nothing.

"I don't know, I um what if Tony hates it, what if it's too much, what if it's not enough." I began to take big deep breaths.

"Caitlin Anna Marie Todd Tony will love whatever you wear whether it's this or jeans or smart-suite you wear to work. Hell even if you went naked he would be happy."

"He… Never mind. You think I look okay?"

"I think you look amazing Kate." Rachel told me with a huge smile. I sat down in the chair and let my mind wander to other happy times in my life as the stylist worked on my hair and makeup. Rachel sat in her lavender cocktail dress over by the bay window staring out at the people gathered to witness this amazing day.

Two hours later and I was standing at the start of the aisle just inside the door's of the amazing Hampton home owned by Tony's father. The music was playing and my dad was standing beside me holding my arm. "You ready pumpkin." He asked me a single tear unshed in his eye.

"As ready as I'll ever be daddy. I love him so much." I knew I didn't need to tell my father this last bit as he already knows my feelings for Tony but I cant seem to help myself. The music picked up and we began our walk towards the aisle. There he stood, tall and handsome, the sun making his dark blond hair shimmer. His suite; pristine; his stance; perfect. This day; perfect.

We reached the alter, my father handed me over to Tony telling him to take good care of me and to make sure to never hurt me. The catholic priest I had requested began the ceremony.

… "Is there anyone who objects to this union please speak now or forever hold your peace?" A hushed silence filled the great lawn a bird chirped in the distance singing their songs.

"I object." Came an accented voice, everyone turned in the direction of the house. There stood my worst nightmare. One I had thought dead for many years. They told me she killed him. "Caitlin Todd my darling, I see you have come back."

"How the hell are you alive Haswari?" Tony spat from his place beside me. I moved as close to him as I could knowing my future husband would protect me from harm.

"Well they sent my sister to kill me and we sure made it look good, huh Agent Gibbs?" Gibbs stood from his seat in the front row and stared coldly I presume at the man who had attempted to murder me.

"Security." McGee said into a walkie he had kept on his belt. "Please escort this man out of the grounds and have him transported to FBI headquarters."

"Agent McGee you are going to have security throw me out. Well I just need to say my piece then I will leave willingly." Everyone was silent.

"Caitlin, my dear I do not understand why you are so frightened of me, I have never actually harmed you. I have been searching for you for years. I want to take you away to the home I have built for us. My sister told me when you returned it was a very grand day."

"Stay away from her or I will kill you myself." Tony hollered. I noticed a small gun on Ari's side, hidden so most couldn't see it. I pulled my own side arm from under my skirt and pointed it directly at him. Shocked gasps escaped the large congregation of wedding goers.

"I will never go anywhere with you, my home and my heart is here. I hate you. Now you have three seconds to leave before I pull this trigger and by god as my witness no one will arrest me for it, you tried to kill me and Gerald and countless others, you are a terrorist and a murderer. You deserve to die."

"Amen." The priest said from behind her.

"I'm going." He turned to leave, the guard grabbing him and hauling him off. I turned Tony who still looked very shaken.

"It's okay, he is gone." I leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Are you okay to continue or do you want to change the day?" He asked me, the beautiful smooth look he wears returning to his face.

"I'm good to keep going, I want to be your wife." We both turned to the priest and smiled.

"Well that was quiet the event, how about we continue and forget all that." He looked out at the crowd who still wore stunned expressions.

… "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Tony leaned in close and kissed me like he has never kissed me before which of course made me blush. "Everyone I would like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. DiNozzo"

The crowd went wild with cheers as Tony and I bolted down the aisle towards the main house. We decided to stay here for our honeymoon to save money to buy a house.

"Well we did it Tony, we are married. Oh my god I can't believe we are married." I laughed. He picked me up and spun me around.

"You Caitlin DiNozzo have made me the happiest man alive. I can't wait to start our life together. But first we must party, everyone is downstairs waiting for us." I smiled my biggest smile at him, nothing was going to get me down, not even Ari Haswari.

We met all of our friends and family down in the ballroom. Abby, Gibbs, McGee, Jimmy and his wife Breena, and so many others. It was the most magical night ever.

"Tony it's your turn to get her." I said shoving my pillow over my head to drown out the cries of our 4 month old daughter Kelly. I heard Tony's shuffling as he made his way out of our bedroom in the three story 4 bedroom 3 and a half bath house we purchased last year in Georgetown down the hall and into the light green nursery. Gibbs had built all the furniture for the room and helped Tony paint.

In honour of Gibbs we decided to name our first daughter Kelly, after his little girl who had been killed long ago. He cried. I had never seen Gibbs show emotion like that and I was really shocked. He was there waiting in the lobby when I had her. Tony and I were honored to be allowed to use her name.

Our life was perfect. We had everything we ever wanted. The FBI managed to get rid of Ari for good, Ziva was never heard from again, I decided to become a stay at home mom while Tony continued to work for NCIS. Life was amazing.

Thank you everyone who has read this story and the one preceding it. Please keeping reading and reviewing I love hearing what you all think.
