AN: So this is a new story I just started writing. The idea came to me very suddenly and I decided to write it down and post it. The pairing is Fem!Persy/Triton. Yes, I know they are technically brother and sister but as it is mentioned more than once the gods don't have DNA, so it isn't a problem. Zeus is married for his sister Hera, after all. So it shouldn't be a problem.
The rating is T for now but it might be changed to M. I'm not sure right now.
This is kind of the prologue so that's why it's so short. Next chapter should be longer.
A Drop in the Ocean
A Very Merry Christmas
For the first time ever, Percy was having a normal, even by mortal standards, Christmas hoiday. There weren't any monsters, quests and wars hovering over her head and certainly no Gabe, so she could actually enjoy a holiday with her familly. Well, mortal familly at least.
You see, Percy's dad was Poseidon, and if you are aware of the greek myths, you should recognize him as the god of the sea. And yes, the gods exist. They live on the 360th floor of Empire State Building in New York, where Mount Olympus is currently situated, hanging over a thick veil of clouds, high above the city. Mortals don't even realize that the realm of the gods is just above their heads.
But Percy, being a demigod, had visited the eternal city more than once. Last year she had fought the King of the titans, Kronos, there and they had, well, trashed everything. After Kronos was defeated, Percy's best friend Annabeth, daughter of Athena, had been assigned Architect of Olympus and was currently working to restore the city to its previous glory. Percy herself had been named Hero of Olympus and granted one wish from the gods.
Everything had been pretty calm after the end of the war and most of the monsters had scattered and gone into hiding. So what Percy expected was a calm Christmas dinner with her mother and step-father.
She couldn't have been more wrong. After all the life of a demigod was never calm. Especially hers.
Just as the small family was preparing to open the presents in front of the huge Christmas tree her mother had insisted they buy, the doorbell rang, breaking the conversation going on.
"Who could that be?" Percy's mom, Sally, asked, receiving only shrugs for answer. She stood to her feet and went to answer the door, while Percy listened intently. She heard the door click as it opened and a deep male voice speak.
"Is Persephone here?"
She was sure she had heard the voice before but couldn't place where. But at the instant, Percy knew that this someone was not from the mortal world. Nobody here knew her full name, except her family, and she was pretty sure her mom didn't recognize the man.
Sharing a look with Paul, she stood and followed the path her mother had taken, Paul at her heels. A man was indeed standing in the doorway. He was tall with broad shoulders and tousled black hair. There was something familiar in his features and it took Percy a moment to realize where she had seen him before. Before the war, Percy had finally had the chance to meet her father's immortal family in hid palace at the bottom of the ocean. And the man at the door was one of sea gods.
The man at the door was Triton.
He looked different though. His skin had lost its green hue and he had grown legs at the place where his fish tail had been. He was currently wearing a dark green shirt and black pants, so much different from the battle armor she had seen before.
His head snapped to look at her, his sea-green eyes locking with her own.
"Triton?" Percy asked, unable to conceal the surprise in her voice. The last time she had met her half brother, he had been cold towards her, mocking her courage and ability. She was left with the impression that he didn't like her at all. The girl's mind coudn't fathom the idea of him coming to her apartment to look for her unless something really bad had happened. A thousand terrible scenarios were keeping her mind occupied so she almost missed his nod of acknowledgement.
"Persephone." He greeted steadily, his face emotionless mask, but the girl was pretty sure that he didn't really want to be there. "I need to speak with you."
Dread growing in her chest, Percy nodded and invited him inside, to the living room, where one of her presents lay on the floor, half unwrapped.
"What is going on?" She asked bluntly, once they were all seated around the table, including her parents. Triton's expression turned sorrowful and Percy's heart dropped to her stomach, knocking the breath out of her.
This was going to be a long night.
So, you know the drill. Read and Review!