A/N: Hello, I am Korea. Rose's...friend? Yeah, friend. Ha, yep...friends. (._.)"
Please enjoy the fic.
Also, feel free to review and leave a comment saying whatever you want, just keep it appropriate for the dear, sweet children. (Sarcasm much?)
I do not own Hetalia.
Also, this is an AU with Spamano as the main pairing.
He woke up in the middle of a street, crowds of people walked past him, ignoring him as if he wasn't worth their time. He rubbed his temple, swearing like a sailor when he felt an aching pain in his skull. He looked around with a confused frown.
Where the hell was he?
He stood up shakily, cursing again when he nearly lost his balance. With a stubborn scowl, he willed himself to walk along with the crowd. Like before, no one paid him any attention as he moved along like a wounded, drunk animal.
He bit his lip from the blistering pain in his head, wanting to scream as it suddenly flared up. It was worse, much worse, then a migraine.
He swore and told himself to keep moving.
Finally, he reached the sidewalk after what seemed like an eternity. His whole body protested to the overexertion he had put it through. With a few more choice words, he sat down on a bench near what seemed like a park. He rested there for a few minutes, watching groups of children squeal and chase each other.
With a small smile, he watched them, forgetting all his troubles and confusion from earlier. He laughed as he saw a little boy trip, get back up, and brag how he was a big boy to his worried mother.
A small girl was on the swings, chattering away with one of her friends.
Another boy walked his dog, trying to catch up and laughing as his dog jumped on him.
Two kids sat on a see-saw, squealing in delight every time they sent each other into the air.
Shaking his head, he tore his attention away from the kids and racked his memories. He frowned when he found none. He tried again. Nothing.
He didn't know when the hell he had gotten here.
He didn't know how the fuck he got here.
He didn't know where the fuck he was.
He didn't even know who the hell he was.
In shock, he slowly blinked his eyes and counted to ten to calm himself down.
Who was he?
He didn't know who he was.
He desperately scanned through his mind again, trying to force himself to remember. A small wave of memories entered his mind, jumbled, confusing memories. One memory stood out in his mind the most.
"Lovino Romano Vargas!"
The voice in his head repeated the name.
"Lovino Romano Vargas!"
Was that his name? He took in a deep breath, Lovino, his name would be Lovino until he could confirm whether it was his name or not.
Twiddling his thumbs, he wondered what he should do. If he couldn't figure out who he was, how the hell was he supposed to know what to do? Did he have a home? A family? Friends? What did he have?
He sat there, growling in frustration when a child came near him. He looked at the kid curiously who looked at him and waved. In confusion, he waved back. It was the small boy who had tripped earlier.
The kid looked right at him in an unsettling manner. Suddenly, the kid stood on the bench, continuing to wave happily. Lovino frowned and reached out to push the kid away who was dangerously close to crossing his personal bubble space.
His hand passed right through the kid.
Lovino flinched and pulled his hand back. He slowly turned around and realized that the kid had been waving at his mother who smiled and waved back.
Lovino stood up and tried to push the small boy away gently when his hand passed through him again. Lovino flinched once more and backed away. With a nervous look, he noticed another small girl run towards him. He shut his eyes, waiting for the impact.
When he felt nothing, he opened his eyes and looked behind him. The girl had ran right past him.
He whimpered in fear, how the hell had that happened?
More kids chased the girl, passing through him like the girl had.
Lovino walked up to someone and waved a hand in front of her face.
He got no response.
He tried again and again with different people, each time receiving the same response. None.
He breathed heavily nervously, no one could see him.
Suddenly, the pain in his head returned. He let out a scream of pain and clutched his head with both of his hands. Just what the hell was going on? He leaned against a tree, sitting down, now unable to stand properly.
He curled into a tight ball, whimpering from the pain and shock from finding that he was more then invisible to everyone. He wanted to know what was happening, it scared him that he knew so little. He buried his face into his arms, hoping that it would be a dream.
He let the dark surround him as he blacked out.
Someone was holding him, mumbling soothing words while the person ran a hand through his hair. Lovino sighed contently and allowed this person to hold and comfort him. He looked up and smiled when he saw emerald-green eyes look into his own golden-amber ones. Absent-mindedly, he hummed a soft song and leaned against this new person.
"How are you feeling now?",the person's voice asked in amusement.
"Great.",Lovino sighed happily. He felt so relaxed and content around this person. He looked up at the person's beautiful, shimmering green eyes again, mesmerized by their alluring shine.
"Do you know who you are?",the voice asked, a slight hint of worry in his voice.
"No...not really.",he laughed softly.
The person stayed silent for a while before speaking.
"You should wake up, Lovi."
Lovino's eyes shot open, this voice was different. A bit smugger, more...bitchy then the last one.
He rubbed his eyes and looked up. This person was smirking, his emerald-green eyes more sharper and colder then the ones from his...dream? The person twirled a lock of his mahogany brown hair while studying him carefully.
Lovino looked away from his gaze, blushing in embarrassment, what kind of freak came to look at people sleeping under trees? Wait...what kind of freak could see him in general?
...someone could see him. Someone could fucking see him.
Lovino looked back up,"The fuck...? You can see me!?"
The person yawned,"Of course, why couldn't I?" He smirked again,"Oh, sorry, was I not allowed to look? Excuse me for not having any decency."
Lovino blushed a bright red, he spluttered indignantly,"What the hell?! Shut the fuck up!"
The person pouted mockingly,"That's not very nice..." Giving a soft chuckle, he added,"I assume you have a name?"
Lovino scowled,"I don't talk to fucking strangers who stare at people in their sleep."
"But I'm the only fucking stranger that can see you.",the man taunted playfully,"Don't you want some answers, sweetie?"
Sweetie? Fuck this guy. Lovino thought about his situation before relenting,"I...think my name is Lovino. Lovino Romano Vargas."
The man laughed unpleasantly,"Well, I think my name is Antonio."